cursor: mutex S
cursor: mutex X
cursor: pin S
cursor: pin X
cursor: pin S wait on X
library cache: mutex S
library cache: mutex X
Staring in perplexity, I wonder why Oracle conceived such an asymmetrical third wait event for "cursor: pin":
cursor: pin S wait on X
but not for "cursor: mutex" and "library cache: mutex".
A recent session crash dump shed some light on this deliberate design.
Session Wait History shows that it is desperately waiting for 'cursor: pin S wait on X'.
waited for 'cursor: pin S wait on X'
idn=0xb9a7f11c, value=0x1fef00000000, where=0x500000000
wait_id=26539 seq_num=26582 snap_id=1
wait times: snap=0.010060 sec, exc=0.010060 sec, total=0.010060 sec
wait times: max=infinite
wait counts: calls=2 os=2
occurred after 0.014483 sec of elapsed time
pick the idn value, and search further in the dump file, we find the waited object.
LibraryHandle: Address=70000521ff2b1e8 Hash=b9a7f11c LockMode=N PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD
FullHashValue=28a0bd52de76008db45a3f29b9a7f11c Namespace=SQL AREA(00) Type=CURSOR(00)
Child: childNum='0'
LibraryHandle: Address=70000521f025fc0 LockMode=N PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD
Name: Namespace=SQL AREA(00) Type=CURSOR(00)
Child: childNum='1'
LibraryHandle: Address=70000521d0eeeb0 LockMode=N PinMode=X LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD
Name: Namespace=SQL AREA(00) Type=CURSOR(00)
Child: childNum='2'
LibraryHandle: Address=70000521dec3790 LockMode=0 PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD
Name: Namespace=SQL AREA(00) Type=CURSOR(00)
ObjectFreed=last freed from HPD addn data CBK
Child: childNum='3'
LibraryHandle: Address=70000521adcce68 LockMode=N PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD
Name: Namespace=SQL AREA(00) Type=CURSOR(00)
A query on dba_hist_active_sess_history reveals that only this session is with SQL_CHILD_NUMBER = 2, all other sessions are with SQL_CHILD_NUMBER = 1. Before and after this session crashes(exit), other sessions are still running.
Look carefully at childNum='1', we can see this child cursor marked with:
Now a possible interpretation for 'cursor: pin S wait on X' would be:
When Oracle wants to "pin S" a cursor, it sequentially traverses all child cursors under the same parent.
If it hits a cursor marked with: PinMode=X before it reaches the matched cursor, it posts:
cursor: pin S wait on X
1. Stack Trace
Pick UNIX pid of blocked Oracle sessions waiting on Event: "cursor: pin S wait on X", make a stack trace.
Here the outputs on both AIX and Solaris, where the line:
probably indicates the sequential examination along all child cursors.
oracle@aix > procstack 64815340
64815340: oracledb (LOCAL=NO)
__fd_select(??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0xbc
select(??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x14
skgpnap(??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x16c
skgpwwait(??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x204
kgxWait(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x1b8
kgxModifyRefCount(??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x288
kgxSharedExamine(??, ??, ??) + 0x3c
kxsGetRuntimeLock(??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x144
kkscsCheckCursor(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x1ec
kkscsSearchChildList(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x7b8
kksfbc(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x51f4
kkspsc0(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x8b0
kksParseCursor(??) + 0x78
opiosq0(??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x7f4
kpooprx(0x7000100fb4086a0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x100000001, 0x0, 0xa4000000a4, 0x0) + 0x16c
kpoal8(??, ??, ??) + 0x1bc
opiodr(??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x3b4
ttcpip(??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x34c
opitsk(??, ??) + 0x2224
opiino(??, ??, ??) + 0xb98
opiodr(??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x3b4
opidrv(??, ??, ??) + 0x414
sou2o(??, ??, ??, ??) + 0xf0
opimai_real(??, ??) + 0x1c0
ssthrdmain(0x0, 0x200000002, 0xfffffffffffed18) + 0x1c4
main(??, ??) + 0xd0
__start() + 0x70
oracle@solaris :/export/home/oracle > pstack 1098
pollsys (fffffd7fffdf5860, 0, fffffd7fffdf58f0, 0)
pselect () + 154
select () + 72
skgpwwait () + 168
kgxWait () + 216
kgxModifyRefCount () + 15e
kgxSharedExamine () + 3b
kxsGetRuntimeLock () + 137
kkscsCheckCursor () + 22a
kkscsSearchChildList () + 58f
kksfbc () + 915
kkspsc0 () + 9d7
kksParseCursor () + 74
opiosq0 () + 70a
kpooprx () + 102
kpoal8 () + 308
opiodr () + 433
ttcpip () + 593
opitsk () + 6cc
opiino () + 3c5
opiodr () + 433
opidrv () + 33b
sou2o () + 7a
opimai_real () + 265
ssthrdmain () + 22e
main () + a4
???????? ()
2. Mutex Sleep Reason
We have a SQL statement, whose parsing takes about 11 minutes. If we start two sessions to parse the same statement. One session is parsing, another is waiting for Event: cursor: pin S wait on X.
