Tuesday, March 7, 2023

One Test of Oracle JSON Plsql PGA Memory Leak

In this Blog, we make a test to demonstrate JSON PGA Memory Leak and eventual ORA-04030.

Note: Tested in Oracle 19.17

Update (2023-04-15): With the reproducible test code, Oracle delivered fix:

1. Test Setup

We create a helper procedure to report PGA usage, one procedure to test JSON, one procedure to test scalar type VARCHAR2.

create or replace procedure rpt_pga(p_name varchar) as
    l_v$process_mem            varchar2(4000);
    l_v$process_memory_mem     varchar2(4000);
    l_used_mem_mb              number;
    p_sid                      number; --     := sys.dbms_support.mysid;
   select sid into p_sid from v$mystat where rownum=1;
   select round(pga_used_mem/1024/1024),
          'Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> '||
           round(pga_used_mem/1024/1024)    ||'/'||round(pga_alloc_mem/1024/1024)||'/'||
       into l_used_mem_mb, l_v$process_mem
       from v$process where addr = (select paddr from v$session where sid = p_sid);
    select 'Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> '||
                     round(used/1024/1024)||'/'||round(max_allocated/1024/1024)||') > ')
     within group (order by Category desc) name_usage_list
       into l_v$process_memory_mem
       from v$process_memory
       where pid = (select pid from v$process
                     where addr = (select paddr from v$session where sid = p_sid));
    dbms_output.put_line(rpad(p_name, 15, '-')||'PGA Used(MB): '||l_used_mem_mb);
    dbms_output.put_line(rpad(chr(32), 18, chr(32))||rpad(l_v$process_mem, 50));
    dbms_output.put_line(rpad(chr(32), 18, chr(32))||l_v$process_memory_mem);

--test_json (Json)
create or replace procedure test_json(p_run number, p_loop number) as
  type t_tab is table of json_object_t index by pls_integer;
  l_tab t_tab;
  for i in 1..p_run loop
    dbms_output.put_line(rpad('*', 30, '*')||' RUN-'||i||rpad('*', 30, '*'));
	  for i in 1..p_loop loop
	    l_tab(i) := new json_object_t('{ "abcd":12345 }');
	  end loop;
	  rpt_pga('After Create');
	  --l_tab := new t_tab();
	  rpt_pga('Aftre Free');
  end loop;

--test_scalar (varchar2)
create or replace procedure test_scalar(p_run number, p_loop number) as
  type t_tab is table of varchar2(32000) index by pls_integer;
  l_tab t_tab;
  for i in 1..p_run loop
    dbms_output.put_line(rpad('*', 30, '*')||' RUN-'||i||rpad('*', 30, '*'));
	  for i in 1..p_loop loop
	    l_tab(i) := '{ "abcd":'|| rpad('12345', 30000, '-') ||'}';
	  end loop;
	  rpt_pga('After Create');
	  --l_tab := new t_tab();
	  rpt_pga('Aftre Free');
  end loop;

2. Test Run

Open two Sqplus sessions, run following two tests:

  In Session-1: exec test_json(3, 10000);
  In Session-2: exec test_scalar(3, 10000);
Here the output of test_json:

SQL > exec test_json(3, 10000);

****************************** RUN-1******************************
Init-----------PGA Used(MB): 7
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 7/8/1/10
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(3/3/3) > Other(4//4) > Freeable(1/0/) >
After Create---PGA Used(MB): 1253
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 1253/1267/0/1267
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(4/4/4) > Other(1263//1263) >
Aftre Free-----PGA Used(MB): 1252
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 1252/1267/1/1267
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(3/2/4) > Other(1263//1263) > Freeable(1/0/) >
****************************** RUN-2******************************
Init-----------PGA Used(MB): 1252
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 1252/1267/1/1267
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(3/2/4) > Other(1263//1263) > Freeable(1/0/) >
After Create---PGA Used(MB): 2501
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 2501/2531/0/2531
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(4/4/4) > Other(2527//2527) >
Aftre Free-----PGA Used(MB): 2500
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 2500/2531/1/2531
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(2/2/4) > Other(2528//2528) > Freeable(1/0/) >
****************************** RUN-3******************************
Init-----------PGA Used(MB): 2500
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 2500/2531/1/2531
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(2/2/4) > Other(2528//2528) > Freeable(1/0/) >
After Create---PGA Used(MB): 3749
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 3749/3779/0/3779
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(4/4/4) > Other(3775//3775) >
Aftre Free-----PGA Used(MB): 3748
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 3748/3779/1/3779
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(2/2/4) > Other(3776//3776) > Freeable(1/0/) >
The output showed that memory is NOT freed, PGA continuously increasing: 7 > 1252 > 2500 > 3748 (MB) after each RUN
when the used nested table is deleted and dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory is called.
The PGA memory is all allocated in Category "Other".

