Sunday, June 13, 2021

Oracle dbms_alert and its Wait Events

dbms_alert provides asynchronous notification of database events with dbms_pipe (non-transactional) between receiver and sender, and make it transactional (ACID properties) by dbms_lock via table dbms_alert_info.

In this Blog, we will look three wait events in using dbms_alert:

  -. pipe get
  -. enq: UL - contention
  -. enq: TX - row lock contention
We will show that both receiver session (waitany/waitone) and sender session (signal) can be blocked session or blocking session.

Note: Tested in Oracle 19c

1. Receiver and Sender Lock Mode

dbms_alert receiver (waitany/waitone) requests SX_Mode, whereas Sender (signal) requests S_Mode.

Refer to Compatibility Rules defined in dbms_lock:

  Lock Compatibility Rules:
    held  get->  NL   SS   SX   S    SSX  X
    SS           SUCC SUCC SUCC SUCC SUCC fail
    SX           SUCC SUCC SUCC fail fail fail
    S            SUCC SUCC fail SUCC fail fail
    SSX          SUCC SUCC fail fail fail fail
    X            SUCC fail fail fail fail fail
we can see that lock mode (SX) is compatible (SUCC) between two receivers, lock mode (S) is also compatible (SUCC) between two senders, but it is not compatible (fail) between receiver and sender. So receiver blocks sender, and sender blocks receiver.
(Look middle diagonal, except pair (SX, S)=fail, (S, SX)=fail and (S, S)=SUCC, all in diagonal and above it are "SUCC", all under it are "fail").

To test above Compatibility Rules, we can open two Sqlplus sessions, then run one of following blocks in one of them (there are 4 combinations).

-- Receiver (procedure waitany) session
  register_name  varchar2(30) := 'TEST_ALERT_1';
  lockid         integer;
  lock_status    integer;
   lockid      := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(register_name, 2000000000, 2048);
   lock_status := dbms_lock.request(lockid, dbms_lock.x_mode, dbms_lock.maxwait, release_on_commit => true);
   insert into dbms_alert_info values (register_name, receiver_session_id, 'N', null);

-- Sender (procedure signal) session
  lockid       integer := dbms_utility.get_hash_value('TEST_ALERT_1', 2000002048, 2048);
  lock_status  integer;
  lock_status := dbms_lock.request(lockid, dbms_lock.s_mode, dbms_lock.maxwait, release_on_commit => true);
  dbms_output.put_line('lockide='||lockid||', Status='||lock_status);

  --SX:  name|mode=1431044099 = 0x554C0003 = UL-3
  --S:   name|mode=1431044100 = 0x554C0004 = UL-4
  --X:   name|mode=1431044102 = 0x554C0006 = UL-6 (used by register)

2. Wait Event: "pipe get" and "enq: UL - contention"

Open two Sqlplus sessions, R1 as receiver, S1 as sender. Then run following test steps.

2.1 R1@T1 - Receiver register an alert name

At first, we register an alert name:

exec dbms_alert.register('TEST_ALERT_1');
It looks like:

-- Register (procedure register)
  register_name  varchar2(30) := 'TEST_ALERT_1';
  lockid         integer;
  lock_status    integer;
   lockid      := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(register_name, 2000000000, 2048);
   lock_status := dbms_lock.request(lockid, dbms_lock.x_mode, dbms_lock.maxwait, release_on_commit => true);
   insert into dbms_alert_info values (register_name, receiver_session_id, 'N', null);
We can see the registered name, its UNIQUE_SID (sid: 916) and LOCKID:
select * from sys.dbms_alert_info;

  NAME         SID          CHANGED  MESSAGE
  ------------ ------------ -------  -------
  TEST_ALERT_1 0394D2BB0001 N        

-- sid||serial#||instance_number  (each 4 hex numbers)
select lpad(trim(to_char(sid, 'XXXX')), 4, '0')||lpad(trim(to_char(serial#, 'XXXX')), 4, '0')||lpad(trim(to_char(inst_id, 'XXXX')), 4, '0')
      ,dbms_session.unique_session_id unique_sid 
from gv$session where sid = 916;

  -------------  ------------
  0394D2BB0001   0394D2BB0001

select dbms_utility.get_hash_value('TEST_ALERT_1', 2000000000, 2048) lockid from dual;

  -- Note: Lockids from 2000000000 to 2147483647 are reserved for products supplied by Oracle Corporation.  

