Sunday, August 7, 2022

Oracle Global Temporary Table ORA-01555 and XML Data Size

(1)-Oracle Global Temporary Table ORA-01555 and Undo Retention       (2)-Oracle Global Temporary Table ORA-01555 and XML Data Size      

Contrary to common belief that ORA-01555 is caused by long running query or small UNDO Tablespace size, we will look two cases of Global Temporary Table (GTT) ORA-01555 in two Blogs. The test shows that the behavours are changed following different Oracle releases.

In previous Blog, we showed that GTT ORA-01555 is irrelevant to Undo Retention (undo_retention), but depends on Maximum Allowed Number of CR buffers per dba (_db_block_max_cr_dba). The same test throws ORA-01555 only in Oracle 19c and 18c, but not in 12c.

In this blog, we will make two tests to demonstrate that ORA-01555 on GTT with XMLTYPE column depends on XML Data size. The first test reads XML data from an XML file, the second reads from memory. The same test throws ORA-01555 only in Oracle 19c (regression), but not in 18c and 12c.

Note 1: ORA-01555 observed in 19.13/19.10/19.7, but not in 18.9 and 12.1.

Note 2: Test DB settings:
  temp_undo_enabled    TRUE
  undo_management      AUTO
  undo_retention       3600

1. Test Setup

Create a GTT table, a helper table, and two Plsql procedures.
The first procedure writes an XML file under the given directory.
The second procedure reads twice XML file into GTT. The first read is OK, but the second read fails with ORA-01555.

truncate table test_gtt_xml;
drop table test_gtt_xml cascade constraints;
create global temporary table test_gtt_xml (xml_data sys.xmltype) on commit preserve rows nocache;

drop table test_tab_aux;
create table test_tab_aux as select 123 x from dual;

create or replace directory TEST_DB_DIR as '/tmp';

-- Write an XML file under one given directory
create or replace procedure test_create_file_xml (p_cnt number, p_file_name varchar2 := 'MYTEST.XML') as 
  l_xml             xmltype;
  l_clob            clob;
  l_xml_len         number;

  select xmlelement ("Document",
           xmlagg (
             xmlelement ("Product",
               xmlforest (lpad (, 8, 'A') as "Name"))))    -- about 40 byte per Entry
    into l_xml
    from (select level no from dual connect by level <= p_cnt) x;
  l_clob := l_xml.getClobVal();
  l_xml_len := dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob);
  dbms_output.put_line('--==>> Create XML File with CLOB Len = '||l_xml_len||' ('||(ceil(l_xml_len/1024))||' KB), Row Count = '||p_cnt);
  dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file(l_clob, 'TEST_DB_DIR', p_file_name, nls_charset_id('UTF8'));

-- Read XML file into GTT, create a table by inserting all XML rows, then delele GTT.
-- When reading XML file into GTT again, it raises ORA-01555
create or replace procedure test_file_xml_ora1555 (p_cnt number, p_file_name varchar2 := 'MYTEST.XML') as
  l_cnt number;
  test_create_file_xml(p_cnt, p_file_name);             -- Write XML file with dbms_xslprocessor
  --test_create_file_xml_utl_file(p_cnt, p_file_name);  -- Write XML file with utl_file (see Appendix)
  delete test_gtt_xml;
  insert /*+ first GTT CTAS */ into test_gtt_xml (xml_data) 
    select xmltype(bfilename('TEST_DB_DIR', p_file_name), nls_charset_id('UTF8')) from dual;
  -- Using dbms_xslprocessor.read2clob hits UTL_FILE ORA-29284 for big XML data.
  --dbms_xslprocessor.read2clob('TEST_DB_DIR', p_file_name, nls_charset_id('UTF8'))

  execute immediate q'[
    create table test_xml_tab as
        (select xml_data
         from   test_gtt_xml) xt
              passing xt.xml_data
                name   varchar2(11) path 'Name'
          ) xmltab]';
  execute immediate q'[select count(*) from test_xml_tab]' into l_cnt;
  dbms_output.put_line('--==>> Create table test_xml_tab with Row Countt='||l_cnt);
  delete test_gtt_xml;
  execute immediate 'drop table test_xml_tab cascade constraints';
  insert into test_tab_aux values (123);
  -- Note: if we add a "commit" here, there is no more ORA-01555

