Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Row Cache Objects, Row Cache Latch on Object Type: Plsql vs Java Call (Part-2) (III)

(I)-Tracing Methods      (II)-Object Type(Part-1)      (III)-Object Type(Part-2)       (IV)-Sql Executions (IV)      (V)-Contentions and Scalability

Continue from Blog Part-1 (Row Cache Objects, Row Cache Latch on Object Type: Plsql vs Java Call (Part-1) (II) ), this Blog will explore more object-oriented features of Object Types, and demonstrate the impact on Row Cache Object GETs, and Row Cache Latch GETs.

Based on Part-1 Test Code, we define two super classes (see appended PLSQL Test Code):
  t_obj_ref_super for t_obj_ref
  t_obj_ret_super for t_obj_ret
Then we try different ways of using them in Plsql code and Java code, and monitor the consequence on Row Cache Object GETs.

In Section 9. Plsql DataType Test of this Blog, we added the test of Plsql DataType: record, nested table, associative Array in both Plsql dynamic call and Java call (with JDBC Connection Pool).

Note: All tests are done in Oracle

1. Code Changes

Compare to Part-1, following changes are made in In this Part-2 Blog (see appended Test Code).
  -. Setup a super Class: T_OBJ_RET_SUPER, and put T_OBJ_RET under it.
  -. Introduce a new Object Type: T_OBJ_REF, and its super Class: T_OBJ_REF_SUPER.
  -. Create a new procedure test_ref_call using above Object Types.
  -. Add a new line in Part-1 function foo to invoke test_ref_call. 
Here the new procedure test_ref_call (V1), and the modified function foo.

---=========== V1, t_obj_ret, callforward with 0 t_obj_ref CID call, 2 t_obj_ret CID call  ==========---
create or replace procedure test_ref_call(p_obj_ret in out nocopy t_obj_ret, p_id number) 
  l_obj_ref      t_obj_ref;
  l_obj_ref      := new t_obj_ref(p_id);
  p_obj_ret.callforward(l_obj_ref, p_id, '');

create or replace function foo (
  p_in    in     t_obj_in
 ,p_out      out t_obj_out
 ,p_inout in out t_obj_inout) return t_obj_ret 
  l_ret          t_obj_ret;
  -- return 1122+112=1234
  l_ret      := t_obj_ret( + 112,;
  p_out      := t_obj_out(,; :=; 
  -- Subroutine using T_OBJ_REF added in Part-2
 return l_ret;

2. Case_1: No Super Class Call

In Case_1, test_ref_call calls t_obj_ret.callforward, without using any super classes.

---=========== V1, t_obj_ret, callforward with 0 t_obj_ref CID call, 2 t_obj_ret CID call  ==========---
create or replace procedure test_ref_call(p_obj_ret in out nocopy t_obj_ret, p_id number) 
  l_obj_ref      t_obj_ref;
  l_obj_ref      := new t_obj_ref(p_id);
  p_obj_ret.callforward(l_obj_ref, p_id, '');
Test below shows that Row Cache Object GETs is same as function foo in Part-1 in both Plsql and Java . There are no t_obj_ref Row Cache Object GETs.

2.1. Plsql Dynamic Call

Same as Part-1, Call foo 100 times:

BEGIN :1 := foo(:2, :3, :4); END;
by foo_proc with execute immediate, and monitor Row Cache Objects Gets with Dtrace Script: rco_dtrace_cache (see Blog: Oracle row cache objects Event: 10222, Dtrace Script (I)):


*************** CID Stats with Address ****************
CID = 17   ADDR = 17124A3B0        CNT = 503
CID = 11   ADDR = 16F100318        CNT = 502
CID = 7    ADDR = 1717B2250        CNT = 497

*************** CID Stats ****************
CID = 17   CNT = 509
CID = 11   CNT = 509  --1 T_OBJ_RET, 1 T_OBJ_IN, 1 T_OBJ_OUT, 2 T_OBJ_INOUT
CID = 7    CNT = 530

*************** CID Stats Summary ****************
CNT = 1554

2.2. Java Call

Call foo 100 times in Java CallableStatement:

BEGIN :1 := K.FOO(:2, :3, :4); END;
with command:

java RCOObjTypeJDBC1 "jdbc:oracle:thin:k/s@testDB:1521:testDB" 100 1
and monitor Row Cache Objects Gets with Dtrace Script: rco_dtrace_cache.

*************** CID Stats with Address ****************
CID = 17   ADDR = 178D70438        CNT = 701
CID = 11   ADDR = 16F1C6A48        CNT = 696
CID = 7    ADDR = 172403178        CNT = 700

*************** CID Stats ****************
CID = 17   CNT = 708
CID = 11   CNT = 704   -- 2 T_OBJ_RET, 1 T_OBJ_IN, 2 T_OBJ_OUT, 2 T_OBJ_INOUT
CID = 7    CNT = 715

*************** CID Stats Summary ****************
CNT = 2160

3. Case_2: using Super Class: t_obj_ref_super

Redefine test_ref_call (V2) to call t_obj_ret.callforward_super, instead of callforward. The difference is callforward_super's first parameter is super class of t_obj_ref.
  callforward      (p_obj_ref in out nocopy t_obj_ref,       p_id number, p_name varchar2)
  callforward_super(p_obj_ref in out nocopy t_obj_ref_super, p_id number, p_name varchar2)
Now we can see there is 1 additional T_OBJ_REF Row Cache Object Get in comparing to above foo call in both Plsql and Java.

---=========== V2, using Super Class: t_obj_ref_super: 1 t_obj_ref CID call, 2 t_obj_ret CID call ==========---
create or replace procedure test_ref_call(p_obj_ret in out nocopy t_obj_ret, p_id number) 
  l_obj_ref      t_obj_ref;
  l_obj_ref      := new t_obj_ref(p_id);
  p_obj_ret.callforward_super(l_obj_ref, p_id, '');

3.1 Plsql Dynamic Call

---=========== V2, test_ref_call ==========---
*************** CID Stats with Address ****************
CID = 17   ADDR = 172298F88        CNT = 100  --T_OBJ_RET
CID = 17   ADDR = 17124A5E0        CNT = 100  --T_OBJ_IN
CID = 17   ADDR = 17124A810        CNT = 100  --T_OBJ_OUT
CID = 17   ADDR = 17179CB18        CNT = 101  --T_OBJ_REF
CID = 17   ADDR = 17124A3B0        CNT = 200  --T_OBJ_INOUT

CID = 11   ADDR = 16DA41CD8        CNT = 100  --T_OBJ_RET
CID = 11   ADDR = 16DA41478        CNT = 100  --T_OBJ_IN
CID = 11   ADDR = 16DA418A8        CNT = 100  --T_OBJ_OUT
CID = 11   ADDR = 16F367C50        CNT = 101  --T_OBJ_REF
CID = 11   ADDR = 16DA41048        CNT = 200  --T_OBJ_INOUT

CID = 7    ADDR = 1716FDFB0        CNT = 606

*************** CID Stats ****************
CID = 17   CNT = 616
CID = 11   CNT = 616    -- 1 T_OBJ_RET, 1 T_OBJ_IN, 1 T_OBJ_OUT, 2 T_OBJ_INOUT, 1 T_OBJ_REF
CID = 7    CNT = 633

*************** CID Stats Summary ****************
CNT = 1877

3.2. Java Call

--------------- Java Level 4294967295 --------------
---=========== V2, test_ref_call ==========---
CID = 17   ADDR = 172298F88        CNT = 797
CID = 11   ADDR = 16F1A1B90        CNT = 797  
CID = 7    ADDR = 17169DA78        CNT = 798  

CID = 17   CNT = 829
CID = 11   CNT = 813   -- 2 T_OBJ_RET, 1 T_OBJ_IN, 2 T_OBJ_OUT, 2 T_OBJ_INOUT, 1 T_OBJ_REF
CID = 7    CNT = 822

CNT = 2542

4. Case_3: using Super Class: t_obj_ret_super

Take above test_ref_call, change its first paramter to super class:
as the first paramter, instead of t_obj_ret.

Test shows that there is one more T_OBJ_RET Row Cache Object Get in comparing to above foo call in both Plsql and Java.