Collect AWR report for the duration of 11 minutes, Section: Mutex Sleep Summary shows:
Mutex Type | Location | Sleeps | Wait Time (ms) |
Cursor Pin | kkslce [KKSCHLPIN2] | 61,421 | 616,083 |
Library Cache | kglhdgn2 106 | 1 | 0 |
Library Cache | kglpnal1 90 | 1 | 0 |
We can see the 11 minutes of 616,083 Wait Time (ms), Sleeps of 61,421.
That is probably due to Scheduler clock tick frequency of 10 milliseconds, approximately the equation:
61,421 x 10 = 616,083
The above observation seems conforming to MOS (Doc ID 1268724.1):
"Cursor: Pin S Wait On X" Contention Mutex Sleep Reason Primarily ' kkslce [KKSCHLPIN2]'
MOS: How to Determine the Blocking Session for Event: 'cursor: pin S wait on X' (Doc ID 786507.1) has a detailed description:
A session waits on this event when requesting a mutex for shareable operations related to pins (such as executing a cursor),
but the mutex cannot be granted because it is being held exclusively by another session (which is most likely parsing the cursor).
The column P2RAW in v$session or v$session_wait gives the blocking session for wait event cursor: pin S wait on X.
and gave the query to check it:
select p2raw,to_number(substr(to_char(rawtohex(p2raw)),1,8),'XXXXXXXX') sid
from v$session
where event = 'cursor: pin S wait on X';
in 64 bit platforms, 8 bytes are used.
Top 4 bytes hold the session id (if the mutex is held X)
Bottom 4 bytes hold the ref count (if the mutex is held S).
3. cursor: pin S wait on X Simulation
Setup test:
drop table testt;
create table testt as select 1 id, 'Test' name from dual;
Open a Sqlplus Session,
SQL (72) > select sid, pid, spid from v$session s, v$process p where s.paddr=p.addr and s.sid = sys.dbms_support.mysid;
---- ---- -----
72 34 1122
SQL (72) > alter system flush shared_pool;
Pick one kks subroutine, for instance, kksFullTypeCheck. On Solaris, execute:
$ sudo dtrace -w -n 'pid$target::kksFullTypeCheck:entry {@[pid, ustack(10, 0)] = count(); stop(); exit(0);}' -p 1122
On above Sqlplus Session, run:
SQL (72) > select id, name from testt where id = 1;
The Session is stopped.Open a second Sqlplus Session, and run the same query:
SQL (83) > select sid, pid, spid from v$session s, v$process p where s.paddr=p.addr and s.sid = sys.dbms_support.mysid;
---- ---- -----
83 45 6677
SQL (83) > select id, name from testt where id = 1;
SID 83 is blocked.Observe the "cursor: pin S wait on X" event by:
select sid, osid, chain_signature, blocker_is_valid, wait_event_text, in_wait_secs, num_waiters
from v$wait_chains where sid in (72, 83);
To unblock, execute:$ prun 1122
4. Slow Parsing in multiple Sessions
Further tests show that if a slow parsing takes x seconds for one statement in one single session, concurrently parsing it in n sessions will take a total elapsed time of (n*(n-1)*x + x) seconds for all sessions, even worse if CPU is saturated. So in average, that is about (n-1)*x seconds per session (assume n is relatively big). The main wait event is "cursor: pin S wait on X" among the concurrent sessions.
One workaround to get off the racing condition is to make the statement passed to each session semantic equivalent, but syntax (sql text) different, for example, adding different dummy hint, or appending different constant to "order by" clause in each session's statement. The downside is more space in shared pool.