Monday, January 30, 2023

Oracle dbms_crypto.randombytes and Enhancement Suggestion

Oracle dbms_crypto provides three random functions: randombytes, randomnumber, randominteger. Internally they are subroutine kzstr called by dbms_crypto_ffi.random.
(randomnumber, randominteger are restricted cases of dbms_crypto_ffi.random(16) and dbms_crypto_ffi.random(4)).

dbms_crypto.randombytes function is based on the RSA X9.31 PRNG (Pseudo-Random Number Generator) ( DBMS_CRYPTO).

NIST wrote:
As of January 1, 2016, in accordance with the SP800-131A Revision 1 Transitions: Recommendation for
Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths, the use of RNGs specified 
in FIPS 186-2, [X9.31], and the 1998 version of [X9.62] is no longer approved. 
This list is provided for historical purposes only.
It is probably related to to: Practical State Recovery Attacks against Legacy RNG Implementations (Underlying cause: Seeding invertible PRNG with insufficient entropy).

In this Blog, we will give a dbms_crypto.randombytes Enhancement Suggestion with draft code. Then we take UUID generations as a use case of random functions, and compare Plsql vs. Java implementations.

Note: Tested on Oracle 19.17.

1. Draft Implementation of dbms_crypto.randombytes Enhancement Suggestion

We can enhance dbms_crypto.randombytes to read /dev/random or urandom as something like following code:

create or replace directory DEV_RANDOM_DIR as '/dev';

create or replace function randombytes_new (p_mode varchar2, p_len number := 16) return raw as
  l_random_bytes    raw(30000);
  l_file            utl_file.file_type;
  l_line            varchar2(10000);
  not_implmentation exception; 
  pragma exception_init (not_implmentation, -20001); 
  case p_mode
    when 'H' then
      l_file := utl_file.fopen('DEV_RANDOM_DIR', 'random', 'R');
      utl_file.get_line(l_file, l_line); 
      l_random_bytes := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(l_line);
    when 'M' then
      l_file := utl_file.fopen('DEV_RANDOM_DIR', 'urandom', 'R');
      utl_file.get_line(l_file, l_line);
      l_random_bytes := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(l_line);
    when 'L' then
      l_random_bytes := dbms_crypto.randombytes(p_len);     -- no read of /dev/random or urandom
    else raise_application_error(-20001,'no_implmentation');
  end case; 
  if p_mode in ('H', 'M') then 
  end if; 
  l_random_bytes := lower(substr(l_random_bytes, 1, p_len*2));
  return l_random_bytes;

-- Test
SQL > select randombytes_new('H'), randombytes_new('M') , randombytes_new('L') from dual;


2. UUID Generation

Take UUID generations as a use case of random functions, we will compare Plsql vs. Java implementations.

Java java.util.UUID reads /dev/random (/dev/urandom) and provides a cryptographically strong random number generator (RNG) with high entropy, as described in RFC 1750: Randomness Recommendations for Security. (calls with selected security.provider)

sun Java security provider NativePRNG has 3 Variants: MIXED, BLOCKING, NONBLOCKING (default MIXED):
      BLOCKING:     seedFile = new File(NAME_RANDOM); nextFile = new File(NAME_RANDOM);
      MIXED:        seedFile = new File(NAME_RANDOM); nextFile = new File(NAME_URANDOM);
      NONBLOCKING:  seedFile = new File(NAME_URANDOM);nextFile = new File(NAME_URANDOM);
java.util.UUID.randomUUID() provides IETF RFC 4122 version 4 UUID

In internet, we can find different uuid implmentations with Oracle dbms_crypto and Java,
for example: How to generate a version 4 (random) UUID on Oracle?