---=========== V3, using Super Class: t_obj_ret_super: 1 t_obj_ref CID call, 3 t_obj_ret CID call ==========---
create or replace procedure test_ref_call(p_obj_ret in out nocopy t_obj_ret_super, p_id number) 
  l_obj_ref      t_obj_ref;
  l_obj_ref      := new t_obj_ref(p_id);
  p_obj_ret.callforward_super(l_obj_ref, p_id, '');

4.1 Plsql Dynamic Call

---=========== V3, test_ref_call ==========---
*************** CID Stats with Address ****************
CID = 17   ADDR = 17179CB18        CNT = 699
CID = 11   ADDR = 16F100318        CNT = 697  
CID = 7    ADDR = 171705DB0        CNT = 695

*************** CID Stats ****************
CID = 17   CNT = 708
CID = 11   CNT = 708   -- 2 T_OBJ_RET, 1 T_OBJ_IN, 1 T_OBJ_OUT, 2 T_OBJ_INOUT, 1 T_OBJ_REF
CID = 7    CNT = 718

*************** CID Stats Summary ****************
CNT = 2140

4.2. Java Call

---=========== V3, test_ref_call ==========---
*************** CID Stats with Address ****************
CID = 17   ADDR = 17C2A5200        CNT = 909
CID = 11   ADDR = 16F1A1B90        CNT = 896  
CID = 7    ADDR = 171705DB0        CNT = 911   

*************** CID Stats ****************
CID = 17   CNT = 930
CID = 11   CNT = 914  -- 3 T_OBJ_RET, 1 T_OBJ_IN, 2 T_OBJ_OUT, 2 T_OBJ_INOUT, 1 T_OBJ_REF
CID = 7    CNT = 923

*************** CID Stats Summary ****************
CNT = 2845

5. Case_4: Java register super Class as OutParameter

Now we can try to use super class in Java Class. In Java Test Code (see Blog Part-1) , replace line:

  cStmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.STRUCT, "K.T_OBJ_RET");

  cStmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.STRUCT, "K.T_OBJ_RET_SUPER");   
Run above Java test, 10222 trace file shows that
  1 T_OBJ_RET CID call
instead of
  3 T_OBJ_RET CID calls
in the previous test.

6. Case_5: Call by NULL value

If invoking the function by NULL value in Plsql Dynamic or Java, the cid GETs are not changed.
See Test Code (out-commented) in Blog: Row Cache Objects, Row Cache Latch on Object Type: Plsql vs Java Call (Part-1) (II)

7. Summary

The number of GETs is increased with the number of Super Classes inteventions.
Case_1: No Super Class Call: same as Part-1
  Plsql Dynamic Call: 
        5*3 = 15 Row Cache Objects GETs, 15*3=45 Row Cache Latch GETs.
  Java Call:  
    2 T_OBJ_RET, 1 T_OBJ_IN, 2 T_OBJ_OUT, 2 T_OBJ_INOUT     
        7*3 = 21 Row Cache Objects GETs, 21*3=63 Row Cache Latch GETs.
Case_2: using Super Class: t_obj_ref_super: 1 additional T_OBJ_REF 
  Plsql Dynamic Call: 
        6*3 = 18 Row Cache Objects GETs, 18*3=54 Row Cache Latch GETs.  
  Java Call        :
        8*3 = 24 Row Cache Objects GETs, 24*3=72 Row Cache Latch GETs.  
Case_3: using Super Class: t_obj_ret_super: 1 additional T_OBJ_RET
  Plsql Dynamic Call: 
        7*3 = 21 Row Cache Objects GETs, 21*3=63 Row Cache Latch GETs. 
  Java Call        : 
        9*3 = 27 Row Cache Objects GETs, 27*3=81 Row Cache Latch GETs. 
Case_4: Java register super Class as OutParameter: 1 T_OBJ_RET, 2 T_OBJ_RET_SUPER
  Java Call:
        9*3 = 27 Row Cache Objects GETs, 27*3=81 Row Cache Latch GETs. 

Case_5: Call by NULL value
  Plsql Dynamic Call:  no influence, same cid GETs
  Java Call:           no influence, same cid GETs
More complexity can be further investigated, for example, Object Collections (Associative array, Nested table, Varray), attribute Object Types.

In Section 9. Plsql DataType Test of this Blog, we also made Plsql DataType Test in Plsql dynamic call and Java call (with JDBC Connection Pool).

8. Plsql Test Code

------------------------- parameters(IN, OUT, IN OUT) different Types -------------------

create or replace type t_obj_in    force as object (id number, name varchar2(30));

create or replace type t_obj_out   force as object (id number, name varchar2(30));

create or replace type t_obj_inout force as object (id number, name varchar2(30));

------------------------- t_obj_ref_super, t_obj_ref -------------------

create or replace type t_obj_ref_super force is object (dummy number
  ,member procedure callbackward(p_id number, p_name varchar2)
not final
not instantiable

create or replace type t_obj_ref force under t_obj_ref_super (id number, name varchar2(30)
  ,constructor function t_obj_ref (p_id number) return self as result
  ,overriding member procedure callbackward(p_id number, p_name varchar2)

create or replace type body t_obj_ref as
  constructor function t_obj_ref (p_id number) return self as result is
    id   := p_id;
    name := '';
  overriding member procedure callbackward(p_id number, p_name varchar2) as
    l_dummy varchar2(100);
      id   := p_id;
      name := p_name;
      l_dummy := 'callbackward: '||p_id||'_'||p_name;

------------------------- t_obj_ret_super, t_obj_ret -------------------

create or replace type t_obj_ret_super force as object (dummy number
  ,member procedure callforward      (p_obj_ref in out nocopy t_obj_ref,       p_id number, p_name varchar2)
  ,member procedure callforward_super(p_obj_ref in out nocopy t_obj_ref_super, p_id number, p_name varchar2))
not final
not instantiable

create or replace type t_obj_ret force under t_obj_ret_super (id number, name varchar2(30)
 ,constructor function t_obj_ret (p_id number, p_name varchar2) return self as result
 ,overriding member procedure callforward      (p_obj_ref in out nocopy t_obj_ref,       p_id number, p_name varchar2)
  ,overriding member procedure callforward_super(p_obj_ref in out nocopy t_obj_ref_super, p_id number, p_name varchar2))

create or replace type body t_obj_ret as
  constructor function t_obj_ret (p_id number, p_name varchar2) return self as result is
    id   := p_id;
    name := p_name;

  overriding member procedure callforward(p_obj_ref in out nocopy t_obj_ref, p_id number, p_name varchar2) as
      p_obj_ref.callbackward(p_id, p_name);
  overriding member procedure callforward_super(p_obj_ref in out nocopy t_obj_ref_super, p_id number, p_name varchar2) as
      p_obj_ref.callbackward(p_id, p_name);

---=== V1, t_obj_ret, callforward with 0 t_obj_ref CID call, 2 t_obj_ret CID call in Java ===---
create or replace procedure test_ref_call(p_obj_ret in out nocopy t_obj_ret, p_id number) 
  l_obj_ref      t_obj_ref;
  l_obj_ref      := new t_obj_ref(p_id);
  p_obj_ret.callforward(l_obj_ref, p_id, '');

---=== V2, using Super Class: t_obj_ref_super: 1 t_obj_ref CID call, 2 t_obj_ret CID call in Java ===---
create or replace procedure test_ref_call(p_obj_ret in out nocopy t_obj_ret, p_id number) 
  l_obj_ref      t_obj_ref;
  l_obj_ref      := new t_obj_ref(p_id);
  p_obj_ret.callforward_super(l_obj_ref, p_id, '');

---=== V3, using Super Class: t_obj_ret_super: 1 t_obj_ref CID call, 3 t_obj_ret CID call in Java ===---
create or replace procedure test_ref_call(p_obj_ret in out nocopy t_obj_ret_super, p_id number) 
  l_obj_ref      t_obj_ref;
  l_obj_ref      := new t_obj_ref(p_id);
  p_obj_ret.callforward_super(l_obj_ref, p_id, '');

create or replace function foo (
  p_in    in     t_obj_in
 ,p_out      out t_obj_out
 ,p_inout in out t_obj_inout) return t_obj_ret 
  l_ret          t_obj_ret;
  -- return 1122+112=1234
  l_ret      := t_obj_ret( + 112,;
  p_out      := t_obj_out(,; :=; 
  -- T_OBJ_REF call line added in Part-2
  return l_ret;

9. Plsql DataType Test

We tested Plsql DataType: record, nested table, associative Array in Plsql dynamic call and Java call. Here the test result and test code.

------ Plsql DataType Test Result: Plsql dynamic vs. Java ------

1. Plsql DataType: record
     Plsql dynmic Call: no CID increase
     Java Call:         each Call, 2 Calls of ('dc_global_oids' on "TEST_JDBC_PKG'", 'dc_objects' on "TEST_JDBC_PKG", 'dc_users' on "K")

2. Plsql DataType: nested table (@TODO varray)
     Plsql dynmic Call: no CID increase
     Java Call:         each Call, 2 Calls of ('dc_global_oids' on "TEST_JDBC_PKG'", 'dc_objects' on "TEST_JDBC_PKG", 'dc_users' on "K") 

3. Plsql DataType: associative Array - scalar type
     Plsql dynmic Call: no CID increase
     Java Call:         no CID increase     

4. Plsql DataType: associative Array - record type
     Plsql dynmic Call: no CID increase
     Java Call:         NOT supported. Only support basic scalar types (NUMERIC and VARCHAR)
       See: Database JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference, Accessing PL/SQL Index-by Tables 

---------------- Plsql DataType SetUp -------------------

create or replace package k.TEST_JDBC_PKG is
  type PLSQL_RECORD is record(name varchar2(100), id pls_integer);
  type PLSQL_TAB is table of number;
  type PLSQL_AARRAY is table of varchar2(10) index by pls_integer;
  type PLSQL_RECARY is table of PLSQL_RECORD index by pls_integer;

-- Plsql dynmic Call: no CID increase
-- Java Call:         each Call, 2 x ('dc_global_oids' on "TEST_JDBC_PKG'", 'dc_objects' on "TEST_JDBC_PKG", 'dc_users' on "K")
create or replace procedure foo_proc_record (o_rc out nocopy TEST_JDBC_PKG.PLSQL_RECORD) as
begin := 'ksun';   := 1122;

