Sunday, June 26, 2022

Tests of Oracle ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid

In this Blog, we will make a few tetss of Oracle ORA-01866 in Named and Offset Time_Zone (TZ).

Note 1: Tested in Oracle 19.13, 19.10, 18.9, 12.1
Note 2: The behaviour was first observed by other people in Oracle applications.

1. Test Setup

We create a test table with a column of data type "timestamp with local time zone" and insert two rows with value of "to_date(1,'J')" (4712-JAN-01 00:00:00 BC) in Named TZ and Offset TZ respectively.

drop table test_tab;

create table test_tab (id number, lts timestamp with local time zone);

alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Paris';

-- row 1 inserted in Named TZ
insert into test_tab values (1,  to_date(1,'J'));


alter session set time_zone = '+02:00';

-- row 2 inserted in Offset TZ
insert into test_tab values (2,  to_date(1,'J'));


alter session set nls_date_format         ='YYYY*MON*DD HH24:MI:SS AD';    
alter session set nls_timestamp_format    ='YYYY*MON*DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3 AD';
alter session set nls_timestamp_tz_format ='YYYY-MON-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3 TZR TZD AD';

select validate_conversion('0' as date, 'J', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') not_valid_date_0_return_0,
       validate_conversion('1' as date, 'J', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') valid_date_1_return_1,
       validate_conversion('2' as date, 'J', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') valid_date_2_return_1
  from dual;

  ------------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
                          0                     1                     1

select cast('0' as date default '2459808' on conversion error, 'J', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') not_valid_date_0_return_today,
       cast('1' as date default '2459808' on conversion error, 'J', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') valid_date_1_return,
       cast('2' as date default '2459808' on conversion error, 'J', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') valid_date_2_return
  from dual; 

  ----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
  2022*JUN*26 00:00:00 AD 4712*JAN*01 00:00:00 BC 4712*JAN*02 00:00:00 BC

2. Test Run

We will make 4 tests for 4 combinations of Named and Offset TZ.
All commented test outputs are from Oracle 19.13 on Sqlplus running on Microsoft Windows remotely connecting to Unix DB.

2.1 Test in Named TZ for Row inserted in Named TZ

col id    for 999
col lts   for a40
col dtext for a40

alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Paris';

select dbtimezone, sessiontimezone from dual;
  --  +01:00    Europe/Paris

select t.*, dump(lts) dtext from test_tab t where id = 1;
  --       1    7161*JAN*01 00:51:00.000 AD    Typ=231 Len=7: 53,88,1,1,1,52,1

select cast(lts as timestamp with local time zone) from test_tab where id = 1;
  --  7161*JAN*01 00:51:00.000 AD

select cast(lts as timestamp with time zone) from test_tab where id = 1;
  --  ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid

select cast(lts as date) from test_tab where id = 1;
  --  ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid

select sys_extract_utc("LTS") from test_tab where id = 1;
  --  ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid

2.2 Test in Offset TZ for Row inserted in Named TZ

alter session set time_zone = '+02:00';

select dbtimezone, sessiontimezone from dual;
  --  +01:00    +02:00

select t.*, dump(lts) dtext from test_tab t where id = 1;
  --       1   7161*JAN*01 01:51:00.000 AD    Typ=231 Len=7: 53,88,1,1,1,52,1

select cast(lts as timestamp with local time zone) from test_tab where id = 1;
  --  7161*JAN*01 01:51:00.000 AD

select cast(lts as timestamp with time zone) from test_tab where id = 1;
  --  4712-JAN-02 01:51:00.000 +02:00  BC

select cast(lts as date) from test_tab where id = 1;
  --  4712*JAN*01 01:51:00 BC

select sys_extract_utc("LTS") from test_tab where id = 1;
  --  4712*JAN*01 23:51:00.000 BC

2.3 Test in Named TZ for Row inserted in Offset TZ

alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Paris';

select dbtimezone, sessiontimezone from dual;
  --  +01:00    Europe/Paris

select t.*, dump(lts) dtext from test_tab t where id = 2;
  --  ORA-01877: string is too long for internal buffer

select cast(lts as timestamp with local time zone) from test_tab where id = 2;
  --  ORA-01877: string is too long for internal buffer

select cast(lts as timestamp with time zone) from test_tab where id = 2;
  --  ORA-01877: string is too long for internal buffer

select cast(lts as date) from test_tab where id = 2;
  --  ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

select sys_extract_utc("LTS") from test_tab where id = 2;
  --  ORA-01877: string is too long for internal buffer