Here the output of test_scalar:

SQL > exec test_scalar(3, 10000);

****************************** RUN-1******************************
Init-----------PGA Used(MB): 7
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 7/8/1/10
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(3/3/3) > Other(5//5) > Freeable(1/0/) >
After Create---PGA Used(MB): 320
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 320/322/0/322
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(316/315/316) > Other(6//6) >
Aftre Free-----PGA Used(MB): 7
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 7/322/315/322
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(3/2/316) > Other(4//4) > Freeable(315/0/) >

****************************** RUN-2******************************
Init-----------PGA Used(MB): 7
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 7/322/315/322
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(3/2/316) > Other(4//4) > Freeable(315/0/) >
After Create---PGA Used(MB): 320
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 320/322/1/322
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(316/314/316) > Other(5//5) > Freeable(1/0/) >
Aftre Free-----PGA Used(MB): 7
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 7/322/315/322
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(2/2/316) > Other(5//5) > Freeable(315/0/) >

****************************** RUN-3******************************
Init-----------PGA Used(MB): 7
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 7/322/315/322
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(2/2/316) > Other(5//5) > Freeable(315/0/) >
After Create---PGA Used(MB): 320
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 320/322/1/322
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(315/314/316) > Other(6//6) > Freeable(1/0/) >
Aftre Free-----PGA Used(MB): 7
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 7/322/315/322
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(2/2/316) > Other(5//5) > Freeable(315/0/) >
The output showed that memory is freed after each RUN: 7 > 320 > 7 (MB)
when the used nested table is deleted and dbms_session.free_unused_user_memory is called.

3. ORA-04030 Test and Incident File

The above test_json showed that 3 RUNs took 3748 MB, we can make a test with 30 RUNs to check if it reaches 32 GB PGA limit and hence:
      ORA-04030: out of process memory

The test hit ORA-04030 in RUN 27.

SQL > exec test_json(30, 10000);

****************************** RUN-1******************************
Init-----------PGA Used(MB): 7
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 7/8/0/10
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(3/3/3) > Other(4//4) > Freeable(0/0/) >
After Create---PGA Used(MB): 1253
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 1253/1267/0/1267
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(4/4/4) > Other(1263//1263) >
Aftre Free-----PGA Used(MB): 1252
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 1252/1267/1/1267
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(3/2/4) > Other(1263//1263) > Freeable(1/0/) >
****************************** RUN-2******************************
Init-----------PGA Used(MB): 1252
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 1252/1267/1/1267
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(3/2/4) > Other(1263//1263) > Freeable(1/0/) >
After Create---PGA Used(MB): 2501
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 2501/2531/0/2531
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(4/4/4) > Other(2527//2527) >
Aftre Free-----PGA Used(MB): 2500
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 2500/2531/1/2531
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(2/2/4) > Other(2528//2528) > Freeable(1/0/) >                 

****************************** RUN-26******************************
Init-----------PGA Used(MB): 31044
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 31044/31075/1/31075
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(2/2/4) > Other(31071//31071) > Freeable(1/0/) >
After Create---PGA Used(MB): 32293
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 32293/32323/0/32323
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(4/4/4) > Other(32319//32319) >
Aftre Free-----PGA Used(MB): 32292
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 32292/32323/1/32323
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(2/2/4) > Other(32319//32319) > Freeable(1/0/) >
****************************** RUN-27******************************
Init-----------PGA Used(MB): 32292
                  Used/Alloc/Freeable/Max >>> 32292/32323/1/32323
                  Category(Alloc/Used/Max) >>> SQL(0/0/6) > PL/SQL(2/2/4) > Other(32319//32319) > Freeable(1/0/) >

BEGIN test_json(30, 10000); END;
	ERROR at line 1:
	ORA-40441: JSON syntax error
	ORA-06512: at "SYS.JDOM_T", line 4
	ORA-06512: at "SYS.JSON_OBJECT_T", line 28
	ORA-06512: at "TEST_JSON", line 9
	ORA-06512: at line 1

Elapsed: 00:00:30.71
The incident file shows that the majority of PGA memory is allocated to "qjsnplsAllocMem" (97% or 31 GB of total 32 GB).


ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 65584 bytes (qjsngGetSessio,qjsnplsAllocMem)

*** 2023-03-07T09:36:56.901600+01:00
97%   31 GB, 3414723 chunks: "qjsnplsAllocMem           "  
         qjsngGetSessio  ds=0x7fb2ecb36af8  dsprt=0x7fb2ec627228
 3%  876 MB, 525337 chunks: "free memory               "  
         qjsnCrPlsHeap   ds=0x7fab015e4ea8  dsprt=0x7fb2ecb36af8
 0%  106 MB, 262669 chunks: "qjsnCrPlsHeap             "  
         qjsngGetSessio  ds=0x7fb2ecb36af8  dsprt=0x7fb2ec627228
 0%   36 MB, 525338 chunks: "qjsnCrPls_durArr          "  
         qjsnCrPlsHeap   ds=0x7fab015e4ea8  dsprt=0x7fb2ecb36af8
 0%   30 MB,  18 chunks: "free memory               "  
         top uga heap    ds=0x7fb2f2197e00  dsprt=(nil)
Dump of Real-Free Memory Allocator Heap [0x7fb2ed325000]
mag=0xfefe0001 flg=0x5000007 fds=0x0 blksz=65536
blkdstbl=0x7fb2ed325018, iniblk=524288 maxblk=524288 numsegs=321
In-use num=1464 siz=34226634752, Freeable num=4 siz=1507328, Free num=3 siz=13041664
Client alloc 34228142080 Client freeable 1507328
Internal RfPga 33425920K RgPga 1275K

----- Current SQL Statement for this session (sql_id=2rs9n85h4rb90) -----
BEGIN test_json(30, 10000); END;
----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
  object      line  object
  handle    number  name
0x98f121e0         4  type body SYS.JDOM_T.PARSE
0x98f1c368        28  type body SYS.JSON_OBJECT_T.JSON_OBJECT_T
0x9adad518         9  procedure TEST_JSON
0x98ef1180         1  anonymous block
--------------------- Binary Stack Dump ---------------------    
FRAME [8] (kghnospc()+2639 -> dbgeEndDDEInvocationImpl())    
FRAME [9] (kghalf()+2350 -> kghnospc())    
FRAME [10] (qjsngAllocMem()+545 -> kghalf())    
FRAME [11] (LpxMemAlloc()+1669 -> qjsngAllocMem())    
FRAME [12] (jzn0DomPutName()+2868 -> LpxMemAlloc())    
FRAME [13] (jzn0DomStoreFieldName()+129 -> jzn0DomPutName())    
FRAME [14] (jzn0DomLoadFromInputEventSrc()+2775 -> jzn0DomStoreFieldName())    
FRAME [15] (qjsnPlsCreateFromStr()+332 -> jzn0DomLoadFromInputEventSrc())    
FRAME [16] (qjsnplsParse()+183 -> qjsnPlsCreateFromStr())    
FRAME [17] (spefcpfa()+204 -> qjsnplsParse())    
FRAME [18] (spefmccallstd()+551 -> spefcpfa())    
FRAME [19] (peftrusted()+139 -> spefmccallstd())    
FRAME [20] (psdexsp()+285 -> peftrusted())    
FRAME [21] (rpiswu2()+2004 -> psdexsp())    
FRAME [22] (kxe_push_env_internal_pp_()+362 -> rpiswu2())    
FRAME [23] (kkx_push_env_for_ICD_for_new_session()+149 -> kxe_push_env_internal_pp_())    
FRAME [24] (psdextp()+387 -> kkx_push_env_for_ICD_for_new_session())    
FRAME [25] (pefccal()+663 -> psdextp())    
FRAME [26] (pefcal()+223 -> pefccal())    
FRAME [27] (pevm_FCAL()+171 -> pefcal())    
FRAME [28] (pfrinstr_FCAL()+62 -> pevm_FCAL())    
FRAME [29] (pfrrun_no_tool()+60 -> pfrinstr_FCAL())    
FRAME [30] (pfrrun()+902 -> pfrrun_no_tool())    
FRAME [31] (plsql_run()+747 -> pfrrun())