-- Plsql dynmic Call: no CID increase
-- Java Call:         each Call, 1 x ('dc_global_oids' on "TEST_JDBC_PKG'", 'dc_objects' on "TEST_JDBC_PKG", 'dc_users' on "K") 
create or replace procedure foo_proc_tab (o_tab out nocopy TEST_JDBC_PKG.PLSQL_TAB) as
  --initialization mandatory; otherwise, ORA-06531: Reference to uninitialized collection
  o_tab := new TEST_JDBC_PKG.PLSQL_TAB();   
  o_tab(1) := 11; 
 o_tab(2) := 22;

-- Plsql dynmic Call: no CID increase
-- Java Call:         no CID increase
create or replace procedure foo_proc_aarray (o_ary out nocopy TEST_JDBC_PKG.PLSQL_AARRAY) as
  o_ary(1) := 'aaa'; 
 o_ary(2) := 'bbb';

-- Plsql dynmic Call: no CID increase
-- Java Call:         NOT supported. Only support basic scalar types (NUMERIC and VARCHAR)
--   See: Database JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference, Accessing PL/SQL Index-by Tables 
--      (
create or replace procedure foo_proc_recary (o_ray out nocopy TEST_JDBC_PKG.PLSQL_RECARY) as
  o_ray(1).name := 'aaaa';
 o_ray(1).id   := 111; 
 o_ray(2).name := 'bbbb';
 o_ray(2).id   := 222;

---------------- Plsql Test Code -------------------

create or replace procedure foo_proc_record_loop (p_cnt number) as
  l_stmt            varchar2(100);
  l_record          TEST_JDBC_PKG.PLSQL_RECORD;
  l_stmt := q'[begin K.foo_proc_record(:1); end;]';
  for i in 1..p_cnt loop
    execute immediate l_stmt using OUT l_record;
  end loop;
  dbms_output.put_line('' ||;

--exec foo_proc_record_loop(10);

create or replace procedure foo_proc_tab_loop (p_cnt number) as
  l_stmt          varchar2(100);
  l_stmt := q'[begin K.foo_proc_tab(:1); end;]';
  for i in 1..p_cnt loop
    execute immediate l_stmt using OUT l_tab;
  end loop;
  dbms_output.put_line('l_tab.count=' ||l_tab.count);
  dbms_output.put_line('l_tab(2)=' ||l_tab(2));

--exec foo_proc_tab_loop(10);

create or replace procedure foo_proc_aarray_loop (p_cnt number) as
  l_stmt          varchar2(100);
  l_ary           TEST_JDBC_PKG.PLSQL_AARRAY;
  l_stmt := q'[begin K.foo_proc_aarray(:1); end;]';
  for i in 1..p_cnt loop
    execute immediate l_stmt using OUT l_ary;
  end loop;
  dbms_output.put_line('l_ary.count=' ||l_ary.count);
  dbms_output.put_line('l_ary(2)=' ||l_ary(2));

--exec foo_proc_aarray_loop(10);

create or replace procedure foo_proc_recary_loop (p_cnt number) as
  l_stmt          varchar2(100);
  l_ray           TEST_JDBC_PKG.PLSQL_RECARY;
  l_stmt := q'[begin K.foo_proc_recary(:1); end;]';
  for i in 1..p_cnt loop
    execute immediate l_stmt using OUT l_ray;
  end loop;
  dbms_output.put_line('l_ray.count=' ||l_ray.count);
  dbms_output.put_line('l_ray(2).id=' ||l_ray(2).id);

--exec foo_proc_recary_loop(10);

//------------ Java Test Code with Connection Pool ------------//

Tested with OracleDataSource Connection Pool, can also tested with PoolDataSourceFactory (UCP).

-- setup CLASSPATH
  export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:java-path:$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc8.jar:$ORACLE_HOME/ucp/lib/ucp.jar:ODSTestDBOraclePool-path

-- Compile

-- Run
 /usr/java/bin/java ODSTestDBOraclePool    

-- Example
 /usr/java/bin/java -Xmx30m -Xms8m ODSTestDBOraclePool 3 100 1000 2

-- useCase
   1. SQL Object Type Test, "BEGIN :1 := K.FOO(:2, :3, :4); END;"
   2. Plsql DataType Record, "BEGIN K.FOO_PROC_RECORD(:1); END;"
   3. Plsql DataType Nested Table, "BEGIN K.FOO_PROC_TAB(:1); END;"
   4. Plsql DataType Associative Array, "BEGIN K.FOO_PROC_AARRAY(:1); END;"
-- Ref: Connect to Oracle using a connection pool (   

//------------------------- -------------------------------//

import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheManager;

import java.util.Properties;
import java.sql.*;

public class ODSJDBCUtils {
    private final  static String CACHE_NAME = "KSUN_CACHE";
    private static OracleDataSource ods = null;
    static {
        System.out.println("OracleDataSource Initialization");
        try {
            ods = new OracleDataSource();
            ods.setURL("jdbc:oracle:thin:k/s@testdb:1521:testdb"); // thin Use TNS listener
          //ods.setURL("jdbc:oracle:oci8:k/s@testdb:1521:testdb"); //Maybe for Accessing PL/SQL Index-by Tables           
          //ods.setURL("jdbc:oracle:thin:@");     // thin Using Bequeath Connection, no need of TNS:no listener. thin support Bequeath from JDBC 23c
          //{ods.setURL("jdbc:oracle:oci:@");}    // oci Use Bequeath Connection, no need of TNS listener
          //{ods.setURL("jdbc:oracle:oci:@estdb:1521:testdb");}  // oci Use TNS listener
          //ods.setURL("jdbc:oracle:oci8:k/s@testdb:1521:testdb"); //Maybe for Accessing PL/SQL Index-by Tables
            // caching parms
            Properties cacheProps = new Properties();
            cacheProps.setProperty("MinLimit", "2");
            cacheProps.setProperty("MaxLimit", "60");
            cacheProps.setProperty("InitialLimit", "2");
            cacheProps.setProperty("ConnectionWaitTimeout", "5");
            cacheProps.setProperty("ValidateConnection", "true");
        catch (SQLException e) {
    private ODSJDBCUtils() { }

    public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
      return getConnection("env. unspecified");

    public static Connection getConnection(String thrd)
       throws SQLException
      System.out.println("Request connection for " + thrd);
      if (ods == null) {
          throw new SQLException("OracleDataSource is null.");
      return ods.getConnection();
    public static void closePooledConnections() throws SQLException{
      if (ods != null ) {

    public static void listCacheInfos() throws SQLException{
      OracleConnectionCacheManager occm = OracleConnectionCacheManager.getConnectionCacheManagerInstance();
      System.out.println (occm.getNumberOfAvailableConnections(CACHE_NAME) + " connections are available in cache " + CACHE_NAME);
      System.out.println (occm.getNumberOfActiveConnections(CACHE_NAME)    + " connections are active");

//-------------------------- ------------------------------//

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import oracle.jdbc.pool.*;
import oracle.jdbc.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import oracle.sql.ARRAY;
import oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor;
import oracle.sql.STRUCT;
import oracle.sql.StructDescriptor;
import oracle.sql.Datum;
import oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSourceFactory;
import oracle.ucp.jdbc.PoolDataSource;

public class ODSTestDBOraclePoolThread implements Runnable {

    private int noThread = 0;
    private int loopCNT  = 0;
    private int sleepMs  = 1000;
    private int useCase  = 2;
    static String TESTSTMT_OBJ    = "BEGIN :1 := K.FOO(:2, :3, :4); END;";
    static String TESTSTMT_TAB    = "BEGIN K.FOO_PROC_TAB(:1); END;";

    ODSTestDBOraclePoolThread(int n, int loopCount, int sleepMili, int useCaseDef) {
        noThread = n;
        loopCNT  = loopCount;
        sleepMs  = sleepMili;
        useCase  = useCaseDef;