2.4 Test in Offset TZ for Row inserted in Offset TZ

alter session set time_zone = '+02:00';

select dbtimezone, sessiontimezone from dual;
  --  +01:00    +02:00

select t.*, dump(lts) dtext from test_tab t where id = 2;
  --       2    2848*MAY*07 00:00:00.000 BC    Typ=231 Len=7: 71,152,151,127,24,1,1

select cast(lts as timestamp with local time zone) from test_tab where id = 2;
  --  2848*MAY*07 00:00:00.000 BC

select cast(lts as timestamp with time zone) from test_tab where id = 2;
  --  ORA-01877: string is too long for internal buffer

select cast(lts as date) from test_tab where id = 2;
  --  ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid

select sys_extract_utc("LTS") from test_tab where id = 2;
  --  ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid

3. Script to Find to_date(1,'J')

With following script, we can find all rows with column value: "to_date(1,'J')":

alter session set time_zone = '+02:00';
  -- alter session set time_zone = dbtimezone;
  -- alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Paris';

  l_lts       timestamp with local time zone;
  l_lts_dump  varchar2(50);
  for c in (select id from test_tab)
      select lts, dump(lts) into l_lts, l_lts_dump from test_tab where id =;
      if l_lts_dump like 'Typ=231 Len=7: 53,88,1,1,%' or l_lts_dump like 'Typ=231 Len=7: 71,152,151,127,%' then
        dbms_output.put_line('ID='|| ||', '||l_lts||','||l_lts_dump||'===>4712-01-01 BC');    --write to a table
        dbms_output.put_line('ID='|| ||', '||l_lts||','||l_lts_dump);
      end if;
    exception when others 
      then dbms_output.put_line('ID='||||', '||SQLERRM);   --write to a table
  end loop;
Here two rows found:

ID=1, 4712*JAN*01 01:51:00.000 BC,Typ=231 Len=7: 53,88,1,1,1,52,1===>4712-01-01 BC
ID=2, ORA-01891: Datetime/Interval internal error
Following tests show that we cannot find all such rows with simple queries:

alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Paris';

select * from test_tab where lts = to_date(1,'J');
  --  1   7161*JAN*01 00:51:00.000 AD
alter session set time_zone = '+02:00';

select * from test_tab where lts = to_date(1,'J');
  --  no rows selected

4. Error Code and Date Format

Following tests demonstrate that Error Code varies with Date Format:

alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Paris';

alter session set nls_date_format  ='DD-MON-YYYY';  

select cast(lts as date) from test_tab where id = 2;
  -- ORA-01801: date format is too long for internal buffer

alter session set nls_date_format  ='YYYY-MON-DD';  

select cast(lts as date) from test_tab where id = 2;
  -- ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

5. Oracle Releases and Used Tools

The output depends on Oracle Releases and used tools (Sqlplus local or remote Connections, TOAD, Sql Developer).

For example,

--=== Oracle 19.13 with remote Connection:

alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Paris';

select cast(lts as timestamp with local time zone) from test_tab where id = 1;
  --  7161*JAN*01 00:51:00.000 AD
--=== Oracle 19.10, 18.9 and 12.1 with remote Connection:

alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Paris';

select cast(lts as timestamp with local time zone) from test_tab where id = 1; 
  --  ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid
Even strange is that if you run the same select twice, the output of first run and that of the second can be different.

6. 1866 Trace Event

Oracle MOS: "EM 12c: Error in the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Repository Database Alert Log: ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid (Doc ID 1969582.1)" documented 1866 trace event as follows:

      Set the event:
       alter system set events '1866 trace name errorstack level 3';
      wait for the next ORA-1866
       alter system set events '1866 trace name errorstack off';
Once setting this event system wide, when ORA-1866 occurs, DB alert.log shows that trace file, which contains Current SQL Statement, call stack, and data block dump.
From them, we can locate the problem program, table, data block and table rows.

For example,

alter session set max_dump_file_size = UNLIMITED;
alter system set events '1866 trace name errorstack level 4';
alter session set time_zone = 'Europe/Paris';

  l_lts            timestamp with local time zone;
  l_lts_date       date;
  l_lts_dump       varchar2(50);
  select cast(lts as date), dump(lts) into l_lts_date, l_lts_dump from test_tab where id = 1;
    -- ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid

alter system set events '1866 trace name errorstack off';

-- Output
  ERROR at line 1:
  ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid
  ORA-06512: at line 6
Then DB alert.log shows:

Errors in file /orabin/app/oracle/admin/testdb/diag/rdbms/testdb/testdb/trace/testdb_ora_24592.trc:
ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid
Open trace file "testdb_ora_24592.trc", we can see:

