Monday, October 24, 2022

How many times SYSDATE is called in SQL and Plsql ?

In this Blog, we will try to count the number of SYSDATE and SYSTIMESTAMP executions in SQL and Plsql.

Note: Tested in Oracle 19.13

1. Test Setup

At first, we create a test table with 2 date columns and 2 timestamp columns, insert 2 rows:

drop table test_tab;

create table test_tab (id number, dt1 date, dt2 date, sts1 timestamp with time zone, sts2 timestamp with time zone);

insert into test_tab values (1, sysdate+1, sysdate+11, systimestamp+interval'1'day, systimestamp+interval'11'day); 
insert into test_tab values (2, sysdate+2, sysdate+22, systimestamp+interval'2'day, systimestamp+interval'22'day); 

Then create a Plsql function with 1 SQL sysdate call and 1 Plsql sysdate call:

--Each function execution makes 1 SQL sysdate call (from dual) and 1 Plsql sysdate call

create or replace function test_sysdate_fun return date as
  l_date date;
  select sysdate into l_date from dual;     --SQL sysdate call
  l_date := sysdate;                        --Plsql sysdate call
  return l_date;
It seems that Oracle subroutine kxsCaptureSysDate is executed once for each SQL sysdate call,
and pessdt is executed once for each Plsql sysdate call (see later section about package body SYS.STANDARD).
We can compose a GDB script to track both calls.

------- gdb_cmd_sysdate:   gdb -x gdb_cmd_sysdate -p <pid> -------

set pagination off
set logging file /tmp/gdb_cmd_sysdate.log
set logging overwrite on
set logging on
set $s = 0
set $p = 0

break kxsCaptureSysDate
printf "<<< SQL sysdate Call === (%i).===>>>\n", ++$s
bt 4       

break pessdt
printf "<<< Plsql sysdate Call === (%i).===>>>\n", ++$p
bt 4       

2. Test Run

Open a Sqlplus session, start above GDB script on its process (<pid>), then make the test.
Each sysdate call is reported as either from SQL, or from Plsql.

First, we test the function call in Plsql:

  l_date date;
  l_date := test_sysdate_fun;
Here the GDB script output:

Breakpoint 1, 0x000000000372e1c0 in kxsCaptureSysDate ()
<<< SQL sysdate Call === (1).===>>>
  #0  0x000000000372e1c0 in kxsCaptureSysDate ()
  #1  0x0000000012c8bef0 in kxsSetDateTime ()
  #2  0x0000000012b11b44 in opiexe ()
  #3  0x0000000012b201eb in opipls ()

Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000005677200 in pessdt ()
<<< Plsql sysdate Call === (1).===>>>
  #0  0x0000000005677200 in pessdt ()
  #1  0x0000000012fa5f58 in pevm_icd_call_common ()
  #2  0x0000000012f9fe62 in pfrinstr_BCAL ()
  #3  0x0000000012f9ed5c in pfrrun_no_tool ()
Above GDB output shows that each test_sysdate_fun execution triggers 1 SQL sysdate call and 1 Plsql sysdate call.

Then, we execute a query involing SQL and Plsql sysdate calls:

select id, dt1, sysdate, sysdate
      ,test_sysdate_fun rs 
  from test_tab 
 where (dt1 > sysdate - 10)
   and (test_sysdate_fun > sysdate - 10)
   and (dt2 > test_sysdate_fun - 20);
GDB script output looks as follows (only top frame in each call is showed):

<<< SQL sysdate Call === (1).===>>>
  #0  0x000000000372e1c0 in kxsCaptureSysDate ()

<<< SQL sysdate Call === (2).===>>>
  #0  0x000000000372e1c0 in kxsCaptureSysDate ()

<<< Plsql sysdate Call === (1).===>>>
  #0  0x0000000005677200 in pessdt ()

<<< SQL sysdate Call === (3).===>>>
  #0  0x000000000372e1c0 in kxsCaptureSysDate ()

<<< Plsql sysdate Call === (2).===>>>
  #0  0x0000000005677200 in pessdt ()

<<< SQL sysdate Call === (4).===>>>
  #0  0x000000000372e1c0 in kxsCaptureSysDate ()

<<< Plsql sysdate Call === (3).===>>>
  #0  0x0000000005677200 in pessdt ()

