Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Second Test of ORA-600 [4156] Rolling Back To Savepoint

In the previous Blog: ORA-600 [4156] SAVEPOINT and PL/SQL Exception Handling, we followed Oracle MOS Note:
and presented 5 reproducible test codes (one original from MOS plus 4 variants).

In this Second Test, we extend the previous test by including Global Temporary Table (GTT), and run the test with trace and dumps to get further understanding of the error.

The original MOS Note: Bug 9471070 cannot be found any more. As a substitute, we found a new published MOS Note:
     ORA-00600: [4156] when Rolling Back to a Savepoint (Doc ID 2242249.1)
which provides a possible workaround:
     Set the TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED back to the default setting of FALSE.
We will repeat the same tests with this workaround and watch the outcome.

Note: Tested in Oracle 19.6

1. Test Setup

The test includes a normal table and a GTT table. GTT table is created analogue to SYS.ATEMPTAB$. We also list their object_id for later dump file reference.

drop table test_tab purge;
create table test_tab(id number);

drop table test_atemptab purge;
create global temporary table test_atemptab (id number) on commit delete rows nocache;
create index test_atempind on test_atemptab(id);

select object_name, object_id from dba_objects where object_name in ('TEST_TAB', 'TEST_ATEMPTAB', 'TEST_ATEMPIND');
  -------------  ---------
  TEST_TAB         3333415
  TEST_ATEMPTAB    3333416
  TEST_ATEMPIND    3333417     
By the way, SYS.ATEMPTAB$ (and its index SYS.ATEMPIND$) has the smallest object_id in dba_objects with TEMPORARY='Y', possibly the earliest Oracle temporary object. If ORA-00600: [4156] points to some SYS object like this one, it probably signifies an Oracle internal error since applications do not have privilege to directly perform DML on it.

2. ORA-600 [4156] Error Message

At first, we perform all the tests with TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED= TRUE. Later we will test the workaround of FALSE (default) provided by MOS (Doc ID 2242249.1).

Open a Sqplus window, run following code snippet (similar to VARIANT-3 in Blog: ORA-600 [4156] SAVEPOINT and PL/SQL Exception Handling).

savepoint sp_a;
insert into test_tab values(1);
insert into test_atemptab values(11);
savepoint sp_b; 
  rollback to savepoint sp_a;
  insert into test_atemptab values(12);
  rollback to savepoint sp_b;
The session is terminated with ORA-00600, and an incident file is generated:

ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4156], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
[], [], [], []
ORA-01086: savepoint 'SP_B' never established in this session or is invalid
ORA-06512: at line 4
Process ID: 25417
Session ID: 902 Serial number: 20826
Opening incident file, it shows:

kturRollbackToSavepoint temp undokturRollbackToSavepoint savepoint uba: 0x00406a82.0000.02 xid: 0x005f.016.00007623
kturRollbackToSavepoint current call savepoint: ksucaspt num: 342  uba: 0x00c060ad.15fe.11
uba: 0x00406a82.0000.02 xid: 0x005f.016.00007623
 xid: 0x0386.000.00000001           <<< 0x0386 is Session ID: 902 (0x0386)
The first line indicates that the session is trying to rollback to a target savepoint by using temp undo (uba: 0x00406a82.0000.02) in transaction (xid: 0x005f.016.00007623).

The second and third line contain the info at the moment of crash, probably caused the error, which are savepoint (num: 342), permanent undo (uba: 0x00c060ad.15fe.11), temporary undo (uba: 0x00406a82.0000.02), transaction (xid: 0x005f.016.00007623).

The fourth line (xid: 0x0386.000.00000001) is not clear. As all the tests suggested, the first hexadecimal number is Session ID, for example, above 0x0386 is Session ID: 902. The second and third hexadecimal numbers are always 000.00000001.

3. Test with Trace and Dumps

To further explore the error, we can add some trace code to the test.