   static void objCall(Connection conn, int loopCNT) {
     CallableStatement cStmt;
     if (conn != null) {
       try {
         cStmt = conn.prepareCall(TESTSTMT_OBJ);
         StructDescriptor dpIn    = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("K.T_OBJ_IN", conn);
         StructDescriptor dpInOut = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("K.T_OBJ_INOUT", conn);
         System.out.println("Call dbcall");
         Object [] objField = new Object[2];
         objField[0] = new Integer(1122);
         objField[1] = new String("");
         STRUCT objIn    = new STRUCT(dpIn, conn, objField);
         STRUCT objInOut = new STRUCT(dpInOut, conn, objField);
         STRUCT objRet = null;
         STRUCT objOut = null;
         BigDecimal idVal;
         for(int i=0; i < loopCNT; i++){
             cStmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.STRUCT, "K.T_OBJ_RET");
             cStmt.setObject(2, objIn);
             cStmt.setObject(4, objInOut);
             cStmt.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.STRUCT, "K.T_OBJ_OUT");
             cStmt.registerOutParameter(4, OracleTypes.STRUCT, "K.T_OBJ_INOUT");
             objRet   = (STRUCT)cStmt.getObject(1);
             objOut   = (STRUCT)cStmt.getObject(3);
             objInOut = (STRUCT)cStmt.getObject(4);
         idVal = (BigDecimal)objOut.getAttributes()[0];
         System.out.println(TESTSTMT_OBJ + " *** =" + idVal.intValue());
       } catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
     } else {
       System.out.println("Failed to make connection!");
     System.out.println("*** objCall ***");
    static void recordCall(Connection conn, int loopCNT) {
     CallableStatement cStmt;
     STRUCT     aRecord = null;
     String     rName   = null;
     BigDecimal rId     = null;
     if (conn != null) {
        try {
           cStmt = conn.prepareCall(TESTSTMT_RECORD);
           for(int i=0; i < loopCNT; i++){
               cStmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.STRUCT, "K.TEST_JDBC_PKG.PLSQL_RECORD");
               aRecord = (STRUCT)cStmt.getObject(1);
               rName = (String)aRecord.getAttributes()[0];
               rId   = (BigDecimal)aRecord.getAttributes()[1];
           System.out.println(TESTSTMT_RECORD + " *** Name = " + rName + " ,ID = " + rId);
       } catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
    } else {
        System.out.println("Failed to make connection!");
    static void tabCall(Connection conn, int loopCNT) {
     CallableStatement cStmt;
     ARRAY        aVArray   = null;
     BigDecimal[] numArray  = null;
     BigDecimal   aNum      = null;
     if (conn != null) {
        try {
           cStmt = conn.prepareCall(TESTSTMT_TAB);
           for(int i=0; i < loopCNT; i++){
               cStmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.ARRAY, "K.TEST_JDBC_PKG.PLSQL_TAB");
               aVArray  = (ARRAY)cStmt.getArray(1);
                  numArray = (BigDecimal[])aVArray.getArray();
               aNum     = (BigDecimal)numArray[0];
           System.out.println(TESTSTMT_TAB + " *** numArray.length = " + numArray.length);
           System.out.println(TESTSTMT_TAB + " *** numArray[0] = " + (aNum==null? "NULL": aNum.intValue()));
       } catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
    } else {
        System.out.println("Failed to make connection!");
    static void aarrayCall(Connection conn, int loopCNT) {
     OracleCallableStatement cStmt;
     int maxAArrayLen  = 10;
      int elementMaxLen = 20;
      Datum[] valAArray = new Datum[0];
     if (conn != null) {
        try {
           cStmt =  (OracleCallableStatement)conn.prepareCall(TESTSTMT_AARRAY);
           for(int i=0; i < loopCNT; i++){
               cStmt.registerIndexTableOutParameter (1, maxAArrayLen, OracleTypes.VARCHAR, elementMaxLen);
               valAArray = cStmt.getOraclePlsqlIndexTable(1);
           System.out.println(TESTSTMT_AARRAY + " *** valAArray.length = " + valAArray.length);
           for(int i = 0; i < valAArray.length; i++)
                  System.out.println (TESTSTMT_AARRAY + " *** valAArray[i] = " + valAArray[i].stringValue());
       } catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
    } else {
        System.out.println("Failed to make connection!");
    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Starting Thread " + noThread);
        while (true) {
            try {
                Connection conn = ODSJDBCUtils.getConnection("Thread: " + noThread);
                if      (useCase == 1) {objCall   (conn, loopCNT);}
                else if (useCase == 2) {recordCall(conn, loopCNT);}
                else if (useCase == 3) {tabCall   (conn, loopCNT);}
                else if (useCase == 4) {aarrayCall(conn, loopCNT);}
                else {System.out.println ("Give me your Test");}
                Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
                ResultSet rset =
                   stmt.executeQuery("select 'Run UseCase: " + useCase + "' from dual");
                while (
                   System.out.println (rset.getString(1) + ", Thread: " + noThread);
                System.out.println ("rset/stmt/conn.close OK");
            catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace();}
            finally {
                System.out.println ("Sleeping Thread: " + noThread);
                try {Thread.sleep(sleepMs);} catch(Exception e) { }

//------------------------ --------------------------------//

import java.sql.*;

public class ODSTestDBOraclePool {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
     int threadCNT   = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
     int loopCount   = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
     int sleepMili   = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
     int useCase     = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
     for(int i=1; i <= threadCNT; i++){
        new Thread( new ODSTestDBOraclePoolThread(i, loopCount, sleepMili, useCase)).start();

Latch: row cache objects Contentions and Scalability (V)

(I)-Tracing Methods      (II)-Object Type(Part-1)      (III)-Object Type(Part-2)       (IV)-Sql Executions (IV)      (V)-Contentions and Scalability

This Blog will test the scalability of row cache objects discussed in previous 4 Blogs:
  1. Oracle row cache objects Event: 10222, Dtrace Script (I)
  2. Row Cache Objects, Row Cache Latch on Object Type: Plsql vs Java Call (Part-1) (II)
  3. Row Cache Objects, Row Cache Latch on Object Type: Plsql vs Java Call (Part-2) (III)
  4. Row Cache and Sql Executions (IV)
and then attempt to build a mathematical model to assess such system.

Empirical data and model predication demonstrate that such system is hardly to be scalable with the number of CPUs because of Latch contentions.

In a pure row cache object system, theoretically, 3 Processors (CPU); experimentally, 9 Processors are necessitated to (almost) achieve the maximum throughput. Extra Processors can only put up high contentions.

The possible alternatives could be using Oracle basic (Built-in) data types or object string serialization.

Finally, we are trying to show that "row cache objects Latch" falls into the same destiny as the single "Result Cache: RC Latch" discussed in Blog: PL/SQL Function Result Cache Invalidation (I)

As a secondary earning of this exercise, "library cache: mutex X" contentions are observed related to Oracle Object Types.

Note: All tests are done in Oracle on Solaris, Linux, AIX (SMT 4, LCPU=24) with 6 physical processors.

1. Test

We will make the test based on the code of Blog: Row Cache Objects, Row Cache Latch on Object Type: Plsql vs Java Call (Part-1) (II)

1.1. Plsql Test

Run (see appended Test Code: Plsql):
exec foo_proc_sessions_ctrl(1e9, 10);
which performs dynamic Plsql Call (foo_proc) for 9 different parallel degrees, each of which is running for 10 minutes.

Then collect the test data by query:
select * from exec_stats_v;
Table below shows number of parallel (concurrent) sessions, total number of executions, cpu_time in seconds, concurrency_wait_time in seconds, and microseconds per execution.
exec_stats_v (Plsql SQL_ID: 241pfd82cu4wj)

--------   ---------- ---------- ----------------------- -----------
       1    8,096,318        413                       0          51
       3   21,850,342      1,212                      45          57
       6   32,609,592      1,923                     520          75
      12   42,217,169      2,555                   1,693         125
      18   42,890,535      2,615                   3,548         193
      24   42,955,245      2,631                   5,667         265
      36   43,117,305      2,633                   9,372         406
      42   42,523,671      2,616                  11,551         480
      48   40,546,142      2,506                  13,915         561 

       1    6,535,357        251                       0          65
       3   17,355,458        714                      75          74
       6   21,327,093      1,069                     664         117
      12   24,797,761      1,353                   1,814         198
      18   25,037,784      1,740                   2,992         297
      24   20,691,357      2,597                   2,537         542
      36   19,048,665      2,945                   7,872         963
      42   19,199,984      2,872                  11,683       1,132
      48   19,214,011      2,815                  15,315       1,306
       1   13,992,932        413                       0          30
       3   32,715,487      1,216                      44          39
       6   52,665,062      2,222                     316          48
      12   49,743,420      2,146                   2,321          98
      18   50,448,264      2,249                   4,525         149
      24   50,836,921      2,340                   6,895         201
      36   51,864,133      2,458                  12,002         307
      42   48,914,411      2,495                  14,942         390
      48   48,549,375      2,535                  17,989         460         
The above result shows:
  Throughput (EXECUTIONS) from 1 to 3 SESSIONS climbs approximately linearly; of 6 SESSIONS tends to be flat or descending.
  Max throughput is achieved with around 9 parallel Sessions.
  The performance is saturated by more than 12 parallel Sessions. 
  The response time per execution (US_PER_EXEC) gets increased, probably due to the Latch contentions
    (sessions spend more time on Latch Gets instead of real work).
During the test, we also collect the data for Row Cache Object Gets, and Row Cache Latch Gets.

Here the output for parallel sessions 12 and 42.
select * from rco_stats_v where sessions in (12, 42) order by child#;


--------  ------  ----------------  ---------  --------  ------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ------------  --------------  -----------  ----------------------------
   12       8     dc_users          633984132  19649121  52958   19596500   262          211328141  0             1901952396      7, 10        dc_users, dc_users
   12       9     dc_object_grants  633984845  54784381  58712   54726007   292          211328352  0             1901954535      8, 8         dc_objects, dc_object_grants
   12       10    dc_global_oids    633982830  52451846  68813   52383487   346          211327687  0             1901948490      17           dc_global_oids
   42       8     dc_users          638662605  22653084  56234   22597401   2274         212887753  47            1915987815      7, 10        dc_users, dc_users
   42       9     dc_object_grants  638674026  56604969  65236   56540334   3006         212891172  552           1916022078      8, 8         dc_objects, dc_object_grants
   42       10    dc_global_oids    638657482  64387264  76460   64311564   3905         212885997  30            1915972446      17           dc_global_oids
Look the case of 42 SESSIONS, although all 3 Latch Gets are similar, dc_global_oids suffers most, then dc_object_grants, and dc_users least. They are exposed by the different MISSES, SLEEPS, SPIN_GETS, WAIT_TIME. We will use this info in the later causality modeling.