<<< SQL sysdate Call === (5).===>>>
  #0  0x000000000372e1c0 in kxsCaptureSysDate ()

<<< Plsql sysdate Call === (4).===>>>
  #0  0x0000000005677200 in pessdt ()

<<< SQL sysdate Call === (6).===>>>
  #0  0x000000000372e1c0 in kxsCaptureSysDate ()

<<< Plsql sysdate Call === (5).===>>>
  #0  0x0000000005677200 in pessdt ()
There are 11 sysdate calls.
First 1 SQL sysdate call is from sql where condition dt1.
Then 2 sysdate calls are from 1 test_sysdate_fun where condition (no table column referred).
Then 4 sysdate calls are from 2 test_sysdate_fun where condition dt2 for 2 rows (table column dt2 referred).
Then 4 sysdate calls are from 2 test_sysdate_fun column expressions for 2 rows.
(Note that each test_sysdate_fun execution triggers 1 SQL sysdate call and 1 Plsql sysdate call)

Above test shows that for SQL sysdate, all multiple direct calls in where conditions and column values for multiple rows are merged (bound) to one single SQL sysdate call for each SQL statement execution.

But for Plsql function, when it appears in column unrelated where condition, it is called only once for multiple rows;
when it appears in column related where condition or expression, it is called once for each column and each row.

Here some more examples with their number of sysdate calls:

-- Only 1 SQL sysdate call in each query 
-- (it does not matter how many times in select columns or in where conditions) 

alter session set nls_date_format ='YYYY*MON*DD HH24:MI:SS';  

select id, dt1 
  from test_tab 
 where (dt1 > sysdate - 10);
select sysdate, sysdate + 1, sysdate + 2, id, dt1 
  from test_tab 
 where (dt1 > sysdate - 10);
select sysdate, sysdate + 1, sysdate + 2, id, dt1 
  from test_tab 
 where (dt1 > sysdate - 10) 
   and (dt2 > sysdate - 20);
with sq1 as (select sysdate d1 from dual),
     sq2 as (select sysdate d2 from dual),
     sq3 as (select sysdate d3 from dual)
select * from sq1, sq2, sq3;

-- 13 sysdate calls (first 1 SQL sysdate call from 2 sql where conditions, 
--                    then 2 SQL call and 2 Plsql call from test_sysdate_funn where conditions,
--                         2 SQL call and 2 Plsql call from test_sysdate_funn rs1 for 2 rows
--                         2 SQL call and 2 Plsql call from test_sysdate_funn rs2 for 2 rows) 

select sysdate, sysdate + 1, sysdate + 2, id, dt1
      ,test_sysdate_fun rs1
      ,test_sysdate_fun rs2
  from test_tab 
 where (dt1 > sysdate - 10) 
   and (dt2 > sysdate - 20) 
   and (test_sysdate_fun > sysdate - 10)
   and (test_sysdate_fun > sysdate - 20);

-- 1 SQL sysdate call, query takes more than 10 seconds, but all 4 column values are same. 

with sq1 as (select SYSDATE d1 from dual connect by level <= 1e3)
    ,sq2 as (select SYSDATE d2 from dual connect by level <= 1e5)
select min(d1) min_d1, max(d1) max_d1, min(d2) min_d2, max(d2) max_d2 from sq1, sq2;

3. systimestamp

In above gdb script, replacing kxsCaptureSysDate by kxsCaptureSysTime for SQL call,
and pessdt by pessts for Plsql call,
we can make the similar tests for systimestamp calls.

--Each function execution makes 1 SQL systimestamp call (from dual) and 1 Plsql systimestamp call 

create or replace function test_systimestamp_fun return timestamp with time zone as
  l_sts timestamp with time zone;
  select systimestamp into l_sts from dual;
  l_sts := systimestamp;
  return l_sts;

alter session set nls_timestamp_tz_format ='YYYY*MON*DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3 TZR TZD';

-- 1 SQL systimestamp call 

select systimestamp, systimestamp + interval'10'day, systimestamp + interval'20'day, id, sts1 
  from test_tab 
 where (sts1 > systimestamp - interval'10'day) 
   and (sts2 > systimestamp - interval'20'day);
--There are 7 systimestamp calls. 
--First 1 SQL systimestamp call is from sql where condition.   
--Then 2 systimestamp calls are from 1 test_systimestamp_fun where condition.    
--Then 4 systimestamp calls are from 2 test_systimestamp_fun executions for 2 rows.
--Each test_systimestamp_fun execution triggers 1 SQL systimestamp call and 1 Plsql systimestamp call.