First we create a helper Plsql procedure to write out transaction and permanent/temporary undo info.

create or replace procedure write_info (p_step varchar2, p_sleep number := 5) as
  l_dst       binary_integer := 1;
  l_sid       number;
  l_trx       varchar2(100);
  l_temp_undo varchar2(100);
  select sid into l_sid from v$mystat where rownum=1;
  select 'SID:'||s.sid||', XID:('||xidusn||'.'||xidslot||'.'||xidsqn||', '||flag||
         '), UNDO:('||ubafil||', '||ubablk||', '||ubasqn||', '||ubarec||')'
  into l_trx
  from v$transaction t, v$session s 
  where t.addr(+) = s.taddr and s.sid = l_sid;
  select 'TEMP_UNDO_HEADER:('||segrfno#||', '||segblk#||', '||segfile#||')' 
  into l_temp_undo
  from v$tempseg_usage t, v$session s 
  where t.segtype(+) = 'TEMP_UNDO' and t.session_addr(+) = s.saddr and s.sid = l_sid;
  sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(l_dst, p_step||l_trx||', '||l_temp_undo);
Each output line is composed of three tuples (all numbers in decimal):

  Step sid, XID:(xidusn.xidslot.xidsqn, flag), 
            UNDO:(ubafil, ubablk, ubasqn, ubarec), 
            TEMP_UNDO_HEADER:(segrfno#, segblk#, segfile#)
In the above test code, we add write_info after each code line. Step1 to Step5 make a default pause of 5 seconds. At Step6, we sleep 300 seconds, so that we have time to make dumps.

Open a Sqlplus window, run code below:

alter session set max_dump_file_size = unlimited;

alter session set tracefile_identifier = "Test_f";  

savepoint sp_a;
  exec write_info('Step1_');   
insert into test_tab values(1);
  exec write_info('Step2_');
insert into test_atemptab values(11);
savepoint sp_b; 
  exec write_info('Step3_');
  rollback to savepoint sp_a;
  insert into test_atemptab values(12);
       write_info('Step6_', 300);
  rollback to savepoint sp_b;
And monitor the trace file "Test_f", once it reaches Step6 as follows:

Oracle process number: 38
Unix process pid: 16147, image: oracle@testdb
*** SESSION ID:(370.53180) 2020-09-13T15:21:48.003188+02:00

*** 2020-09-13T15:21:53.118636+02:00
Step2_SID:370, XID:(89.15.51190, 7683), UNDO:(3, 2476, 6688, 3), TEMP_UNDO_HEADER:(, , )

*** 2020-09-13T15:21:58.165769+02:00
Step3_SID:370, XID:(89.15.51190, 7683), UNDO:(3, 2476, 6688, 3), TEMP_UNDO_HEADER:(1, 19328, 3073)

*** 2020-09-13T15:22:03.263868+02:00
Step4_SID:370, XID:(89.15.51190, 7683), UNDO:(3, 2476, 6688, 3), TEMP_UNDO_HEADER:(1, 19328, 3073)

*** 2020-09-13T15:22:08.352391+02:00
Step5_SID:370, XID:(89.15.51190, 5635), UNDO:(0, 0, 0, 0), TEMP_UNDO_HEADER:(1, 19328, 3073)

*** 2020-09-13T15:22:13.553650+02:00
Step6_SID:370, XID:(89.15.51190, 5635), UNDO:(0, 0, 0, 0), TEMP_UNDO_HEADER:(1, 19328, 3073)
we pick the three tuples from Step4 line:

Step4_SID:370, XID:(89.15.51190, 7683), UNDO:(3, 2476, 6688, 3), TEMP_UNDO_HEADER:(1, 19328, 3073)
and make the both permanent and temporary undo dump (19328 is temp undo header block, we make 4 more blocks dump to include undo data block):

oradebug setmypid;
alter system flush buffer_cache;
alter system checkpoint;

oradebug settracefileid undo_f;
alter system dump datafile 3 block min 2476 block max 2476; 

oradebug settracefileid temp_undo_f;
alter system dump tempfile 1 block min 19328 block max 19332;	
and additionally make a processstate dump (38 is Oracle PID of test session):

oradebug setorapid 38;
oradebug settracefileid proc_f;
oradebug dump processstate 10;
After about 6 minutes, the session terminated with fatal error:

ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4156], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-01086: savepoint 'SP_B' never established in this session or is invalid
ORA-06512: at line 7
Process ID: 16147
Session ID: 370 Serial number: 53180
and incident file looks like:

========= Dump for incident 73594 (ORA 600 [4156]) ========
*** SESSION ID:(370.53180) 2020-09-13T15:27:13.752430+02:00

kturRollbackToSavepoint temp undokturRollbackToSavepoint savepoint uba: 0x00404b82.0000.02 xid: 0x0059.00f.0000c7f6
kturRollbackToSavepoint current call savepoint: ksucaspt num: 394  uba: 0x00c009ac.1a20.03
uba: 0x00404b82.0000.02 xid: 0x0059.00f.0000c7f6
 xid: 0x0172.000.00000001         <<< 0x0172 is Session ID: 370 (0x0172)
Now we go through all three dumps (only related lines are extracted).

3.1. Permanent Undo

We inserted one row into test_tab. "Rec #0x3" is the only undo record (first and last), noted with "rdba: 0x00000000" and "rci 0x00". It is "uba: 0x00c009ac.1a20.03" (rdba: 3/2476, seq: 6688, rec: 3) in above incident file.

========= undo_f ========
Start dump data blocks tsn: 2 file#:3 minblk 2476 maxblk 2476
Block dump from cache:
Dump of buffer cache at level 3 for pdb=0 tsn=2 rdba=12585388
BH (0x140f569e8) file#: 3 rdba: 0x00c009ac (3/2476) class: 194 ba: 0x1400c6000
 xid: 0x0059.00f.0000c7f6  seq: 0x1a20 cnt: 0x3   irb: 0x3   icl: 0x0   flg: 0x0000
 Rec Offset      Rec Offset      Rec Offset      Rec Offset      Rec Offset
0x01 0x1f78     0x02 0x1ec4     0x03 0x1e3c     
* Rec #0x3  slt: 0x0f  objn: 3333415(0x0032dd27)  objd: 3333415  tblspc: 2300(0x000008fc)
*       Layer:  11 (Row)   opc: 1   rci 0x00   
Undo type:  Regular undo    Begin trans    Last buffer split:  No 
Temp Object:  No 
rdba: 0x00000000Ext idx: 0
flg2: 0
uba: 0x00c009ac.1a20.02 ctl max scn: 0x000008d5bc68c586 prv tx scn: 0x000008d5bc68c589
txn start scn: scn: 0x000008d5bc68ccc8 logon user: 49
 prev brb: 12585365 prev bcl: 0

3.2. Temp Undo

At first, we look temp undo header block (rdba: 0x00404b80 (1/19328) class: 33. File number: 3073, Relative file number: 1).

========= temp_undo_f (undo header block) ========
Dump of buffer cache at level 3 for pdb=0 tsn=3 rdba=4213632
BH (0x108fe8de8) file#: 3073 rdba: 0x00404b80 (1/19328) class: 33 ba: 0x108dc6000
  TRN CTL:: seq: 0x0000 chd: 0x0001 ctl: 0x0061 inc: 0x00000000 nfb: 0x0000
            mgc: 0x8002 xts: 0x0068 flg: 0x0001 opt: 2147483647 (0x7fffffff)
            uba: 0x00404b82.0000.01 scn: 0x0000000000000000 
  index  state cflags  wrap#    uel         scn            dba            parent-xid    nub     stmt_num
   0x00   10    0x80  0x0001  0x0000  0x000008d5bc68cd00  0x00404b82   0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000001   0x00000000   0
   0x01    9    0x00  0x0000  0x0002  0x0000000000000000  0x00000000   0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000   0
   0x61    9    0x00  0x0000  0xffff  0x0000000000000000  0x00000000   0x0000.000.00000000  0x00000000   0x00000000   0
There is one active slot 0x00 flagged with state 10, which is our transaction with starting uba: 0x00404b82.0000.01, and current dba 0x00404b82.

Here we can also see that temp undo header (class: 33) TRN TBL has 98 entries (0x00 to 0x61), whereas normal permanent undo header has 34 entries (0x00 to 0x21).

Then look temp undo data block (rdba: 0x00404b82 (1/19330) class: 34).