ORA-01866: the datetime class is invalid
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=068wc1kt3fhhn) -----

----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
  object      line  object
  handle    number  name
0x80bf09d8         6  anonymous block

----- Call Stack Trace -----
 [9] (dbgdProcessEventActions()+525 -> dbgdRunActions())
[10] (dbgdChkEventKgErr()+394 -> dbgdProcessEventActions())
[11] (dbkdChkEventRdbmsErr()+65 -> dbgdChkEventKgErr())
[12] (dbgePostErrorKGE()+1066 -> dbkdChkEventRdbmsErr())
[13] (dbkePostKGE_kgsf()+71 -> dbgePostErrorKGE())
[14] (kgeade()+392 -> dbkePostKGE_kgsf())
[15] (kgeselv()+89 -> kgeade())
[16] (kgesecl0()+145 -> kgeselv())
[17] (evadica()+565 -> kgesecl0())
[18] (evaopn2()+747 -> evadica())
[19] (evaopn2()+594 -> evaopn2())
[20] (evaopn2()+594 -> evaopn2())
[21] (opifcr()+524 -> evaopn2())
[22] (kdstf110010100000000km()+1015 -> opifcr())
[23] (kdsttgr()+2154 -> kdstf110010100000000km())
[24] (qertbFetch()+1090 -> kdsttgr())
[25] (opifch2()+3211 -> qertbFetch())
[26] (opiefn0()+490 -> opifch2())
[27] (opipls()+3142 -> opiefn0())
[28] (opiodr()+1202 -> opipls())
[29] (rpidrus()+198 -> opiodr())
[30] (skgmstack()+65 -> rpidrus())
[31] (rpidru()+132 -> skgmstack())
[32] (rpiswu2()+543 -> rpidru())
[33] (rpidrv()+1266 -> rpiswu2())
[34] (psddr0()+467 -> rpidrv())
[35] (psdnal()+624 -> psddr0())
[36] (pevm_EXECC()+306 -> psdnal())
[37] (pfrinstr_EXECC()+56 -> pevm_EXECC())
[38] (pfrrun_no_tool()+60 -> pfrinstr_EXECC())
[39] (pfrrun()+902 -> pfrrun_no_tool())
[40] (plsql_run()+752 -> pfrrun())
Trace file also contains data block dump (including rdba, obj, block_row_dump).
From above tests, we can see the dump of those special datetime:

select id, dump(lts, 16) from test_tab;

 ID   DUMP(LTS,16)
 ---- ---------------------------------
  1	  Typ=231 Len=7: 35,58,1,1,1,34,1
  2	  Typ=231 Len=7: 47,98,97,7f,18,1,1
Then searching string "35 58 01 01" and "47 98 97 7f" in data block dump, we can locate the exact problem rows:

BH (0x114f7b180) file#: 74 rdba: 0x001300ff (1024/1245439) class: 1 ba: 0x114404000
  set: 15 pool: 3 bsz: 8192 bsi: 0 sflg: 0 pwc: 0,25
  dbwrid: 0 obj: 4733309 objn: 4733309 tsn: [0/3315] afn: 74 hint: f
tab 0, row 0, @0x1f8a
tl: 14 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x1  cc: 2
col  0: [ 2]  c1 02
col  1: [ 7]  35 58 01 01 01 34 01
tab 0, row 1, @0x1f7c
tl: 14 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x2  cc: 2
col  0: [ 2]  c1 03
col  1: [ 7]  47 98 97 7f 18 01 01

7. Datatype Conversion

Look xplan:

select * from test_tab where lts = to_date(1,'J');

| Id  | Operation         | Name     | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT  |          |     4 |   104 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  1 |  TABLE ACCESS FULL| TEST_TAB |     4 |   104 |     3   (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   1 - filter("LTS"=TO_DATE('-4712-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))
Predicate Information shows that Oracle internally converts "to_date(1,'J')" to "TO_DATE('-4712-01-01 00:00:00', 'syyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')"
which is datatype "DATE", whereas LTS is datatype "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE"
(such conversion can cause "ORA-01878: specified field not found in datetime or interval").

Oracle Datetime (1) - Concepts wrote:
When you compare date and timestamp values, Oracle Database converts the data to the more precise data type 
before doing the comparison. 
For example, if you compare data of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type with data of TIMESTAMP data type, 
Oracle Database converts the TIMESTAMP data to TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, using the session time zone.

The order of precedence for converting date and timestamp data is as follows:
For more discussions of Oracle datetime, see Blog: Oracle Datetime (1) - Concepts