2.2 R1@T2 - Receiver wait for registered name to occur

We start waitany with trace and PL/SQL hierarchical profiler:

alter session set events='10046 trace name context forever, level 12: 10704 trace name context forever, level 15' 
exec dbms_hprof.start_profiling('PLSHPROF_DIR', 'hprpf_1');

   l_message varchar2(1800);
   l_status  pls_integer;
   l_name    varchar2(30);
   dbms_alert.waitany(name=>l_name, message=>l_message, status=>l_status);
   --dbms_alert.waitone(name=>'TEST_ALERT_1', message=>l_message, status=>l_status);
   dbms_output.put_line('Received Name='||l_name||', Message='||l_message||', Status='||to_char(l_status));

exec dbms_hprof.stop_profiling;
alter session set events='10046 trace name context off: 10704 trace name context off';
If we "tail -f trc_1", we can see:

WAIT nam='pipe get' ela= 1999731 handle address=2401626056 buffer length=4096 timeout=86400000 obj#=3481822 tim=216712862038
WAIT nam='pipe get' ela= 2999855 handle address=2401626056 buffer length=4096 timeout=86400000 obj#=3481822 tim=216715862043
WAIT nam='pipe get' ela= 3999860 handle address=2401626056 buffer length=4096 timeout=86400000 obj#=3481822 tim=216719862055
WAIT nam='pipe get' ela= 4999839 handle address=2401626056 buffer length=4096 timeout=86400000 obj#=3481822 tim=216724862058
WAIT nam='pipe get' ela= 4999825 handle address=2401626056 buffer length=4096 timeout=86400000 obj#=3481822 tim=216729862028
WAIT nam='pipe get' ela= 4999871 handle address=2401626056 buffer length=4096 timeout=86400000 obj#=3481822 tim=216774862040
WAIT nam='pipe get' ela= 1150252 handle address=2401626056 buffer length=4096 timeout=86400000 obj#=3481822 tim=216776012435

  -- obj#=3481822 = SYS.DBMS_ALERT_INFO
  -- handle address=2401626056 = 0x8F25E7C8
It shows that 'pipe get' is polling in an interval of 2, 3, 5, 5 ...5 seconds ("ela" in microsecond), and immediate return when receiving a signal (last 'pipe get' line "ela= 1150252").

We can see that the name of 'pipe get' handle address=2401626056 (0x8F25E7C8) is a concatenation of 'ORA$ALERT$' and above UNIQUE_SID:

select c.addr, c.hash_value,, c.namespace from v$db_object_cache c where addr like '%8F25E7C8';

  ADDR     HASH_VALUE NAME                   NAMESPACE
  -------- ---------- ---------------------- ---------
  8F25E7C8 3820773965 ORA$ALERT$0394D2BB0001 PIPE
"tail -f hprpf_1" shows DBMS_ALERT workflow and DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE wait of 65 seconds (65150257 microseconds).

P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_UTILITY"::11."GET_HASH_VALUE"#2300a0448782c31d #574
P#X 6
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 158
P#C SQL."SYS"."DBMS_ALERT"::11."__static_sql_exec_line275" #275."6q6u3ab0st2pj"
P#X 572
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."RELEASE"#3048d2af80817a01 #199
P#X 45
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_PIPE"::11."RECEIVE_MESSAGE"#9d831f6c5a526d3e #163
P#X 65150257

2.3 S1@T3 - Send a signal

Wait about 60 seconds, then we send a signal from session S1:

exec dbms_alert.signal('TEST_ALERT_1', 'alert_msg_1');
Now "tail -f trc_1" shows that R1 wait is changed from 'pipe get' to 'enq: UL - contention' (lock mode (SX): 0x554C0003 = UL-3) and blocked by S1:

*** 2021-06-10T15:55:59.084868+02:00
ksucti: init DID: 0001-0035-00000082 WAIT nam='enq: UL - contention' ela= 1000005 name|mode=1431044099 id=2000000030 0=0 obj#=3481822 tim=216777013038
ksucti: init DID: 0001-0035-00000082 WAIT nam='enq: UL - contention' ela= 1999250 name|mode=1431044099 id=2000000030 0=0 obj#=3481822 tim=216779013052
ksucti: init DID: 0001-0035-00000082 WAIT nam='enq: UL - contention' ela= 3999985 name|mode=1431044099 id=2000000030 0=0 obj#=3481822 tim=216783014039
ksucti: init DID: 0001-0035-00000082 WAIT nam='enq: UL - contention' ela= 8000198 name|mode=1431044099 id=2000000030 0=0 obj#=3481822 tim=216791015030
ksucti: init DID: 0001-0035-00000082 WAIT nam='enq: UL - contention' ela= 16000115 name|mode=1431044099 id=2000000030 0=0 obj#=3481822 tim=216807016041
ksucti: init DID: 0001-0035-00000082 WAIT nam='enq: UL - contention' ela= 32000110 name|mode=1431044099 id=2000000030 0=0 obj#=3481822 tim=216839017040
ksucti: init DID: 0001-0035-00000082 WAIT nam='enq: UL - contention' ela= 32000237 name|mode=1431044099 id=2000000030 0=0 obj#=3481822 tim=216871018073
ksucti: init DID: 0001-0035-00000082 WAIT nam='enq: UL - contention' ela= 32000841 name|mode=1431044099 id=2000000030 0=0 obj#=3481822 tim=216903020049
ksucti: init DID: 0001-0035-00000082 WAIT nam='enq: UL - contention' ela= 4693093 name|mode=1431044099 id=2000000030 0=0 obj#=3481822 tim=216907714067
*** 2021-06-10T15:58:10.786177+02:00

  --  name|mode=1431044099 = 0x554C0003 = UL-3
'enq: UL - contention' is waiting in an interval of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 32 ...32 seconds, and immediate return when the waited lockid is released by S2 (last 'enq: UL - contention' line "ela= 4693093").

Oracle dbms_alert package document wrote:
     Waitany call: The polling loop begins at a one second interval and exponentially backs off to 30 second intervals.

"tail -f hprpf_1" shows the similar info:

P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 1000256
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 1999479
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 4000224
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 8000401
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 16000326
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 32000317
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 32000459
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 32001077
P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 4693322
By the way, during 'enq: UL - contention', if one session registers the same alert name:

exec dbms_alert.register('TEST_ALERT_1');
which requests dbms_lock.x_mode, it will be blocked by:

name|mode=1431044102 = 0x554C0006 = UL-6 (dbms_lock.x_mode)

2.4 S1@T4 - Sender Commit

Wait about 120 seconds, then we issue the commit in session S2:

dbms_alert docu said that most of the calls in dbms_alert package, except for 'signal', do commits.

2.5 R1@T5 - Receiver Return

R1 returns with the received message.

Received Name=TEST_ALERT_1, Message=alert_msg_1, Status=0

3. Wait Event: 'pipe get', 'enq: UL - contention' and 'enq: TX - row lock contention'

Now we run one more complicated test case.

Open three Sqlplus sessions, R1 (sid: 916) as receiver, S1 (sid: 371) and S2 (sid: 366) as sender. Then run following test steps.

3.1 R1@T1 - Receiver register an alert name

exec dbms_alert.register('TEST_ALERT_1');

3.2 R1@T2 - Receiver wait for registered name to occur

   l_message varchar2(1800);
   l_status  pls_integer;
   l_name    varchar2(30);
   dbms_alert.waitany(name=>l_name, message=>l_message, status=>l_status);
   --dbms_alert.waitone(name=>'TEST_ALERT_1', message=>l_message, status=>l_status);
   dbms_output.put_line('Received Name='||l_name||', Message='||l_message||', Status='||to_char(l_status));

3.3 S1@T3 - S1 send to R1 'TEST_ALERT_1' with message 'alert_msg_1'

exec dbms_alert.signal('TEST_ALERT_1', 'alert_msg_1');

3.4 S2@T4 - S2 send to R1 'TEST_ALERT_1' with message 'alert_msg_2'

In S2, We start dbms_alert.signal with trace and PL/SQL hierarchical profiler:

alter session set events='10046 trace name context forever, level 12: 10704 trace name context forever, level 15' 
exec dbms_hprof.start_profiling('PLSHPROF_DIR', 'hprpf_2');

exec dbms_alert.signal('TEST_ALERT_1', 'alert_msg_2');

exec dbms_hprof.stop_profiling;
alter session set events='10046 trace name context off: 10704 trace name context off';
"tail -f trc_2" shows S2 is in wait 'enq: UL - contention' (lock mode (S): 0x554C0004 = UL-4) blocked by Receiver R1 for about 23 seconds (ela= 23999086).