========= temp_undo_f (undo data block) ========
Dump of buffer cache at level 3 for pdb=0 tsn=3 rdba=4213634
BH (0x109fe2308) file#: 3073 rdba: 0x00404b82 (1/19330) class: 34 ba: 0x109d2e000
 xid: 0x0059.00f.0000c7f6  seq: 0x0   cnt: 0x4   irb: 0x4   icl: 0x0   flg: 0x0000
 Rec Offset      Rec Offset      Rec Offset      Rec Offset      Rec Offset
0x01 0x1f6c     0x02 0x1efc     0x03 0x1eb0     0x04 0x1e40     
* Rec #0x1  slt: 0x00  objn: 3333416(0x0032dd28)  objd: 4222336  tblspc: 3(0x00000003)
*       Layer:  11 (Row)   opc: 1   rci 0x00   
Undo type:  Regular undo    Begin trans    Last buffer split:  No 
Temp Object:  Yes 
rdba: 0x00000000Ext idx: 4
uba: 0x00000000.0000.00 ctl max scn: 0x0000000000000000 prv tx scn: 0x0000000000000000
txn start scn: scn: 0x000008d5bc68cd00 logon user: 49
 prev brb: 0 prev bcl: 0
* Rec #0x2  slt: 0x00  objn: 3333417(0x0032dd29)  objd: 4221568  tblspc: 3(0x00000003)
*       Layer:  10 (Index)   opc: 22   rci 0x01   
rdba: 0x00000000Ext idx: 5
(kdxlpu): purge leaf row
key :(10):  02 c1 0c 06 00 40 6d 81 00 00
* Rec #0x3  slt: 0x00  objn: 3333416(0x0032dd28)  objd: 4221568  tblspc: 3(0x00000003)
*       Layer:  11 (Row)   opc: 1   rci 0x00   
rdba: 0x00000000Ext idx: 4
* Rec #0x4  slt: 0x00  objn: 3333417(0x0032dd29)  objd: 4222336  tblspc: 3(0x00000003)
*       Layer:  10 (Index)   opc: 22   rci 0x03   
rdba: 0x00000000Ext idx: 5
(kdxlpu): purge leaf row
key :(10):  02 c1 0d 06 00 40 6a 81 00 00
Here we can see two temp table inserted rows:

  02 c1 0c 06 00 40 6d 81 00 00    <<< "c1 0c": 02 bytes for number 11, followed by 06 bytes
  02 c1 0d 06 00 40 6a 81 00 00    <<< "c1 0d": 02 bytes for number 12, followed by 06 bytes
both are marked with "purge leaf row", that represents undo of insert (reverse of insert).

In the above dump, there are 4 undo records. The last one is "Rec #0x4", whose "rci 0x03" indicates that its previous undo record is "Rec #0x3" (all undo records in the test with "rdba: 0x00000000"). Whereas "Rec #0x3" has "rci 0x00", which means that it is a first undo record and does not have any previous undo record, since in our test, immediately after "Step4", we rollback to a savepoint by:

  rollback to savepoint sp_a;
The incident file shows that "uba: 0x00404b82.0000.02" (Rec #0x2) is the target savepoint uba (undokturRollbackToSavepoint), and it is also the current temp undo record at the moment of crash (instead of Rec #0x4).

Since there is no link from ("Rec #0x4" -> "Rec #0x3") to ("Rec #0x2" -> "Rec #0x1"), "rollback to savepoint sp_b" failed, and hence ORA-600 [4156] Rolling Back To Savepoint.

By the way, if we remove this rollback, "Rec #0x3" will point to previous undo record "rci 0x02" as follows:

* Rec #0x3  slt: 0x00  objn: 3333416(0x0032dd28)  objd: 4221568  tblspc: 3(0x00000003)
*       Layer:  11 (Row)   opc: 1   rci 0x02  

3.3. Processstate

We only list Savepoint related lines.