  --When reading XML file into GTT again, it raises ORA-01555
  insert /*+ second GTT CTAS */ into test_gtt_xml (xml_data) 
    select xmltype(bfilename('TEST_DB_DIR', p_file_name), nls_charset_id('UTF8')) from dual;


2. Test Run With XML File

Run following test (file size: 7813 KB), the output shows ORA-01555 in the second reading of XML file:

SQL > exec test_file_xml_ora1555(50000*4);

  --==>> Create XML File with CLOB Len = 8000021 (7813 KB), Row Count = 200000
  --==>> Create table test_xml_tab with Row Countt=200000
  BEGIN test_file_xml_ora1555(50000*4); END;
  ERROR at line 1:
  ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 127 with name "$TEMPUNDOSEG" too small
  ORA-06512: at "TEST_FILE_XML_ORA1555", line 37
  ORA-06512: at line 1
However, if we run with a small XML (file size: 1954 KB), the output does not report any ORA-01555 (successfully completed):

SQL > exec test_file_xml_ora1555(50000);

  --==>> Create XML File with CLOB Len = 2000021 (1954 KB), Row Count = 50000
  --==>> Create table test_xml_tab with Row Countt=50000
  PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
We can wrap above test with 1555 errorstack trace and 10046 trace, and then look the trace file:

alter system set max_dump_file_size = UNLIMITED;

alter session set events='1555 trace name errorstack level 3: 10046 trace name context forever, level 1' 
exec test_file_xml_ora1555(50000*4);          

alter session set events='1555 trace name errorstack off: 10046 trace name context off'; 
DB alert.log shows the ORA-01555 of the second GTT CTAS with "SQL ID: 4cd8xanmu7byw, Query Duration=0 sec".

ORA-01555 caused by SQL statement below (SQL ID: 4cd8xanmu7byw, Query Duration=0 sec, SCN: 0x00000b7111df7084):
Errors in file /orabin/app/oracle/admin/testdb/diag/rdbms/testdb/testdb/trace/testdb_ora_5083_1555_trc_2.trc:
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 116 with name "$TEMPUNDOSEG" too small
In trace file, we can see that first GTT insert (SQL ID: 2m4ysxb0sakrt) is successful with 1 row inserted,
whereas the second GTT insert (SQL ID: 4cd8xanmu7byw) failed with 0 row inserted.


SQL ID: 2m4ysxb0sakrt Plan Hash: 1388734953


call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Execute      1      0.30       0.41         42       1357       5644           1
Fetch        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total        2      0.30       0.41         42       1357       5644           1

Rows (1st) Row Source Operation
---------- ---------------------------------------------------
         0 LOAD TABLE CONVENTIONAL  TEST_GTT_XML (cr=1357 pr=42 pw=387 time=411911 us starts=1)
         1  FAST DUAL  (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=1 us starts=1 cost=2 size=0 card=1)


SQL ID: 4cd8xanmu7byw Plan Hash: 1388734953


call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
Parse        1      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
Execute      1      2.84       3.79          1        198       3650           0
Fetch        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
total        2      2.84       3.79          1        198       3650           0

Rows (1st) Row Source Operation
---------- ---------------------------------------------------
         0 LOAD TABLE CONVENTIONAL  TEST_GTT_XML (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=11 us starts=1)
         1  FAST DUAL  (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=1 us starts=1 cost=2 size=0 card=1)

ORA-01555 Call Stack shows that error raised at Frame[17] ktussto (kernel transaction undo snapshot too old).