Then it is in 'enq: TX - row lock contention' for 64 seconds (ela= 64240041) blocked by Sender S1 till S1 commit.

BEGIN dbms_alert.signal('TEST_ALERT_1', 'alert_msg_2'); END;

*** 2021-06-10T17:02:29.147764+02:00
ksucti: WAIT: nam='enq: UL - contention' ela= 23999086 name|mode=1431044100 id=2000000030 0=0 obj#=58968 tim=220790075023

*** 2021-06-10T17:02:53.147188+02:00

*** 2021-06-10T17:02:53.147277+02:00
ksucti: init session DID from txn DID: 0001-0032-000000DEBINDS #140582426666432:
*** 2021-06-10T17:02:53.147524+02:00
ksucti: WAIT: nam='enq: TX - row lock contention' ela= 64240041 name|mode=1415053318 usn<<16 | slot=524302 sequence=280482 obj#=3481822 tim=220854315708

*** 2021-06-10T17:03:57.387773+02:00

  -- name|mode=1431044100 = 0x554C0004 = UL-4
  -- name|mode=1415053318=54580006=TX-6
"tail -f hprpf_2" shows the same info:

P#C PLSQL."SYS"."DBMS_LOCK"::11."REQUEST"#e72e757eb117d2ba #111
P#X 23999402

P#C SQL."SYS"."DBMS_ALERT"::11."__static_sql_exec_line431" #431."6tmkh8j0d3w0p"
P#X 64241029

3.5 S1@T5 - Sender S1 Commit

Wait about 60 seconds, S1 commit:


3.6 S2@T6 - Sender S2 Commit


3.7 R1@T7 - Receiver Return

R1 returns with the received message 'alert_msg_2' ('alert_msg_1' was overwritten).

Received Name=TEST_ALERT_1, Message=alert_msg_2, Status=0
We can list session waiting history by query below:

select session_id, event, p1, p2, p3, blocking_session
      ,min(sample_time) start_time, max(sample_time) end_time
      ,max(sample_time) - min(sample_time) delta
from v$active_session_history v
where session_id in (916 ,371, 366)
  and sample_time between timestamp'2021-06-10 16:59:00' and timestamp'2021-06-10 17:05:00'
group by session_id, event, p1, p2, p3, blocking_session
order by min(sample_time);

  SESSION_ID EVENT                                  P1         P2     P3 BLOCKING_SESSION START_TIME END_TIME  DELTA
  ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------ ---------------- ---------- --------  --------
         916 enq: UL - contention           1431044099 2000000030      0              371 16:59:09   17:03:57  00:04:48
         366 enq: UL - contention           1431044100 2000000030      0              916 17:02:29   17:02:52  00:00:23
         366 enq: TX - row lock contention  1415053318     524302 280482              371 17:02:53   17:03:57  00:01:04
         916 enq: UL - contention           1431044099 2000000030      0              366 17:03:58   17:04:25  00:00:27

  Time Sequence:
    R1(sid 916)@T1=16:57:01 - dbms_alert.register('TEST_ALERT_1');
    R1(sid 916)@T2=16:58:02 - dbms_alert.waitany start
    S1(sid 371)@T3=16:59:09 - dbms_alert.signal('TEST_ALERT_1', 'alert_msg_1');
    S2(sid 366)@T4=17:02:29 - dbms_alert.signal('TEST_ALERT_1', 'alert_msg_2');
    S1(sid 371)@T5=17:03:57 - commit
    S2(sid 366)@T6=17:04:25 - commit
    R1(sid 916)@T7=17:04:25 - dbms_alert.waitany end
It shows that R1 (sid 916) is in 'enq: UL - contention' (P1=1431044100=UL-3(SX)) blocked by S1 (sid: 371) between 16:59:09 and 17:03:57, then blocked by S2 (sid: 366) between 17:03:58 and 17:04:25.