Here our test code:

create or replace function dbms_crypto_uuid return varchar2 is
  /* UUID Version 4 must be formatted as xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx 
     where x is any hexadecimal character (lower case only) and y is one of 8, 9, a, or b.*/
  v_uuid_raw raw(16);
  v_uuid     varchar2(36);
  v_y        varchar2(1);
  v_uuid_raw := sys.dbms_crypto.randombytes(16);
  v_uuid_raw := utl_raw.overlay(utl_raw.bit_or(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(v_uuid_raw, 7, 1), '0F'), '40'), v_uuid_raw, 7);
  v_y := to_char(8 + round(dbms_random.value(0, 3)), 'fmx');
  v_uuid_raw := utl_raw.overlay(utl_raw.bit_or(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(v_uuid_raw, 9, 1), '0F'), v_y || '0'), v_uuid_raw, 9);
  v_uuid     := substr(v_uuid_raw,  1,  8)||'-'||
                substr(v_uuid_raw,  9,  4)||'-'||
                substr(v_uuid_raw, 13,  4)||'-'||
                substr(v_uuid_raw, 17,  4)||'-'||
                substr(v_uuid_raw, 21, 12);
  return v_uuid;

--Java Variant-1
create or replace function java_uuid_v1 return varchar2 as language java
name 'java.util.UUID.randomUUID() return String'

--Java Variant-2
create or replace and compile java source named "RandomUUIDV2" as
import java.util.UUID;
public class RandomUUIDV2{
  public static String create() {
    return java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString();

  private static class Inner {
    //overwrite Object.toString()
	  public String toString()
	     System.out.println("Call Stack");
         StackTraceElement[] stackTraces = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
	     for (int i = 1; i < stackTraces.length; i++) {
	       System.out.println("    " + (stackTraces.length - i) + " " + stackTraces[i]);
	    return "End";
  public static String ToStringCompare() {
    Inner inner = new Inner();
    System.out.println("\n---------- Object toString implicit ----------\n");
    System.out.println("\n---------- Class  toString explicit ----------\n" );
    return "ToStringCompare";

create or replace function java_uuid_v2 return varchar2 as language java
name 'RandomUUIDV2.create() return String';

create or replace function to_string_compare return varchar2 as language java
name 'RandomUUIDV2.ToStringCompare() return String';

create or replace procedure test_proc_uuid(p_cnt number, p_use_method varchar2 := 'dbms_crypto', p_gc_limit number := null) as
  l_uuid_str        varchar2(200);
  l_java_es_return  varchar2(50);
  l_gc_cnt_start    number;
  l_gc_cnt_end      number;
  l_heap_size_start number;
  l_heap_size_end   number;
  l_endsess_cnt     number := 0;
  l_start_time      number := dbms_utility.get_time;
  dbms_output.put_line('============== test_proc_uuid('||p_cnt||', '||p_use_method||', '||p_gc_limit||') ===========');
  select s.value into l_gc_cnt_start from v$mystat s, v$statname n 
   where s.statistic#= n.statistic# and name in ('java call heap gc count');
  select s.value into l_heap_size_start from v$mystat s, v$statname n 
   where s.statistic#= n.statistic# and name in ('java call heap used size');
  for i in 1..p_cnt loop
    case p_use_method
      when 'dbms_crypto' then 
        l_uuid_str := dbms_crypto_uuid;     
      when 'java_v1' then
        l_uuid_str := java_uuid_v1;     
      when 'java_v2' then
        l_uuid_str := java_uuid_v2;      -- with randomUUID().toString()
      else raise_application_error(-20010, 'no implementation');
    end case;
    if mod(i, p_gc_limit)= 0 then
      l_java_es_return := dbms_java.endsession;
      l_endsess_cnt := l_endsess_cnt + 1;
    end if;
  end loop;
  select s.value into l_gc_cnt_end from v$mystat s, v$statname n 
   where s.statistic#= n.statistic# and name in ('java call heap gc count');
  select s.value into l_heap_size_end from v$mystat s, v$statname n 
   where s.statistic#= n.statistic# and name in ('java call heap used size');
  dbms_output.put_line('dbms_java.endsession count = '||l_endsess_cnt||', Elpased_CS = '||(dbms_utility.get_time-l_start_time));
  dbms_output.put_line('java call heap gc diff = '||(l_gc_cnt_end - l_gc_cnt_start)||' ('||l_gc_cnt_end||'-'||l_gc_cnt_start||')');
  dbms_output.put_line('java call heap used size diff = '||(l_heap_size_end - l_heap_size_start)||
                       ' ('||l_heap_size_end||'-'||l_heap_size_start||'), '||' End Size(KB) = '||(round(l_heap_size_end/1024)));
Here some test output:

SQL> set serveroutput on size 50000
SQL> exec dbms_java.set_output(50000); 

SQL> select dbms_crypto_uuid, java_uuid_v1, java_uuid_v2 from dual;

  DBMS_CRYPTO_UUID                     JAVA_UUID_V1                         JAVA_UUID_V2
  ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
  F82C9C94-6BBA-47B0-AC1B-9593224FC974 4c5c9e82-4646-4f75-bf40-84f2c46479ab e85416af-3665-4053-96c2-b5b06aa7f6de

SQL> select to_string_compare from dual;

  ---------- Object toString implicit ----------
  Call Stack
      4 RandomUUIDV2$Inner.toString(RandomUUIDV2:12)
      3 java.lang.String.valueOf(
      1 RandomUUIDV2.ToStringCompare(RandomUUIDV2:23)
  ---------- Class  toString explicit ----------
  Call Stack
      2 RandomUUIDV2$Inner.toString(RandomUUIDV2:12)
      1 RandomUUIDV2.ToStringCompare(RandomUUIDV2:25)

// java.lang.String.valueOf
//   public static String valueOf(Object obj) {
//         return (obj == null) ? "null" : obj.toString();
//     if the argument is null, then a string equal to "null"; otherwise, the value of obj.toString() is returned.
We can also make a small performance test (time and memory). Here the test and output on Linux:

  test_proc_uuid(10000, 'dbms_crypto');
  test_proc_uuid(10000, 'java_v1');
  test_proc_uuid(10000, 'java_v2');

  test_proc_uuid(10000, 'dbms_crypto', 1000);
  test_proc_uuid(10000, 'java_v1',     1000);
  test_proc_uuid(10000, 'java_v2',     1000);

============== test_proc_uuid(10000, dbms_crypto, ) ===========
dbms_java.endsession count = 0, Elpased_CS = 23
java call heap gc diff = 0 (90-90)
java call heap used size diff = 0 (136352-136352),  End Size(KB) = 133
============== test_proc_uuid(10000, java_v1, ) ===========
dbms_java.endsession count = 0, Elpased_CS = 112
java call heap gc diff = 1 (91-90)
java call heap used size diff = -61792 (74560-136352),  End Size(KB) = 73
============== test_proc_uuid(10000, java_v2, ) ===========
dbms_java.endsession count = 0, Elpased_CS = 86
java call heap gc diff = 1 (92-91)
java call heap used size diff = 3903360 (3977920-74560),  End Size(KB) = 3885
============== test_proc_uuid(10000, dbms_crypto, 1000) ===========
dbms_java.endsession count = 10, Elpased_CS = 18
java call heap gc diff = 0 (92-92)
java call heap used size diff = 0 (3977920-3977920),  End Size(KB) = 3885
============== test_proc_uuid(10000, java_v1, 1000) ===========
dbms_java.endsession count = 10, Elpased_CS = 245
java call heap gc diff = 10 (102-92)
java call heap used size diff = -3903360 (74560-3977920),  End Size(KB) = 73
============== test_proc_uuid(10000, java_v2, 1000) ===========
dbms_java.endsession count = 10, Elpased_CS = 114
java call heap gc diff = 10 (112-102)
java call heap used size diff = 61792 (136352-74560),  End Size(KB) = 133