----- Error Stack Dump -----
ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 116 with name "$TEMPUNDOSEG" too small
----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=4cd8xanmu7byw) -----

--------------------- Binary Stack Dump ---------------------

[15] (kgeselv()+89 -> kgeade())
[16] (ksesec2()+205 -> kgeselv())
[17] (ktussto()+2152 -> ksesec2())
[18] (kturCRBackoutOneChg()+2433 -> ktussto())
[19] (ktrgcm()+10148 -> kturCRBackoutOneChg())
[20] (ktrgtc2()+1308 -> ktrgcm())
[21] (kdiixs1()+1371 -> ktrgtc2())
[22] (kdlgkd()+5247 -> kdiixs1())
[23] (kdl_write1()+1809 -> kdlgkd())
[24] (kdlf_write()+245 -> kdl_write1())
[25] (koklCopyWrite()+190 -> kdlf_write())
[26] (koklCopyCnv()+1889 -> koklCopyWrite())
[27] (koklCopyInt()+2581 -> koklCopyCnv())
[28] (kokliclo()+623 -> koklCopyInt())
[29] (koklcre()+872 -> kokliclo())
[30] (kokleva()+1219 -> koklcre())
[31] (evaopn2()+747 -> kokleva())
[32] (qesltcEvalOutofLineCols()+289 -> evaopn2())
[33] (qesltcBeforeRowProcessing()+1214 -> qesltcEvalOutofLineCols())
[34] (qerltcKdtBufferedInsRowCBK()+237 -> qesltcBeforeRowProcessing())
[35] (qerltcLoadStateMachine()+232 -> qerltcKdtBufferedInsRowCBK())
[36] (qerltcInsertSelectRop()+241 -> qerltcLoadStateMachine())
[37] (qerstRowP()+737 -> qerltcInsertSelectRop())
[38] (qerstRowP()+737 -> qerstRowP())
[39] (qerfiFetch()+143 -> qerstRowP())
[40] (qerstFetch()+449 -> qerfiFetch())
[41] (rwsfcd()+113 -> qerstFetch())
[42] (qerstFetch()+449 -> rwsfcd())
[43] (qerltcFetch()+1058 -> qerstFetch())
[44] (qerstFetch()+449 -> qerltcFetch())
[45] (insexe()+733 -> qerstFetch())
[46] (opiexe()+6773 -> insexe())
[47] (opipls()+2427 -> opiexe())
[48] (opiodr()+1202 -> opipls())
[49] (rpidrus()+198 -> opiodr())
[50] (skgmstack()+65 -> rpidrus())
[51] (rpidru()+132 -> skgmstack())
[52] (rpiswu2()+543 -> rpidru())
[53] (rpidrv()+1266 -> rpiswu2())
[54] (psddr0()+467 -> rpidrv())
[55] (psdnal()+624 -> psddr0())
[56] (pevm_EXECC()+306 -> psdnal())
[57] (pfrinstr_EXECC()+56 -> pevm_EXECC())
[58] (pfrrun_no_tool()+60 -> pfrinstr_EXECC())
[59] (pfrrun()+902 -> pfrrun_no_tool())
[60] (plsql_run()+752 -> pfrrun())
With following procedure, we can find the exact file size (or number of rows) which hits ORA-01555:

create or replace procedure test_file_xml_ora1555_finder (p_loops number, p_loop_base number := 74890) as 
  l_cnt  number;
  for i in 1..p_loops loop
    l_cnt := p_loop_base + i-1;
    dbms_output.put_line('--==>> Test with CNT = '||l_cnt);
  end loop;
  exception when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('--==>> Error when CNT = '||l_cnt);
The test output shows that ORA-01555 occurs only when number of rows reaches 74895 (file size: 2926 KB):

SQL> exec test_file_xml_ora1555_finder(10, 74893);