S2 (sid 366) is first in 'enq: UL - contention' blocked by Receiver R1 (sid: 916) for 23 seconds between 17:02:29 and 17:02:52, then in 'enq: TX - row lock contention' blocked by Sender S1 (sid: 371) for 64 seconds between 17:02:53 and 17:03:57 till S1 commit at 17:03:57.

In the first test, we showed that Receiver is in 'enq: UL - contention' for a timeout of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 32 ...32 seconds.

In this test, S2 is first in 'enq: UL - contention' (P1=1431044100=UL-4(S)) for 23 seconds, that is because S2 sends signal after R1 is getting into an UL lock request with timeout of 32 seconds, 9 seconds already passed (See Note* below), and it still has remaining 23 seconds.

Note*: from 16:59:09 to 17:02:29 is 200 seconds, mod((200-(1+2+4+8+16)), 32) = 9 seconds.

Once the remaining 23 seconds passed, S2 gets requested lock (S1 has already UL-4(S) on lockid: 2000000030 and it is compatible with S2).

S2 is in 'enq: TX - row lock contention' because it executes:

after S1 has already executed it on the same row, and wait till its commit.

After timeout of 32 seconds at 17:02:52, R1 is back to make anew UL lock request (P1=1431044100=UL-3(SX)), it is first blocked by S1 till 17:03:57 (S1 commit), then blocked by S2 till 17:04:25 (S2 commit).

4. Waitone vs. Waitany

In the above test, if we use waitone, instead of waitany, in receiver session R1:

    --dbms_alert.waitany(name=>l_name, message=>l_message, status=>l_status);
    dbms_alert.waitone(name=>'TEST_ALERT_1', message=>l_message, status=>l_status);
the session wait events and blocking chains looks like:

select session_id, event, p1, p2, p3, blocking_session
      ,min(sample_time) start_time, max(sample_time) end_time
      ,max(sample_time) - min(sample_time) delta
from v$active_session_history v
where session_id in (916 ,371, 366) 
  and sample_time between timestamp'2021-06-10 17:06:00' and timestamp'2021-06-10 17:25:58'
group by session_id, event, p1, p2, p3, blocking_session
order by min(sample_time);

  ---------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- ---------- -------- --------
         916 enq: UL - contention 1431044099 2000000030   0              371 17:07:42   17:25:57 00:18:15
         366 enq: UL - contention 1431044100 2000000030   0              916 17:08:16   17:25:57 00:17:41
select chain_signature, sid, blocker_sid, blocker_is_valid, in_wait_secs, time_remaining_secs, p1, p2, p3 from v$wait_chains v order by v.sid;

  CHAIN_SIGNATURE                                     SID BLOCKER_SID BLOCK IN_WAIT_SECS TIME_REMAINING_SECS         P1         P2  P3
  --------------------------------------------------- --- ----------- ----- ------------ ------------------- ---------- ---------- ---
  'SQL*Net message from client'<='enq: UL'<='enq: UL' 916         371 TRUE          1094                  -1 1431044099 2000000030   0
  'SQL*Net message from client'<='enq: UL'<='enq: UL' 371              FALSE         178                  -1 1413697536          1   0
  'SQL*Net message from client'<='enq: UL'<='enq: UL' 366         916 TRUE          1060                  -1 1431044100 2000000030   0

    -- P1=1431044099 = 0x554C0003 = UL-3
    -- P1=1431044100 = 0x554C0004 = UL-4
    * S1(sid 371) has a much smaller IN_WAIT_SECS (178) because we run monitoring queries in S1.
  Time Sequence:
    R1(sid 916)@T1=17:06:16 - dbms_alert.register('TEST_ALERT_1');
    R1(sid 916)@T2=17:06:46 - dbms_alert.waitone start
    S1(sid 371)@T3=17:07:42 - dbms_alert.signal('TEST_ALERT_1', 'alert_msg_1');
    S2(sid 366)@T4=17:08:16 - dbms_alert.signal('TEST_ALERT_1', 'alert_msg_2');
    query execution time@17:25:57
We can see that waitone is waiting 'enq: UL - contention' till signal committed (or timeout), not like waitany of polling loop of 1 to 32 second intervals.