Note Latch GETS is 3 times of RC_GETS.

1.2. Java Test

Run appended shell script:
ksh ./foo_proc_sessions_java 600
which invokes Java (RCOObjTypeJDBC1) to call foo_proc for 9 different parallel degrees, each of which is running for 10 minutes, same as above Plsql Test.

Then collect the similar data for Java Call as Table below.

exec_stats_v (Java SQL_ID: 8nkt65d7hcnxz)

-------- ---------- ----------  ----------------------- -----------
      1   3,790,741         294                       0          77
      3   9,154,792         774                     112          99
      6  13,334,385       1,213                     631         149
     12  16,216,973       1,565                   1,711         264
     18  16,971,173       1,720                   2,622         400
     24  17,062,335       1,745                   3,962         551
     36  16,616,651       1,735                   6,995         925
     42  16,492,514       1,733                  10,003       1,117
     48  16,264,599       1,721                  13,106       1,323

      1   3,288,798         166                       0          86
      3   8,965,468         498                      39          99
      6  11,661,246         701                     221         148
     12  14,770,591       1,186                     972         274
     18  14,791,463       1,715                   1,534         459
     24  13,030,697       2,220                   1,727         749
     36  12,096,987       2,211                   5,475       1,173
     42  11,845,242       2,090                   8,166       1,388
     48  11,732,373       2,080                  11,252       1,661
      1   4,788,119         197                       0          50
      3  12,325,022         647                      22          66
      6  20,053,654       1,233                     261          91
     12  20,646,925       1,050                   1,518         156
     18  20,118,792       1,016                   3,261         257
     24  19,740,172       1,148                   5,525         393
     36  19,285,554       1,229                  10,114         662
     42  19,069,527       1,226                  12,541         806
     48  18,363,626       1,194                  15,031         978                                                                  
The result shows that throughput (EXECUTIONS) is about 2 times lower than Plsql, and response time (US_PER_EXEC) is about 2 times higher than Plsql.

In Blog: Row Cache Objects, Row Cache Latch on Object Type: Plsql vs Java Call (Part-1) (II), we see that each dynamic Plsql foo execution requires 45 Row Cache Latch Gets, whereas that of Java is 63. About 40% more Latch Gets in Java, but its throughput is about 2 times lower than Plsql.

2. Modeling

Let's try to model 3 Row Cache Object (CID: 17, 11, 7) Gets, and respective Latch Gets, each of which contains 3 latch Locations ("Where").

In the following discussion, we model:
  Oracle Session          as Job
  Row Cache Object Get    as Task
  Task Processing Server  as Machine
Suppose we have one Workshop W, and n Job Generators:
  G = (G1, G2, ... ,Gn)
each holds one single Job in each instant (one terminated, a new produced).

Each Job is made of 3 Tasks (sub-Jobs):
  J_i = (Si_1, Si_2, Si_3)
Each Task consists of 3 Work Units:
  Si_1 = (Si_1_u1, Si_1_u2, Si_1_u3)
  Si_2 = (Si_2_u1, Si_2_u2, Si_2_u3)
  Si_3 = (Si_3_u1, Si_3_u2, Si_3_u3)
They are subject to constraints:
  All 3 Tasks in each Job have to be processed sequentially.
  All 3 Work Units in each Task have to be processed sequentially.
  The Tasks and Work Units among different Jobs can be in parallel.
The Workshop is equipped with an assembly line, which consists of 3 Machines (Processors):
  W = (M1, M2, M3)
Each Machine possesses 3 Processing Units:
  M1 = (p1_1, p1_2, p1_3)
  M2 = (p2_1, p2_2, p2_3)
  M3 = (p3_1, p3_2, p3_3)
3 Machines are dedicated respectively for 3 Tasks:
  M1 exclusively processes Si_1
  M2 exclusively processes Si_2
  M3 exclusively processes Si_3
M1, M2, M3 are running in parallel (inter-parallel); but Machine'3 processing Units are hardly running in parallel (no intra-parallel).

The service time of 3 Machines are:
  t1 for M1 to process Si_1
  t2 for M2 to process Si_2
  t3 for M3 to process Si_3 
So minimum processing time of each Job is (t1 + t2 + t3).

Let's look the processing of first n Jobs.

Assume t1 < t2 <t3 (later empirical data support such presumption), after i-th Job being processed, there are:
Jobs waiting before M2 after M1; There are:
Jobs waiting before M3 after M2 when i-th Job being processed by M3.

So M3 processing i-th Job caused a delay of
Jobs, that means an accumulation delay by i-th Job (J_i) is:
  (t3-t2) * (n-i) * (t3-t2)/t2    1 <= i <= n 
The total accumulation waiting time before M3 for processing all n Jobs is:
   (t3-t2) * (n*(n-1)/2) * (t3-t2)/t2
  = n*(n-1) * (t3-t2)^2 / (2 * t2)       
In case of t1 < t2 < t3, all Jobs waiting before M3. If we only consider the fastest machine M1 and slowest machine M3, i.e. min(t1, t2, t3) = t1, max(t1, t2, t3) = t3, M1 is first machine, M3 is last one, both are running in parallel, The accumulation waiting time inside whole Workshop can be approximately estimated as:

Average waiting time per Job is:
  (n-1) * (t3-t1)^2 / (2 * t1)
Put all together, average response time can be expressed as:
    avg_response_time (rt) = waiting_time (wt) + service_time (st)
                           = (n-1) * (t3-t1)^2 / (2 * t1) + t3
    throughput             = (1 / rt) 
                          <= (1 / t3) 
  total response time is quadratically to n.
  average response time is linearly to n, which is similar to test result.
  maximum throughput is 1 / avg_response_time.    
Take the example 10222 trace file of Solairs at the beginning of this section:
  t1 = 255 us   for cid = 17
  t2 = 324 us   for cid = 11 
  t3 = 410 us   for cid =  7 (covered by cid = 11)
  t1 + t2 + t3 = 989 (255+324+410) = sum
The time collected in 10222 trace is much bigger than Solaris US_PER_EXEC for one single session (SESSIIONS=1), probably because overhead of 10222 tracing. So we first convert them to the number without tracing (all are commented after "->").
  US_PER_EXEC = 51  -- Solaris SESSIONS=1 
  t1 + t2 + t3 = 989 (255+324+410) = sum -> 51
  t1 = 255   -> 51 * 255/989 = 13
  t2 = 324   -> 51 * 324/989 = 17    
  t3 = 410   -> 51 * 410/989 = 21
Now we can try to make the calculation for 12 SESSIONS (n=12). The accumulation waiting time inside entire Workshop is:
  n*(n-1) * (t3-t2)^2 / (2 * t2)        
  = 12*11*(21-13)*(21-13)/(2*13) = 324
Average waiting time for each Job:
  (n-1) * (t3-t2)^2 / (2 * t2) 
  = 11*(21-13)*(21-13)/(2*13) = 27
Average response time for each Job:
  27 + 21 = 48  
In the above discussion, Job is modelled by 2 Layers:
  Work Unit
Workshop is also modelled by 2 Layers correspondingly:
  Processing Units
Till now, we only assess the first Layer. The second Layer have not yet been taken into account:
  Work Units 
  Processing Units 
Another deficiency is that there are n Job Generators, and each Generator can produce next Job once previous Job is terminated (boundary condition), so there are total n Jobs in the system, but above model only consider one time of processing first n Jobs.

Back to Row Cache, the scope of model is still too far to reflect the real system because we only consider inter-parallel, but no intra-parallel. This is not precise because intra-parallel is related to 2nd and 3rd latch Get Locations; whereas inter-parallel is related to 1st latch Get Locations.

Besides that, the real system is influenced by Latch timeout, spinning, process Preemption, Multithreading, and hardware specialities (e.g. Solaris LWP, AIX SMT).

As evidenced by the model, there exists no deadlock in such a system since all operations are performed sequentially.

3. Model Justification

To verify the model, 3 parameters t1, t2, t3 have to be acquired.

Run foo_proc (see Blog: Row Cache Objects, Row Cache Latch on Object Type: Plsql vs Java Call (Part-1) (II)) with 10222 trace in an idle system.

Then excerpt all 3 Cache Gets (CID: 17, 11, 7) for one Object instance Get, for example, T_OBJ_OUT (This is only illustrative. In practice, more representative data should be captured).