  --==>> Test with CNT = 74893
  --==>> Create XML File with CLOB Len = 2995741 (2926 KB), Row Count = 74893
  --==>> Create table test_xml_tab with Row Countt=74893
  --==>> Test with CNT = 74894
  --==>> Create XML File with CLOB Len = 2995781 (2926 KB), Row Count = 74894
  --==>> Create table test_xml_tab with Row Countt=74894
  --==>> Test with CNT = 74895
  --==>> Create XML File with CLOB Len = 2995821 (2926 KB), Row Count = 74895
  --==>> Create table test_xml_tab with Row Countt=74895
  --==>> Error when CNT = 74895
  BEGIN test_file_xml_ora1555_finder(10, 74893); END;
  ERROR at line 1:
  ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 109 with name "$TEMPUNDOSEG" too small
  ORA-06512: at "TEST_FILE_XML_ORA1555_FINDER", line 12
  ORA-06512: at "TEST_FILE_XML_ORA1555", line 37
  ORA-06512: at "TEST_FILE_XML_ORA1555_FINDER", line 8
  ORA-06512: at line 1
By the way, in procedure test_xml_ora1555, if adding one "commit" immediately before the second GTT insert,
there is no more ORA-01555 (see test_xml_ora1555 code).

3. Test Run With Memory XML

We can also reproduce ORA-01555 with memory XML data.

In a Plsql procedure, we first compose a memory XML data, then insert it into GTT table.
When inserting again by reading the same row, it hits ORA-01555.

create or replace procedure test_create_memory_xml(p_cnt number) as 
  l_xml             xmltype;
  l_clob            clob;
  l_xml_len         number;
  l_cnt             number;
  execute immediate 'truncate table test_gtt_xml';
  -- Create memory XML data
  select xmlelement ("Document",
           xmlagg (
             xmlelement ("Person",
               xmlforest (lpad (, 10, '0') as "Number",
                          lpad (, 10, 'X') as "Name",
                          lpad (, 14, 'A') as "Address"))))   -- about 100 byte per Entry
    into l_xml
    from (select level no from dual connect by level <= p_cnt) x;
  l_clob := l_xml.getClobVal();
  l_xml_len := dbms_lob.getlength(l_clob);
  dbms_output.put_line('--==>>> XML CLOB Len = '||l_xml_len||' ('||(ceil(l_xml_len/1024))||' KB), Row Count = '||p_cnt);
  -- incert into GTT
  insert into test_gtt_xml (xml_data) select l_xml from dual;
  select count(*) into l_cnt from test_gtt_xml;
  dbms_output.put_line('first row CNT='||l_cnt);
  commit;   -- above insert trx committed
  -- Double GTT table by reading own session committed data hits ORA_01555
  insert into test_gtt_xml (xml_data) select * from test_gtt_xml;
  select count(*) into l_cnt from test_gtt_xml;
  dbms_output.put_line('second row CNT='||l_cnt);
When testing with 10,000 rows (XML with 977 KB), we receive ORA-01555:

SQL> exec test_create_memory_xml(1000*10);

  --==>>> XML CLOB Len = 1000021 (977 KB), Row Count = 10000
  first row CNT=1
  BEGIN test_create_memory_xml(1000*10); END;
  ERROR at line 1:
  ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number  with name "" too small
  ORA-22924: snapshot too old
  ORA-06512: at "TEST_CREATE_MEMORY_XML", line 31
  ORA-06512: at line 1
However when testing with 1,000 rows (XML with 98 KB), there is no ORA-01555:

SQL> exec test_create_memory_xml(1000);         

  --==>>> XML CLOB Len = 100021 (98 KB), Row Count = 1000
  first row CNT=1
  second row CNT=2