========= proc_f ========
Flags=[0000] SavepointNum=1a7 Time=09/13/2020 15:22:13 
  LibraryHandle:  Address=0x8b61ad18 Hash=4ac26de7 LockMode=N PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD 
Flags=CNB/[0001] SavepointNum=18a Time=09/13/2020 15:22:03 
  LibraryHandle:  Address=0x8b5e1558 Hash=a2b60837 LockMode=N PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD 
  ObjectName:  Name=begin
                      rollback to savepoint sp_a;
                      insert into test_atemptab values(12);
                           write_info('Step6_', 300);
                      rollback to savepoint sp_b;

Flags=CNB/[0001] SavepointNum=164 Time=09/13/2020 15:21:57 
  LibraryHandle:  Address=0xa39d5d68 Hash=65d67994 LockMode=N PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD 
  ObjectName:  Name=insert into test_atemptab values(11) 
Flags=CNB/[0001] SavepointNum=14f Time=09/13/2020 15:21:52 
  LibraryHandle:  Address=0x96c1c530 Hash=9abe37a2 LockMode=N PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD 
  ObjectName:  Name=insert into test_tab values(1) 
We can see the three executed DML insert statements, one Plsql anonymous block, and their corresponding Savepoint numbers, timestamp, ordered reversely by execution sequence:

  INSERT INTO TEST_ATEMPTAB VALUES(12)  >>> SavepointNum=1a7  Time=09/13/2020 15:22:13 
  begin ... end                         >>> SavepointNum=18a  Time=09/13/2020 15:22:03
  insert into test_atemptab values(11)  >>> SavepointNum=164  Time=09/13/2020 15:21:57 
  insert into test_tab values(1)        >>> SavepointNum=14f  Time=09/13/2020 15:21:52
SavepointNum=18a is placed directly before we submit Plsql anonymous block.

Searching "0x18a" in Processstate dump, we found:

svpt(xcb:0xad719320 sptn:0x18a uba: 0x00c009ac.1a20.03 uba: 0x00404b82.0000.02)
xctsp name:ˆb¬‹
      svpt(xcb:0x8bac6310 sptn:0x6013cfa0 uba: 0x00000000.0000.00 uba: 0x00000000.0000.00)
      status:INVALID next:(nil)
Referring back to above incident file, "current call savepoint: ksucaspt num: 394" is exactly "sptn:0x18a". Its cryptic name "ˆb¬‹" (extended ascii: 88 62 AC 8B) suggested that it is an implicit savepoint created by Oracle in order to maintain the atomicity (eventually rollback when error happens). The "status:INVALID" probably hints the cause of ORA-00600: [4156].
(Note: occasionally cryptic name is empty, or "status:VALID", but same ORA-00600: [4156]).

In above trace file "Test_f", Step5 and Step6 are marked with a valid XID, but UNDO tuple contains 4 zeros:

Step5_SID:370, XID:(89.15.51190, 5635), UNDO:(0, 0, 0, 0), TEMP_UNDO_HEADER:(1, 19328, 3073)
It means that there exists an active transaction having XID, but no undo record. If we dump permanent undo header block, it also shows dba as "0x00000000" for the active (state 10) TRN TBL slot. By the way, in Blog: TM lock and No Transaction Commit, TX & TM Locks and No Transaction Visible , we showed one case where there exist TX and TM Locks, but no Transaction Visible (TX & TM Locks and No Transaction Visible).

gv$transaction is defined as:

    ktcxbflg                                             flag     ,                                            
    decode (bitand (ktcxbflg, 16), 0, 'NO', 'YES')       space    ,      
    decode (bitand (ktcxbflg, 32), 0, 'NO', 'YES')       recursive,      
    decode (bitand (ktcxbflg, 64), 0, 'NO', 'YES')       noundo   ,      
    decode (bitand (ktcxbflg, 8388608), 0, 'NO', 'YES')  ptx      , 
  from x$ktcxb 
 where bitand (ksspaflg, 1) != 0 and bitand (ktcxbflg, 2) != 0
It contains a column: NOUNDO, computed by bitand (ktcxbflg, 64), which is YES for no undo transaction. In above test, the exported flag is either 5635 (1 0110 0000 0011) or 7683 (1 1110 0000 0011). Both has bit-7 not set (0100 0000=64), i.e., NOUNDO = 'NO'.

In above Step5, we have UNDO:(0, 0, 0, 0), but NOUNDO = 'NO'. It is not clear how this flag is set up.