Here is an example from Solaris (irrelevant lines removed):
(12cR1 10222 trace is hard to read, 12cR2 improved. see Blog: Oracle row cache objects Event: 10222, Dtrace Script (I))

--================ Start T_OBJ_OUT Get ================--

kqrfrpo : freed to fixed free list po=175d2f708 time=1459184662

  ##********* cid = 17, Start time=1459184662 *********--
kqrpad: new po 17727bac0 from kqrpre1.1

kqrReadFromDB : kqrpre1.1 po=17727bac0 flg=8000 cid=17 eq=1753067e0 idx=0 dsflg=0
kqrpre1 : done po=17727bac0 cid=17 flg=2 hash=3c4bb9d0 0 eq=1753067e0 SQL=begin :1 := foo(:2, :3, :4); end; time=1459184804

  ##------- cid = 17, End time=1459184917, Elapsed = 255 (1459184917-1459184662) ------- 
kqrfrpo : freed to fixed free list po=17727bac0 time=1459184917

  ##--********* cid = 11, Start time=1459184917, including cid = 7 *********--

kqrpad: new po 175d2f708 from kqrpre1.1

kqrReadFromDB : kqrpre1.3 po=175d2f708 flg=8000 cid=11 eq=1753067e0 idx=0 dsflg=0
kqrpre1 : done po=175d2f708 cid=11 flg=2 hash=94b841cf a9461655 eq=1753067e0 
          obobn=2360170 obname=T_OBJ_OUT obtyp=13 obsta=1 obflg=0 SQL=begin :1 := foo(:2, :3, :4); end; time=1459185132

  ##--********* cid = 7, Start time=1459185132 *********--

kqrpad: new po 170d94488 from kqrpre1.1

kqrReadFromDB : kqrpre1.3 po=170d94488 flg=8000 cid=7 eq=176e410b8 idx=0 dsflg=0
kqrpre1 : done po=170d94488 cid=7 flg=2 hash=de7751cd 395edb55 eq=176e410b8 
          SQL=begin :1 := foo(:2, :3, :4); end; time=1459185415

  ##------- cid = 7, End time=1459185542, Elapsed = 410 (1459185542-1459185132) -------
kqrfrpo : freed to heap po=170d94488 time=1459185542

kqrmupin : kqrpspr2 Unpin po 175d2f708 cid=11 flg=2 hash=a9461655 time=1459185556

  ##------- cid = 11, End time=1459185651, Elapsed = 734 (1459185651-1459184917), Pure = 324 (734-410) -------
kqrfrpo : freed to fixed free list po=175d2f708 time=1459185651

--================ End T_OBJ_OUT Get ================--
Look that example output from Solaris (irrelevant lines removed. AIX and Linux are added for comparison), values for 3 Cache Gets are captured ("time" in microsecond are enclosed in comment lines like <-- xx -->), then convert them into values (all prefixed by "->") without 10222 tracing according to value for SESSIONS=1 (no concurrency) in Table-1.
----------------------- Solaris ----------------------
  US_PER_EXEC = 51  -- Table-1 Solaris SESSIONS=1 
  t1 = 255 us -> 13  for cid = 17
  t2 = 324 us -> 17  for cid = 11 
  t3 = 410 us -> 21  for cid =  7 (covered by cid = 11)
  total Elapsed = 989 us (255+324+410) -> 51
----------------------- AIX ----------------------
  US_PER_EXEC = 65  -- Table-1 AIX SESSIONS=1 
  t1 = 143 us ->  9  for cid = 17
  t2 = 186 us -> 12  for cid = 11 
  t3 = 252 us -> 16  for cid =  7 (covered by cid = 11)
  total Elapsed = 581 us (143+186+252) -> 65  

----------------------- Linux ----------------------
  US_PER_EXEC = 30  -- Table-1 Linux SESSIONS=1 

  t1 = 136 us ->  8  for cid = 17
  t2 = 164 us ->  9  for cid = 11 
  t3 = 229 us -> 13  for cid =  7 (covered by cid = 11)
  total Elapsed = 529 us (136+164+229) -> 30  
Using the above average response time formula:
  (n-1) * (t3-t1)^2 / (2 * t1) + t3
substitute all variables and run following queries (for SESSIONS varying from 1 to 48), we get the average response time in microsecond (us) per execution: MODEL_US_PER_EXEC. Both test data and model data are shown in Table below.
-------- Solaris --------
select * from (
  select level sessions,
         round((level-1)*(21-13)*(21-13)/(2*13)) + 21 model_us_per_exec
  from dual connect by level < 100
) where sessions in (1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 42, 48);

-------- AIX --------
select * from (
  select level sessions,
         round((level-1)*(16-9)*(16-9)/(2*9)) + 16 model_us_per_exec
  from dual connect by level < 100
) where sessions in (1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 42, 48);

-------- Linux --------
select * from (
  select level sessions,
         round((level-1)*(13-8)*(13-8)/(2*8)) + 13 model_us_per_exec
  from dual connect by level < 100
) where sessions in (1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 42, 48);
All tests are done in Oracle on Solaris, Linux, AIX (SMT 4, LCPU=24) with 6 physical processors. Linux and AIX are added for comparison.

Parallel | Test       | Test        | Model      
---------| ---------- | ----------- | -----------
Solairs  |            |             |            
       1 |  8,096,318 |          51 |          21
       3 | 21,850,342 |          57 |          26
       6 | 32,609,592 |          75 |          33
      12 | 42,217,169 |         125 |          48
      18 | 42,890,535 |         193 |          63
      24 | 42,955,245 |         265 |          78
      36 | 43,117,305 |         406 |         107
      42 | 42,523,671 |         480 |         122
      48 | 40,546,142 |         561 |         137
---------| ---------- | ----------- | -----------
AIX      |            |             |            
       1 |  6,535,357 |          65 |          16
       3 | 17,355,458 |          74 |          21
       6 | 21,327,093 |         117 |          30
      12 | 24,797,761 |         198 |          46
      18 | 25,037,784 |         297 |          62
      24 | 20,691,357 |         542 |          79
      36 | 19,048,665 |         963 |         111
      42 | 19,199,984 |       1,132 |         128
      48 | 19,214,011 |       1,306 |         144
---------| ---------- | ----------- | -----------
Linux    |            |             |            
       1 | 13,992,932 |          30 |          13
       3 | 32,715,487 |          39 |          16
       6 | 52,665,062 |          48 |          21
      12 | 49,743,420 |          98 |          30
      18 | 50,448,264 |         149 |          40
      24 | 50,836,921 |         201 |          49
      36 | 51,864,133 |         307 |          68
      42 | 48,914,411 |         390 |          77
      48 | 48,549,375 |         460 |          86
Now it is open to judge the model by comparing the empirical observations with model predicated values, and inspect its capability of extrapolation.

4. Row Cache Objects Latch: dedicated

Following query shows that there exists a 1-to-1 mapping between Row Cache and Row Cache Latch. Each Cache is protected by one single dedicated Latch. Hence accessing Row Cache is serialized by its designated Latch.

create view sys.x_kqrst as select * from x$kqrst;

select count(distinct latch_child), count(distinct cache#)
  from (
  select la.child# latch_child, kqrstcid cache#, kqrsttxt parameter, dc.*, la.* 
  from sys.x_kqrst dc, v$latch_children la 
  where dc.kqrstcln = la.child# and'row cache objects'
where kqrsttyp =1
order by latch_child;

--------------------------  ---------------------
56                          56

select *
  from (
  select la.child# latch_child, kqrstcid cache#, kqrsttxt parameter, kqrsttyp  --, dc.*, la.* 
  from sys.x_kqrst dc, v$latch_children la 
  where dc.kqrstcln = la.child# and'row cache objects'
where kqrsttyp =1   -- parent
order by latch_child;

----------- ------- ---------------------  ---------
8            10      dc_users               1
9            8       dc_objects             1
10           17      dc_global_oids         1
18           15      dc_props               1
For example, to access Object Type: T_OBJ_OUT, we should sequentially go though 3 Caches:
and each of which is guarded by its responsible Child Latch:
It looks like that "row cache objects Latch" works similar to the single "Result Cache: RC Latch" discussed in Blog: PL/SQL Function Result Cache Invalidation (I). But the difference is that later is optional, and can be turned off; but the former is an unavoidable obstacle.

To this point, we can have a further look of other Oracle Latches. Probably only cache buffers chains Latch is conceived to be scale (nonetheless "latch: cache buffers chains" Wait Event) since each of which has a limited responsibility and it amounts to majority of Latch (> 75%). Any excessive usage of other Latches is rated as irrational, hence contentions.

select, count(*) cnt, round(100*ratio_to_report(count(*)) over (), 2) ratio 
from v$latch l, v$latch_children k
where l.latch# = k.latch#(+) 
--  and in ('cache buffers chains', 'row cache objects', 'shared pool', 'Result Cache: RC Latch', 'kokc descriptor allocation latch')
--  and lower( like '%kokc%'
group by order by cnt desc,;

NAME                               CNT     RATIO
--------------------------------- ------  ------
cache buffers chains               32768   75.38
simulator hash latch               2048    4.71
row cache objects                  56      0.13
shared pool                        7       0.02
Result Cache: RC Latch             1       0
kokc descriptor allocation latch   1       0

770 rows selected.
(-------------- cache buffers chains --------------
Hidden Parameters and default values: 
  _db_block_hash_latches=32768    Number of database block hash latches,
  _db_block_hash_buckets=1048576  Number of database block hash buckets 
           1048576/32768=32       buckets per latch
Blog: Hot Block Identification and latch: cache buffers chains
-------------- simulator hash latch --------------
Blog: Row Cache and Sql Executions (IV)
-------------- row cache objects --------------
"Current Location" 
Blog: nls_database_parameters, dc_props, latch: row cache objects
-------------- shared pool --------------
Blog: sql_id and idn to shared pool subpool
-------------- Result Cache: RC Latch --------------
Blog: Result Cache:0 rows updated Invalidations (IV)
-------------- kokc descriptor allocation latch --------------
Bug 14382262  latch free wait event in"kokc descriptor allocation latch"

Blog: dbms_aq.dequeue - latch: row cache objects on AIX
Blog: Shared Pool - KKSSP

5. AWR/ASH - Row Cache Objects

We collect AWR/ASH reports for one 10 minutes Run of Plsql Test in 42 parallel sessions, and extract all Row Cache Objects related Sections.