select id, sts1
      ,test_systimestamp_fun sts 
  from test_tab 
 where (sts1 >  systimestamp - interval'10'day)
   and (test_systimestamp_fun > systimestamp - interval'10'day);

-- 1 SQL systimestamp call, query takes more than 10 seconds, all 4 column values are same.

with sq1 as (select SYSTIMESTAMP d1 from dual connect by level <= 1e3)
    ,sq2 as (select SYSTIMESTAMP d2 from dual connect by level <= 1e5)
select min(d1) min_d1, max(d1) max_d1, min(d2) min_d2, max(d2) max_d2 from sq1, sq2;  

4. Plsql SYS.STANDARD sysdate/pessdt, systimestamp/pessts

Package body SYS.STANDARD contains code and comments about sysdate/pessdt and systimestamp/pessts:

  function pessdt return DATE;
    pragma interface (c,pessdt);

  -- Bug 1287775: back to calling ICD.
  -- Special: if the ICD raises ICD_UNABLE_TO_COMPUTE, that means we should do
  -- the old 'SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL;' thing.  This allows us to do the
  -- SELECT from PL/SQL rather than having to do it from C (within the ICD.)
  function sysdate return date is
    d date;
    d := pessdt;
    return d;
      select sysdate into d from sys.dual;
      return d;

  function pessts return timestamp_tz_unconstrained;
    pragma interface (c,pessts);

  -- Special: if the ICD raises ICD_UNABLE_TO_COMPUTE, that means we should do
  -- the old 'SELECT systimestamp FROM dual;' thing.  This allows us to do the
  -- SELECT from PL/SQL rather than having to do it from C (within the ICD.)
  FUNCTION systimestamp RETURN timestamp_tz_unconstrained
  IS  t timestamp_tz_unconstrained;
    t := pessts;
    RETURN t;
      SELECT systimestamp INTO t FROM sys.dual;
      RETURN t;
By thw way, the mentioned Oracle MOS "Bug 1287775 - Server side PLSQL no longer uses DUAL to get SYSDATE (Doc ID 1287775.8)" wrote:
  This performance regression was introduced with the fix in Bug:616870.
  With this fix calling SYSDATE from PL/SQL is much slower as SYSDATE
  is obtained by selecting from DUAL. 
  This fix restores server side performance by allowing server side PLSQL
  to use internal calls rather than selecting from DUAL.

5. Related Work

Blog: Different SYSDATE behaviors in SQL and PL/SQL wrote:
      "In SQL, SYSDATE is called just once for the entire statement.
       In PL/SQL, SYSDATE is called every time it is invoked."
Its tests are based on the count of different sysdate returned values in multiple sysdate calls from SQL and Plsql.

In this Blog, we track each sysdate call instead of its returned value to show the different number of sysdate calls from SQL and Plsql.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Oracle WITH subquery_factoring_clause TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION and log file sync

If WITH subquery_factoring_clause in a query is transformed as a temporary table, the session can experience log file sync when Log Write (LGWR) has problem.

As further check, we also make tests without supsending LGWR, and show real system observations.

Note: Tested in Oracle 19c

1. Test

Open 3 Sqlplus sessions:
   Oradebug session
   Test session
   Monitor session

1.1 Oradebug session

In order to understand Oracle internals, run following script to suspend LGWR for 30 seconds:

------------------------ Oradebug session ------------------------
col pid new_value orapid
select pid from v$process where program like '%LGWR%';  

alter system switch logfile;

exec dbms_lock.sleep(1); 

oradebug setorapid &orapid
oradebug suspend
exec dbms_lock.sleep(30);
oradebug resume 

1.2 Test session

The test sql contains one WITH subquery_factoring_clause. Before and After the sql execution, we collect session redo/undo stats, and we also dump CURRENT redo logfile.