We also tried to put a DML insert before "savepoint sp_a" to keep UNDO filled with non zeors, but it generates the same error.

insert into test_tab values(0);
savepoint sp_a;
insert into test_tab values(1);
insert into test_atemptab values(11);
savepoint sp_b; 
  rollback to savepoint sp_a;
  insert into test_atemptab values(12);
  rollback to savepoint sp_b;
(Note: If TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED = FALSE, the above code snippet with this added first insert statement does not throw "ORA-00600: [4156]", the error is "ORA-01086: savepoint 'SP_B' never established in this session or is invalid")

In above investigation, we looked different traces and dumps to understand the error. In real operations, when such an error occurs, an incident file is generated. We can go through the incident file to find similar information (if dump file size is unlimited).

In the incident file, we can see the redo dump commands like:

Dump redo command(s):
 ALTER SYSTEM DUMP REDO DBA MIN 3073 19328 DBA MAX 3073 19328 TIME MIN 1050591433 TIME MAX 1050593293
 ALTER SYSTEM DUMP REDO DBA MIN 3073 19330 DBA MAX 3073 19330 TIME MIN 1050591451 TIME MAX 1050593311
which are brought out by call stack:

  kcra_dump_redo_tsn_rdba <- kturDiskRbkToSvpt <- kturRbkToSvpt <- ktcrsp1_new 
  <- ktcrsp1 <- ksudlc <- kss_del_cb <- kssdel <- ksupop

4. TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED = FALSE Workaround Test

Here the Oracle Workaround MOS Note (copy here to archive a persistent reference):
ORA-00600: [4156] when Rolling Back to a Savepoint (Doc ID 2242249.1)

Applies to:
    Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version and later
    You are running a procedure that utilizes savepoints, however, 
    when attempting to rollback to a savepoint, you experience the following error:
The stack trace will show similar stack:
    ksedst1 <- ksedst <- dbkedDefDump <- ksedmp <- ksfdmp <- dbgexPhaseII <- dbgexExplicitEndInc 
    <- dbgeEndDDEInvocatio <- nImpl <- dbgeEndDDEInvocatio <- kturDiskRbkToSvpt <- kturRbkToSvpt 
    <- ktcrsp1 <- xctrsp <- roldrv <- kksExecuteCommand
    This is due to a product defect. This is being investigated in unpublished
    Bug 25393735 - SR18.1TEMPUNDO - TRC - KTURDISKRBKTOSVPT - ORA-600 [4156]
    This issue occurs when we have temp undo and the logical standby performs eager apply.
    Possible workaround is:
      Set the TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED back to the default setting of FALSE.
    TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED determines whether transactions within a particular session can have a temporary undo log.
    The default choice for database transactions has been to have a single undo log per transaction. 
    This parameter, at the session level / system level scope, lets a transaction split its undo log into 
    temporary undo log (for changes on temporary objects) and permanent undo log (for changes on persistent objects).
Now we try to test the Workaround with the same code:

-- ALTER SYSTEM set TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED= FALSE; is also tested. Same outcome

savepoint sp_a;
insert into test_tab values(1);
insert into test_atemptab values(11);
savepoint sp_b; 
  rollback to savepoint sp_a;
  insert into test_atemptab values(12);
  rollback to savepoint sp_b;

ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [4156], [], [], [], [], [], [], [],
[], [], [], []
ORA-01086: savepoint 'SP_B' never established in this session or is invalid
ORA-06512: at line 4
Process ID: 24328
Session ID: 370 Serial number: 32536
The session terminated by the same fatal error, and incident file shows:

kturRollbackToSavepoint perm undokturRollbackToSavepoint savepoint uba: 0x00c038d7.1a1c.0b xid: 0x0059.01f.0000c7f4
kturRollbackToSavepoint current call savepoint: ksucaspt num: 362  uba: 0x00c038d7.1a1c.0b
uba: 0x00000000.0000.00 xid: 0x0059.01f.0000c7f4
 xid: 0x0000.000.00000000
Compared to the case of TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED=TRUE, no more temp undo is recorded. If we also make a processstate dump, we can see the similar savepoint info.

In fact, we re-run all 5 test codes from previous Blog: ORA-600 [4156] SAVEPOINT and PL/SQL Exception Handling in the same DB (Oracle 19.6), once with default TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED=FALSE, and once with TEMP_UNDO_ENABLED=TRUE. They all generated ORA-600 [4156]. As above tests showed, it is not clear in which case the abvoe MOS Note Workaround can be applied.