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Similar to above test, we can create a procedure to find the exact size which hits ORA-01555:

create or replace procedure test_create_memory_xml_finder (p_loops number, p_loop_base number := 1000) as 
  l_step number;
  l_cnt  number;
  for i in 1..p_loops loop
    l_cnt := p_loop_base + i-1;
    dbms_output.put_line('--==>>  Test with CNT = '||l_cnt);
  end loop;
  exception when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('--==>>  Error when CNT = '||l_cnt);
The test output shows that ORA-01555 occurs only when number of row reaches 2032 (file size: 199 KB):

SQL> exec test_create_memory_xml_finder(10, 2030);

  --==>>  Test with CNT = 2030
  --==>>> XML CLOB Len = 203021 (199 KB), Row Count = 2030
  first row CNT=1
  second row CNT=2
  --==>>  Test with CNT = 2031
  --==>>> XML CLOB Len = 203121 (199 KB), Row Count = 2031
  first row CNT=1
  second row CNT=2
  --==>>  Test with CNT = 2032
  --==>>> XML CLOB Len = 203221 (199 KB), Row Count = 2032
  first row CNT=1
  --==>>  Error when CNT = 2032
  BEGIN test_create_memory_xml_finder(10, 2030); END;
  ERROR at line 1:
  ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number  with name "" too small
  ORA-06512: at "TEST_CREATE_MEMORY_XML_FINDER", line 12
  ORA-22924: snapshot too old
  ORA-06512: at "TEST_CREATE_MEMORY_XML", line 31
  ORA-06512: at line 1
In the above test, xmltype is stored as BLOB (Binary XML storage) in an automatically created hidden_column:

select table_name, column_name, data_type, data_type_owner, data_length, hidden_column, virtual_column
  from dba_tab_cols t where table_name = 'TEST_GTT_XML';

  ------------- ------------- ---------- --------------- ----------- --------------- ---------------
  TEST_GTT_XML  XML_DATA      XMLTYPE    SYS                    2000 NO              YES
  TEST_GTT_XML  SYS_NC00002$  BLOB                              4000 YES             NO
If we use 12.1 deprecated CLOB storage clause, there is no more ORA-01555:
(Note: Starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (, the unstructured (CLOB) storage model for XMLType is deprecated. Use binary XML storage instead).

truncate table test_gtt_xml;
drop table test_gtt_xml cascade constraints;

-- a hidden CLOB column is automatically created to store the XML data.
create global temporary table test_gtt_xml (xml_data sys.xmltype) on commit preserve rows nocache
                                            xmltype column xml_data store as clob;
select table_name, column_name, data_type, data_type_owner, data_length, hidden_column, virtual_column
  from dba_tab_cols t where table_name = 'TEST_GTT_XML';
  ------------- ------------- ---------- --------------- ----------- --------------- ---------------
  TEST_GTT_XML  XML_DATA      XMLTYPE    SYS                    2000 NO              YES
  TEST_GTT_XML  SYS_NC00002$  CLOB                              4000 YES             NO

-- Test and output
SQL> exec test_create_memory_xml(1000*10);

  --==>>> XML CLOB Len = 1000021 (977 KB), Row Count = 10000
  first row CNT=1
  second row CNT=2
Further test shows that CLOB storage only eliminates ORA-01555 for Memory XML reading, but we still get ORA-01555 for above XML File reading.

4. Appendix: Create XML File with utl_file

create or replace procedure test_create_file_xml_utl_file (p_cnt number, p_file_name varchar2 := 'MYTEST.XML')  as 
  l_file      utl_file.file_type;
  l_str       varchar2(4000);
  l_str := 'AAAAAAA1AAAAAAA2';

  l_file := utl_file.fopen('TEST_DB_DIR', p_file_name, 'w', 32767);
  utl_file.put_line(l_file, '');
  for i in 1..p_cnt loop
    l_str := ''||lpad (i, 8, 'A') ||'';
    utl_file.put_line(l_file, l_str);
  end loop;
  utl_file.put_line(l_file, '');
  -- Close the file.
  exception when others then
    if utl_file.is_open(l_file) then
    end if;

-- exec test_create_file_xml_utl_file(50000*4);