------------------------ Test session ------------------------
select 'BEFORE---', s.sid,, s.value from v$statname n, v$mystat s 
 where n.statistic# = s.statistic#
   and name in ('redo entries', 'redo size', 'undo change vector size', 'redo synch time (usec)');

with sq as (select class, rownum r from v$waitstat)
  select session_id, 
         (select min(r) from sq) mir, 
         (select min(r) from sq) mar
    from dba_hist_active_sess_history
    --from gv$active_session_history
    where rownum <= 3;   
select 'AFTER---', s.sid,, s.value from v$statname n, v$mystat s 
 where n.statistic# = s.statistic#  
   and name in ('redo entries', 'redo size', 'undo change vector size', 'redo synch time (usec)');

-- dump redo log
col member new_value redolog 
col trcfile new_value trcfile 
select member, 'redodump_G'||||'_'||to_char(sysdate,'hh24_mi_ss')  trcfile 
  from v$log l, v$logfile f where l.status = 'CURRENT' and =;

alter session set tracefile_identifier='&trcfile';
alter system dump logfile '&redolog'; 

1.3 Monitor session

During the test, run a query to check the existence of transaction and get its xid:

------------------------ Monitor session ------------------------
-- gv$transaction is defined on x$ktcxb with filter: bitand (ksspaflg, 1) != 0 and bitand (ktcxbflg, 2) != 0

set lines 300
col state for a10
col event for a30

select sid, state, event, last_call_et, kxidusn, kxidslt, kxidsqn -- ,x.*, s.*
  from x$ktcxb x, v$session s
 where ktcxbses = saddr and kxidusn != 0 and event = 'log file sync';  

2. Test Output

2.1 Test session Output

    BEFORE--        SID NAME                              VALUE
    --------- ---------- ---------------------------- ----------
    BEFORE---        383 redo entries                          5
    BEFORE---        383 redo size                          1140
    BEFORE---        383 redo synch time (usec)         45940025
    BEFORE---        383 undo change vector size             272
    AFTER--        SID NAME                              VALUE
    -------- ---------- ------------------------------ --------
    AFTER---        383 redo entries                          7
    AFTER---        383 redo size                          1516
    AFTER---        383 redo synch time (usec)         66985927
    AFTER---        383 undo change vector size             352
Comparing "BEFORE" and "AFTER" session stats, we can see:
   "redo entries"            Increase: 7-5       = 2
   "redo size"               Increase: 1516-1140 = 376
   "undo change vector size" Increase: 352-272   = 80                                                      
Later in redo logfile dump, we can see the two "redo entries" (REDO RECORD) and "undo change vector size".

2.2 Monitor session Output

    --- ---------- ---------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------
    383 WAITING    log file sync              15        106         19      48951
We can see that the session has one transaction with:

which can also be found in redo logfile dump.

If during the hanging, we printout short_stack on Test session, it looks like:

SQL> oradebug short_stack

It seems that the transaction for CURSOR DURATION MEMORY temporary table is proceeded with Oracle internal subroutines:

  ktiTxnPoolAllocate ()
  kcrf_commit_force_int ()
  ktuIMTabCacheCommittedTxn ()
CURSOR DURATION MEMORY temporary table is created by "qks3tCrtTmpTabl" during parsing with "kksParseCursor" when first time executed in the system (the created temporary table is a DB-wide shared cursor, not session private).

2.3 redo logfile dump

The complete dump is:

REDO RECORD - Thread:1 RBA: 0x00008e.00000002.0010 LEN: 0x0110 VLD: 0x05 CON_UID: 0
SCN: 0x00000b7305de450c SUBSCN:  1 10/03/2022 08:21:38
(LWN RBA: 0x00008e.00000002.0010 LEN: 0x00000001 NST: 0x0001 SCN: 0x00000b7305de450c)
CHANGE #1 CON_ID:0 TYP:0 CLS:227 AFN:3 DBA:0x00c003d0 OBJ:4294967295 SCN:0x00000b7305de44f7 SEQ:1 OP:5.2 ENC:0 RBL:0 FLG:0x0000
ktudh redo: slt: 0x0013 sqn: 0x0000bf37 flg: 0x0411 siz: 80 fbi: 0
            uba: 0x00c001cb.1f32.07    pxid:  0x0000.000.00000000
CHANGE #2 CON_ID:0 TYP:0 CLS:228 AFN:3 DBA:0x00c001cb OBJ:4294967295 SCN:0x00000b7305de44f6 SEQ:1 OP:5.1 ENC:0 RBL:0 FLG:0x0000
ktudb redo: siz: 80 spc: 7454 flg: 0x0010 seq: 0x1f32 rec: 0x07
            xid:  0x006a.013.0000bf37  
ktubl redo: slt: 19 wrp: 1 flg: 0x0c08 prev dba:  0x00000000 rci: 0 opc: 5.7 [objn: 0 objd: 0 tsn: 0]
[Undo type  ] Regular undo  [User undo done   ]  No  [Last buffer split]  No 
[Temp object]           No  [Tablespace Undo  ]  No  [User only        ]  No 
Begin trans    
 prev ctl uba: 0x00c001cb.1f32.06 prev ctl max cmt scn:  0x00000b7305de40a5 
 prev tx cmt scn:  0x00000b7305de40a6 
 txn start scn:  0xffffffffffffffff  logon user: 49
 prev brb:  0x00c001bf  prev bcl:  0x00000000
BuExt idx: 0 flg2: 0
REDO RECORD - Thread:1 RBA: 0x00008e.00000002.0120 LEN: 0x0068 VLD: 0x01 CON_UID: 0
SCN: 0x00000b7305de450d SUBSCN:  1 10/03/2022 08:21:38
CHANGE #1 CON_ID:0 TYP:0 CLS:227 AFN:3 DBA:0x00c003d0 OBJ:4294967295 SCN:0x00000b7305de450c SEQ:1 OP:5.4 ENC:0 RBL:0 FLG:0x0000
ktucm redo: slt: 0x0013 sqn: 0x0000bf37 srt: 0 sta: 9 flg: 0x2 ktucf redo: uba: 0x00c001cb.1f32.07 ext: 2 spc: 7372 fbi: 0 
There are two REDO RECORDs (text after ### are added comment), which are the two "redo entries" in session stats:

  First REDO RECORD with: 
     CHANGE #1 OP:5.2    ###  Update rollback segment header - KTURDH    ('undo header' CLS:227)
     CHANGE #2 OP:5.1    ###  Undo block or undo segment header - KTURDB ('undo block'  CLS:228, siz: 80)

  Second REDO RECORD with: 
     CHANGE #1 OP:5.4    ###  Commit transaction (transaction table update) - KTURCM (CLS:227)
For OP code, See Layer and corresponding Operation codes description.

  Layer 5 : Transaction Undo - KCOCOTUN [ktucts.h]
    Opcode 1 : Undo block or undo segment header - KTURDB
    Opcode 2 : Update rollback segment header - KTURDH
    Opcode 3 : Rollout a transaction begin - KTURBG
    Opcode 4 : Commit transaction (transaction table update) - KTURCM - no undo record

2.4 Sql Xplan

Xplan shows that WITH subquery_factoring_clause is treated as a temporary table load:

SQL_ID  gvrzr3dmans6k, child number 0
with sq as (select class, rownum r from v$waitstat)   select 
session_id,          (select min(r) from sq) mir,          (select 
min(r) from sq) mar     from dba_hist_active_sess_history     --from 
gv$active_session_history     where rownum <= 3
Plan hash value: 1419524593
| Id  | Operation                                | Name                        | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     | Pstart| Pstop |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                         |                             |       |       |   453 (100)|          |       |       |
|   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE                          |                             |     1 |    13 |            |          |       |       |
|   2 |   VIEW                                   |                             |     1 |    13 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|   3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL                     | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6B1B_42ABBB2  |     1 |     6 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|   4 |  SORT AGGREGATE                          |                             |     1 |    13 |            |          |       |       |
|   5 |   VIEW                                   |                             |     1 |    13 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|   6 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL                     | SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6B1B_42ABBB2  |     1 |     6 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|   7 |  TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION               |                             |       |       |            |          |       |       |
|   8 |   LOAD AS SELECT (CURSOR DURATION MEMORY)| SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6B1B_42ABBB2  |       |       |            |          |       |       |
|   9 |    COUNT                                 |                             |       |       |            |          |       |       |
|* 10 |     FIXED TABLE FULL                     | X$KCBWAIT                   |     1 |     6 |     0   (0)|          |       |       |
|* 11 |   COUNT STOPKEY                          |                             |       |       |            |          |       |       |
|* 12 |    HASH JOIN RIGHT OUTER                 |                             | 29795 |   931K|   449   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|  13 |     INDEX FAST FULL SCAN                 | WRH$_EVENT_NAME_PK          |  2054 | 28756 |     5   (0)| 00:00:01 |       |       |
|  14 |     PARTITION RANGE ALL                  |                             | 29795 |   523K|   444   (0)| 00:00:01 |     1 |     8 |
|  15 |      TABLE ACCESS FULL                   | WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY | 29795 |   523K|   444   (0)| 00:00:01 |     1 |     8 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
  10 - filter((MOD("INDX",19)<>0 AND "INST_ID"=USERENV('INSTANCE')))
  11 - filter(ROWNUM<=3)
  12 - access("ASH"."DBID"="EVT"."DBID" AND "ASH"."EVENT_ID"="EVT"."EVENT_ID")
Note that the name of temporary table (SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6B1B_42ABBB2) is changed after each new parsing of the same statement, but SQL_ID (gvrzr3dmans6k), child number (0) and Plan hash value (1419524593) are always the same. (the first number: 0FD9D6B1B increased by 1 after each new parsing, the second number: 42ABBB2 stays the same in each database)