5.1. Load Profile

DB CPU(s) Per Second: 5.9 shows that all 6 CPU are busy (CPU intensive), and about 100*(1-5.9/66.2) = 91% of DB Time are in waiting.

Load Profile
  Per Second Per Transaction Per Exec Per Call
DB Time(s): 66.2 373.6 0 195.01
DB CPU(s): 5.9 33.2 0 17.34

5.2. Top 10 Foreground Events by Total Wait Time

23 %DB time is in Waiting Event for latch: row cache objects, with Wait Avg(ms) 46.85 (probably bigger than 10 ms CPU Scheduling time slice).

9 %DB time is in Waiting Event for library cache: mutex X, with Wait Avg(ms) 10.49.

Top 10 Foreground Events by Total Wait Time
Event Waits Total Wait Time (sec) Wait Avg(ms) % DB time
latch: row cache objects 196,081 9185.8 46.85 23
library cache: mutex X 367,581 3856 10.49 9.6
DB CPU   3554.8   8.9

5.3. SQL ordered by Elapsed Time

SQL_ID: 241pfd82cu4wj has 42,533,404 Executions with Elapsed Time 20,423.63 seconds, all in CPU.

SQL ordered by Elapsed Time
Elapsed Time (s) Executions Elapsed Time per Exec (s) %Total %CPU %IO SQL Id SQL Text
24,895.60 42 592.75 62.27 14.26 0 22thkvvjndnmj DECLARE job BINARY_INTEGER := ...
20,423.63 42,533,404 0 51.09 12.81 0 241pfd82cu4wj begin :1 := foo(:2, :3, :4); e...

5.4. Latch Activity and Latch Sleep Breakdown

Total Latch Gets is 1,916,333,412, with 197,952 Sleeps, about 7.5% of Latch Miss (Gets/Misses=143,650,808/1,916,333,412). 197,952 Sleeps matches Latch Waits in Section "Top 10 Foreground Events by Total Wait Time".

Look rco_stats_v table for 42 SESSIONS, the 3 GETs for 3 Caches (dc_global_oids, dc_object_grants, dc_users) summing together is 1,915,994,113, close to above Total Latch Gets.


Latch Activity
Latch Name Get Requests Pct Get Miss Avg Slps /Miss Wait Time (s)
row cache objects 1,916,333,412 7.5 0 9186

Latch Sleep Breakdown
Latch Name Get Requests Misses Sleeps Spin Gets
row cache objects 1,916,333,412 143,650,808 197,952 143,454,769

5.5. Latch Miss Sources

Blog: Oracle row cache objects Event: 10222, Dtrace Script (I) shows that each Latch Get goes through 3 consecutive Locations ("Where"):
  Where=>4441(0x1159): kqrpre: find obj   -- latch Get at 1st Location
  Where=>4464(0x1170): kqreqd             -- latch Get at 2nd Location
  Where=>4465(0x1171): kqreqd: reget      -- latch Get at 3rd Location
Here we can see "kqrpre: find obj" is main blocker (Waiter Sleeps: 179,972), whereas "kqreqd: reget" is the top victim (Sleeps: 157,629), which accounts for about 80% (157,629/197,952) of Latch Sleeps.

In the above discussion, we noted that inter-parallel is related to 1st Latch Get Locations.

Latch Miss Sources
Latch Name Where NoWait Misses Sleeps Waiter Sleeps
row cache objects kqreqd: reget 0 157,629 3,121
row cache objects kqrpre: find obj 0 33,484 179,972
row cache objects kqreqd 0 6,812 14,827

5.6. Mutex Sleep Summary

This is related to library cache: mutex X (to be discussed in next Section).

Mutex Sleep Summary
Mutex Type Location Sleeps Wait Time (ms)
Library Cache kglpndl1 95 163,409 1,187,289
Library Cache kglhdgn2 106 161,608 1,191,330
Library Cache kglpin1 4 58,848 393,368
Library Cache kgllkdl1 85 31,551 186,930
Library Cache kglpnal1 90 30,451 176,736
Library Cache kglget1 1 30,157 233,526
Library Cache kglhdgn1 62 26,839 229,241

5.7. Child Latch Statistics

See rco_stats_v.

Child Latch Statistics
Latch Name Child Num Get Requests Misses Sleeps Spin & Sleeps 1->3+
row cache objects 9 638,804,551 56,606,984 65,237 56542348/0/0/0
row cache objects 8 638,793,715 22,654,054 56,248 22598358/0/0/0
row cache objects 10 638,788,857 64,389,752 76,467 64314045/0/0/0

5.8. Dictionary Cache Stats

See rco_stats_v.

I almost overlooked this Section because each popular Oracle term gets two names.

Dictionary Cache Stats
Cache Get Requests Pct Miss Scan Reqs Pct Miss Mod Reqs Final Usage
dc_global_oids 212,933,433 0 0   0 69
dc_objects 212,938,294 0 0   117 3,585
dc_users 212,935,101 0 0   0 89

5.9. Top SQL with Top Events, Top Events

This ASH Section listed our foo statement triggering the Top Events.

Top SQL with Top Events
SQL ID Plan Hash Executions % Activity Event % Event SQL Text
241pfd82cu4wj   2048 84.37 latch: row cache objects 41.39 begin :1 := foo(:2, :3, :4); e...
241pfd82cu4wj   2048 84.37 CPU + Wait for CPU 34.99 begin :1 := foo(:2, :3, :4); e...
241pfd82cu4wj   2048 84.37 library cache: mutex X 7.92 begin :1 := foo(:2, :3, :4); e...

Top Events
Event Event Class Session Type % Activity Avg Active Sessions
CPU + Wait for CPU CPU FOREGROUND 45.57 18.39
latch: row cache objects Concurrency FOREGROUND 41.39 16.71
library cache: mutex X Concurrency FOREGROUND 12.92 5.22

5.10. Top Event P1/P2/P3 Values

Top Event P1/P2/P3 Values
Event % Event P1, P2, P3 Values % Activity Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3
latch: row cache objects 41.39 "6490258456","411","0" 18.91 address number tries
latch: row cache objects   "6490257608","411","0" 11.94 address number tries
latch: row cache objects   "6490258032","411","0" 10.54 address number tries
library cache: mutex X 12.92 "595386336", "3143916060672", "10136848668098666" 0.66 idn value where

Pick all 3 P1 Parameters in Event latch, run query below. The output shows that they point to the 3 Child_Latches (10, 9, 8) repectively.

select to_number(addr, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX') addr_num, addr,
       child#, gets, misses, sleeps, spin_gets, wait_time
 from v$latch_children lat
where latch#=411 
  and (addr like '%'||trim(to_char(6490258456, 'XXXXXXXXX'))
    or addr like '%'||trim(to_char(6490257608, 'XXXXXXXXX'))
    or addr like '%'||trim(to_char(6490258032, 'XXXXXXXXX')))
order by sleeps desc;

----------  ----------------  ------  ---------  --------  ------  ---------  ----------
6490258456  0000000182D97C18  10      638829560  64389752  76467   64314045   3905162356
6490258032  0000000182D97A70  9       638989001  56607014  65237   56542378   3006243205
6490257608  0000000182D978C8  8       639105230  22654062  56248   22598366   2274407991

6. library cache: mutex X

Look ASH Section - Top Event P1/P2/P3 Values, pick P1 Parameters in Event mutex, run query below.

The output shows that P1 Parameter: "595386336" represents T_OBJ_IN.

with start_snap as (
  select mutex_identifier, location, max(gets) gets, max(sleeps) sleeps, min(sleep_timestamp) min_ts
   from v$mutex_sleep_history
  where sleep_timestamp < sysdate -30/1440 
   group by mutex_identifier, location)
 ,end_snap as (
  select mutex_identifier, location, min(gets) gets, min(sleeps) sleeps, max(sleep_timestamp) max_ts
   from v$mutex_sleep_history
  where sleep_timestamp < sysdate -1/1440 
   group by mutex_identifier, location)
 ,delta as (
  select e.mutex_identifier, e.location, 
       e.gets   - nvl(s.gets, 0)   gets,
       e.sleeps - nvl(s.sleeps, 0) sleeps, min_ts, max_ts
  from start_snap s, end_snap e
  where e.mutex_identifier = s.mutex_identifier (+) 
    and e.location = s.location (+))
 ,snap as (
  select mutex_identifier, sum(gets) gets, sum(sleeps) sleeps, min(min_ts) min_ts, max(max_ts) max_ts
    from delta group by mutex_identifier
   order by sleeps desc
select o.hash_value, name, s.gets, s.sleeps, s.min_ts, s.max_ts
 from v$db_object_cache o, snap s
where o.hash_value = s.mutex_identifier
--  and mutex_identifier = 595386336
  and rownum <= 5
order by s.sleeps desc;

----------  -----------  ----------  ------
2812823600  T_OBJ_RET    1063400668  19362
668251247   T_OBJ_INOUT  1276396207  13660
595386336   T_OBJ_IN     1063241644   9290
415170529   T_OBJ_OUT    1063009333   8719
4198378475  FOO           254328227   1902
By the above output, if T_OBJ_IN occupies to 0.66 %Activity, T_OBJ_RET could be estimated as 1.38% (0.66*19362/9290) %Activity. Probably not always the TOP consumer is displayed in ASH.

