allocate_unique occasionally runs:
delete dbms_lock_allocated where expiration < sysdate;
to clean up expired UL locks.
This delete statement makes me rethink my previous Blog: "Update Restart and new Active Undo Extent"
is this delete can also cause Restart ?
The appended test code confirms it (tested on AIX and Solaris in Release
When several sessions call allocate_unique, it can cause certain "enq: TX - row lock contention" on dbms_lock_allocated.
As a unintentional side effect, once more than 100000 "UL" locks are generated by dbms_lock.request, queries on v$lock and v$enqueue_lock are heavily affected, even after all "UL" locks are released.
Test Code
create or replace function get_undo_extent_cnt return number
l_cnt number;
select count(*) into l_cnt from dba_undo_extents where status = 'ACTIVE';
return l_cnt;
create or replace package pacepack
type array is table of number index by varchar2(40);
g_data array;
g_cnt number;
g_restart_cnt number;
g_undo_extent_cnt number;
end pacepack;
drop table delete_data;
create table delete_data as
select sysdate + level/86400 tim, rpad('abc', 100, 'x') txt from dual connect by level <= 100000;
create or replace trigger delete_data_bt
before delete or update on delete_data
for each row
if ( pacepack.g_data.exists(rowidtochar(:old.rowid)))
pacepack.g_restart_cnt := pacepack.g_restart_cnt + 1;
dbms_output.put_line( 'doing "' || :old.rowid ||
'" again was called ' || pacepack.g_cnt );
dbms_output.put_line('-- Restart#: ' || pacepack.g_restart_cnt ||
', Undo Extent Count: ' || get_undo_extent_cnt);
pacepack.g_data(rowidtochar(:old.rowid)) := 1;
end if;
pacepack.g_cnt := pacepack.g_cnt + 1;
create or replace procedure testp as
l_cnt number := 0;
l_del_cnt number;
pacepack.g_cnt := 0;
pacepack.g_restart_cnt := 0;
delete delete_data where tim <= (select max(tim) from delete_data);
l_del_cnt := sql%rowcount;
dbms_output.put_line( 'trigger_count (' || pacepack.g_cnt || ') = ' ||
'delete_count (' || l_del_cnt || ') + ' ||
'restart_count (' || pacepack.g_restart_cnt || ') = ' ||
(l_del_cnt + pacepack.g_restart_cnt)
exec testp;
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHmm2AAF" again was called 10716
-- Restart#: 1, Undo Extent Count: 5
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHmoFAAS" again was called 15581
-- Restart#: 2, Undo Extent Count: 6
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHmpSAAf" again was called 20446
-- Restart#: 3, Undo Extent Count: 7
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHmqhAAs" again was called 25311
-- Restart#: 4, Undo Extent Count: 8
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHmruAA5" again was called 30176
-- Restart#: 5, Undo Extent Count: 9
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHms+AAH" again was called 35041
-- Restart#: 6, Undo Extent Count: 10
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHmuNAAU" again was called 39906
-- Restart#: 7, Undo Extent Count: 11
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHmvaAAh" again was called 44771
-- Restart#: 8, Undo Extent Count: 12
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHmwpAAu" again was called 49636
-- Restart#: 9, Undo Extent Count: 13
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHmx2AA7" again was called 54501
-- Restart#: 10, Undo Extent Count: 14
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHmzGAAJ" again was called 59366
-- Restart#: 11, Undo Extent Count: 15
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHm0VAAW" again was called 64231
-- Restart#: 12, Undo Extent Count: 16
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHm1iAAj" again was called 69096
-- Restart#: 13, Undo Extent Count: 17
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHm2xAAw" again was called 73961
-- Restart#: 14, Undo Extent Count: 18
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHm3+AA9" again was called 78826
-- Restart#: 15, Undo Extent Count: 19
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHm5OAAL" again was called 83691
-- Restart#: 16, Undo Extent Count: 20
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHm6dAAY" again was called 88556
-- Restart#: 17, Undo Extent Count: 21
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHm7qAAl" again was called 93421
-- Restart#: 18, Undo Extent Count: 22
doing "AAC2jpAAAAAHm85AAy" again was called 98286
-- Restart#: 19, Undo Extent Count: 23
trigger_count (100019) = delete_count (100000) + restart_count (19) = 100019
So for each restart, a new active Undo Extent is created.