3. INLINE hint

With an INLINE hint, the subquery is treated as an inline view instead of a temporary table. Then there is no more log file sync is observed.

with sq as (select /*+ INLINE */ class, rownum r from v$waitstat)
  select session_id, 
         (select min(r) from sq) mir, 
         (select min(r) from sq) mar
    from dba_hist_active_sess_history
    --from gv$active_session_history
    where rownum <= 3; 
Update (04-Dec-2022)
Blog: ORA-12850: Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances error and a workaround for my scripts talked about GV$ views for reading cluster-wide ASH data and PX slaves used for fetching remote data due to Xplan temp table transformations of materialized WITH subqueries, and provided workaround of "INLINE" hint in some TPT scripts.


As a further test without suspending LGWR, we can run following code for both cases of With/Without INLINE hint and compare their outcome:

create or replace procedure testp (p_sleep_seconds number, p_job_id number, p_hint varchar2 := null) as
  l_start_time    number := dbms_utility.get_time;
  l_cnt           number := 0;
  type num_tab    is table of number;
  l_num_tab_1     num_tab;
  l_num_tab_2     num_tab;
  l_num_tab_3     num_tab;
    execute immediate q'[
      with sq as (select /*+ ]' ||p_hint||q'[ */ class, rownum r from v$waitstat)
      select session_id, 
            (select min(r) from sq) mir, 
            (select min(r) from sq) mar
       from dba_hist_active_sess_history
      where rownum <= ]' || p_job_id
      bulk collect into l_num_tab_1, l_num_tab_2, l_num_tab_3;

    l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
    exit when mod(l_cnt, 1000) = 0 and (dbms_utility.get_time - l_start_time) >= 100*p_sleep_seconds;
  end loop;

-- exec testp(3, 2);
-- exec testp(3, 2, 'INLINE');

create or replace procedure start_jobs (p_count number, p_sleep_seconds number, p_hint varchar2 := null) as
  for i in 1..p_count loop
    dbms_scheduler.create_job (
      job_name        => 'TEST_JOB_'||i,
      job_type        => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
      job_action      => 'begin testp('||p_sleep_seconds||','||i||','''||p_hint||'''); end;',    
      start_date      => systimestamp,
      auto_drop       => true,
      enabled         => true);
  end loop;

-- Start Test for 10 minutes

exec start_jobs(16, 600);

--exec start_jobs(16, 600, 'INLINE');
During the test, we can check system behaviour with:

select program, event, p1, p2, p3, p1text, p2text, p3text, v.* 
  from v$session v 
 where program like '%(J0%'
 order by v.event; 

select program, event, p1, p2, p3, p1text, p2text, p3text, v.* 
  from v$active_session_history v
 order by sample_time desc, v.event; 
select * from v$sysstat 
 where name in ('redo entries', 'redo size', 'undo change vector size', 'redo synch time');
In real OLTP systems, which have many short running queries composed of WITH subquery_factoring_clause transformed as a temporary table, "SQL memory manager workarea list latch" ("Where": qesmmIRegisterWorkArea, qesmmIUnRegisterWorkArea) is observed in top Latch Miss Sources.

"log file sync" is listed in Top 10 Foreground Events with following redo stats:
   log file sync Avg Wait:  1.12 ms
   Redo size per second:      90 K
   Redo entries per second:  240
   Redo size per Redo entry: 380 Bytes
   log switches per Hour:    1