Following query would give an output similar to AWR Section: Mutex Sleep Summary.
(The data in v$mutex_sleep_history is contained within a circular buffer, with the most recent sleeps shown)

with start_snap as (
  select mutex_identifier, location, max(gets) gets, max(sleeps) sleeps
   from v$mutex_sleep_history
  where sleep_timestamp < timestamp'2018-12-17 08:04:30' 
   group by mutex_identifier, location)
 ,end_snap as (
  select mutex_identifier, location, min(gets) gets, min(sleeps) sleeps
   from v$mutex_sleep_history
  where sleep_timestamp < timestamp'2018-12-17 08:14:50'
   group by mutex_identifier, location)
 ,delta as (
  select e.mutex_identifier, e.location, 
       e.gets   - nvl(s.gets, 0)   gets,
       e.sleeps - nvl(s.sleeps, 0) sleeps
  from start_snap s, end_snap e
  where e.mutex_identifier = s.mutex_identifier (+) 
    and e.location = s.location (+))
select location, sum(gets) gets, sum(sleeps) sleeps
  from delta group by location
 order by sleeps desc;
LOCATION                    GETS        SLEEPS
--------------------------  ----------  ------
kglhdgn2 106                977757576   13812
kglpndl1  95                1062042442  12725
kglpin1   4                 1020903933  11455
kglpnal1  90                 680931048   9432
kgllkdl1  85                 425439695   5679
kksLockDelete [KKSCHLPIN6]   425095566   3199
kglget1   1                  255195587   2600
kglhdgn1  62                 336370181   2466
kksxsccmp [KKSCHLPIN5]       169434152    242
kksfbc [KKSCHLFSP2]          169595310    232
A quick alternative is to create multiple copies of hot objects, for example, for T_OBJ_IN, and T_OBJ_RET (See Blog: "library cache: mutex X" and Application Context)

alter system set "_kgl_hot_object_copies"= 255 scope=spfile;

alter system set "_kgl_debug"=
      "name='T_OBJ_IN'   schema='K'    namespace=1  debug=33554432", 
      "name='T_OBJ_RET'  schema='K'    namespace=1  debug=33554432"

7. Test Code: Plsql

drop sequence foo_seq;

create sequence foo_seq;

create or replace force view rco_stats_record_v as
with rc as (
  select min(parameter) rc_parameter, sum(gets) rc_gets, sum(getmisses) rc_getmisses, 
         decode(substr(parameter, 1, 9), 'dc_users', 8, 'dc_object', 9, 'dc_global', 10) la_child#,
         listagg(cache#, ', ') within group (order by cache#) cache#_list,
         listagg(parameter, ', ') within group (order by length(parameter)) parameter_list
  from   v$rowcache where cache# in (7,10, 8,11, 17) and gets > 0 
  group by substr(parameter, 1, 9))
select localtimestamp ts, addr, child#, name, gets, misses, sleeps, spin_gets, wait_time, rc.*, 3*gets RC_theory_gets
from v$latch_children la, rc
where la.latch# = 411 and la.child# in (8, 9, 10) 
  and la.child# = rc.la_child# 
order by la.child#; 

drop table rco_stats;

create table rco_stats as select 0 run, 0 sessions, v.* from rco_stats_record_v v where 1=2;

create or replace force view rco_stats_v  as
select run, sessions, ts, child#, rc_parameter
      ,gets - lag(gets) over (partition by rc_parameter order by run, sessions) gets
      ,misses - lag(misses) over (partition by rc_parameter order by run, sessions) misses
      ,sleeps - lag(sleeps) over (partition by rc_parameter order by run, sessions) sleeps
      ,spin_gets - lag(spin_gets) over (partition by rc_parameter order by run, sessions) spin_gets
      ,round((wait_time - lag(wait_time) over (partition by rc_parameter order by run, sessions))/1e6) wait_time_s
      ,rc_gets - lag(rc_gets) over (partition by rc_parameter order by run, sessions) rc_gets
      ,rc_getmisses - lag(rc_getmisses) over (partition by rc_parameter order by run, sessions) rc_getmisses
      ,rc_theory_gets - lag(rc_theory_gets) over (partition by rc_parameter order by run, sessions) rc_theory_gets
      ,cache#_list, parameter_list
from rco_stats v;

-- Plsql  241pfd82cu4wj    begin :1 := foo(:2, :3, :4); end; 
-- Java   8nkt65d7hcnxz    BEGIN :1 := K.FOO(:2, :3, :4); END;

create or replace force view exec_stats_record_v as
select localtimestamp ts, sql_id, executions, elapsed_time, cpu_time, concurrency_wait_time
from v$sqlarea v 
where (lower(sql_text) like 'begin :1 := %foo(:2, :3, :4); end;%' or sql_id in ('241pfd82cu4wj', '8nkt65d7hcnxz'))
  and last_active_time = (select max(last_active_time) from v$sqlarea where sql_id in ('241pfd82cu4wj', '8nkt65d7hcnxz'))
  and rownum = 1
order by v.last_active_time desc;     

drop table exec_stats;

create table exec_stats as select 0 run, 0 sessions, v.* from exec_stats_record_v v where 1=2;

create or replace force view exec_stats_v as
select run, sessions, ts
      ,executions - lag(executions) over (order by run, sessions) executions
      ,round((elapsed_time - lag(elapsed_time) over (order by run, sessions))/1e6) elapsed_time_s
      ,round((cpu_time - lag(cpu_time) over (order by run, sessions))/1e6) cpu_time_s
      ,round((concurrency_wait_time - lag(concurrency_wait_time) over (order by run, sessions))/1e6) concurrency_wait_time_s
      ,round((elapsed_time - lag(elapsed_time) over (order by run, sessions))/(nullif (executions - lag(executions) over (order by run, sessions), 0))) us_per_exec
from exec_stats;

create or replace procedure record_stats (p_sessions number) as 
  l_run   number;
  l_run := foo_seq.nextval;
  insert into rco_stats  select l_run, p_sessions, v.* from rco_stats_record_v v;
  insert into exec_stats select l_run, p_sessions, v.* from exec_stats_record_v v;

create or replace procedure k.foo_proc_sessions(p_session_cnt number, p_cnt number) as
  l_job_id pls_integer;
  for i in 1.. p_session_cnt loop
    --dbms_job.submit(l_job_id, 'begin foo_proc('||p_cnt||'); end;');
    dbms_job.submit(l_job_id, 'begin while true loop foo_proc('||p_cnt||'); end loop; end;');
  end loop;

--exec foo_proc_sessions(6, 1e9);

--exec clean_jobs;

create or replace procedure k.foo_proc_sessions_ctrl(p_cnt number, p_dur_min number := 10) as
  type    t_num_tab is table of number;
  l_nums  t_num_tab := new t_num_tab(1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 42, 48);
  l_run   number;
  foo_proc(10);   -- warmup
  for n in 1..l_nums.count loop
    foo_proc_sessions(l_nums(n), p_cnt);    -- n Sessions
    dbms_lock.sleep(p_dur_min*60);          -- m minutes
  end loop;

-- exec foo_proc_sessions_ctrl(1e9, 10);

8. Test Code: UNIX Script for Java Test

-------------- create Script: foo_proc_sessions_java ------

export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:java-path:jdbc-path:RCOObjTypeJDBC1-path

function db_record_stats {
  `sqlplus -s /nolog << EOF
  connect k/k
  exec k.record_stats($1);

# warm up
/usr/java/bin/java -Xmx30m -Xms8m RCOObjTypeJDBC1 "jdbc:oracle:thin:k/s@testdb:1521:testdb"  10 2
sleep 2

# MOS (Doc ID 2336567.1). new Oracle Database 12c installation.
# ./foo_proc_sessions_java[20]: db_record_stats[9]: PL/SQL: not found [No such file or directory]

db_record_stats 0

for i in 1 3 6 12 18 24 36 42 48
  echo "Sessions Count: $i"
  while [[ $j -le $i ]]
    echo "Run: $j"
    /usr/java/bin/java -Xmx30m -Xms8m RCOObjTypeJDBC1 "jdbc:oracle:thin:k/s@testdb:1521:testdb"  1000000000 2 &
    (( j = j + 1 ))
  sleep $1   # run interval
  for pid in $(ps -ef | awk '/RCOObjTypeJDBC1/ {print $2}')
      if [ -n "$pid" -a -e /proc/$pid ]; then
          echo "Kill Pid: $pid"   # kill if exist
          kill -9 $pid 
  sleep 2     # grace period for killing 
  db_record_stats $i

-------------- called by ----
chmod a+x ./foo_proc_sessions_java
ksh ./foo_proc_sessions_java 600