If there is no alert registered, the behaviours of waitany and waitone are different, waitany returns ORU-10024 immediately, waitone will return Status=1 after the timeout period expires.

exec dbms_alert.removeall;
  PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
select * from sys.dbms_alert_info;
  no rows selected

   l_message varchar2(1800);
   l_status  pls_integer;
   l_name    varchar2(30);
   dbms_alert.waitany(name=>l_name, message=>l_message, status=>l_status, timeout=>60);
   dbms_output.put_line('Received Name='||l_name||', Message='||l_message||', Status='||to_char(l_status));

  ERROR at line 1:
  ORA-20000: ORU-10024: there are no alerts registered.
  ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ALERT", line 295
  ORA-06512: at line 6

   l_message varchar2(1800);
   l_status  pls_integer;
   l_name    varchar2(30);
   dbms_alert.waitone(name=>'TEST_ALERT_DUMMY', message=>l_message, status=>l_status, timeout=>60);
   dbms_output.put_line('Received Name='||l_name||', Message='||l_message||', Status='||to_char(l_status));

  Received Name=, Message=, Status=1

5. Discussions

From above waiting history query result, we can see that blocked session can be Receiver or Sender (R1 or S2), and blocking session can also be Receiver or Sender (R1, S1 or S2).

For related discussions on dbms_alert, see
     Blog: dbms_alert lock hash collision investigated false 'enq: UL - contention' caused by lockid hash collision.
     Blog: One case of dbms_alert.signal deadlock demonstrated one case of deadlock generated by dbms_alert.signal.

6. dbms_alert Pseudo Code

Based on above tests, we can dipict dbms_alert logic in pseudo code as follows:

create table sys.dbms_alert_info
 (name     varchar2(30 byte),
  sid      varchar2(30 byte),
  changed  varchar2(1 byte),
  message  varchar2(1800 byte));

alter table sys.dbms_alert_info add (primary key (name, sid));
receiver_session_id   varchar2(30)   := dbms_session.unique_session_id;  -- sid||serial#||instance_number  (each 4 hex numbers)
receiver_pipename     varchar2(30)   := 'ORA$ALERT$' || receiver_session_id;
------------------------ Receiver ------------------------ 
   lockid      := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(register_name, 2000000000, 2048);
   lock_status := dbms_lock.request(lockid, dbms_lock.x_mode, dbms_lock.maxwait, release_on_commit => true);
   insert into dbms_alert_info values (register_name, receiver_session_id, 'N', null);

   --'pipe get' wait. Polling 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, ... 5 seconds. Immediate return when signal received (non-transactional).
   pipe_status := dbms_pipe.receive_message(receiver_pipename, timeout);  
   lockid  := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(register_name, 2000000000, 2048);
   waitime := 1;
     --'enq: UL - contention' wait. Iterate wait: 1, 2, 4, 8, ..32, ... 32 seconds. 
     -- Immediate return when received signal committed by sender (transactional).
     lock_status := dbms_lock.request(lockid, dbms_lock.sx_mode, waitime, release_on_commit => true);
     select changed, message from dbms_alert_info where sid = receiver_session_id and name = register_name;  -- 6q6u3ab0st2pj
     if changed = 'Y' then
       update dbms_alert_info set changed = 'N' where sid = :b2 and name = :b1;   -- 0g5b4j61q042t, reset Flag "changed"
       return message,
     end if;
     if lock_status = 1 then    -- timeout
       waitime := least(waitime*2, 32);  
     end if;
     if receiver_timeout then
       return 1;                -- timeout
     end if;
   end loop;   
------------------------ Sender ------------------------   
   lockid := dbms_utility.get_hash_value(signal_name, 2000000000, 2048);
   lock_status := dbms_lock.request(lockid, dbms_lock.s_mode, dbms_lock.maxwait, release_on_commit => true);
   update dbms_alert_info set changed = 'Y', message = message where name = signal_name;  -- 6tmkh8j0d3w0p 
   pipe_status := dbms_pipe.send_message(receiver_pipename);