Tuesday, April 9, 2024

One Test of Oracle Object Collection MEMBER OF Function

Following previous Blog: Performance of Oracle Object Collection Comparisons - Part1 (http://ksun-oracle.blogspot.com/2016/01/performance-of-oracle-object-collection_13.html), we will make one test of MEMBER OF Method.

Oracle Docu writes:
     The MEMBER [OF] or NOT MEMBER [OF] condition tests whether or not an element is a member of a nested table, returning the result as a Boolean value.

It seems that order method of object type is used in MEMBER OF Function to make direct one-to-one object comparisons.
Therefore, we use order method to record the number of comparisons.

Note: Tested in Oracle 19c and 22c.

1. Test Setup

drop type t_obj_tab force;
drop type t_obj_varray force;
drop type t_obj force;

create or replace noneditionable package recorder as
  p_cnt number := 0;

create or replace noneditionable type t_obj as object (
  p_num number,
  order member function comp (c t_obj) return integer

create or replace noneditionable type body t_obj as
   order member function comp (c t_obj) return integer is 
      recorder.p_cnt := recorder.p_cnt + 1;  -- count the number of calling
      -- for debug
      --  dbms_output.put_line('COMP Debug: p_cnt: (p_num > c.p_num) ? sign = '||recorder.p_cnt||
      --                     ' ('||p_num||' > '||c.p_num||' ?) = '||sign(p_num - c.p_num));
      return sign(p_num - c.p_num);           -- return 1, -1, 0 for bigger, less, equal

create or replace noneditionable type t_obj_tab as table of t_obj;

create or replace noneditionable type t_obj_varray as varray(100) of t_obj;

drop table test_tab;

create table test_tab (id number, obj_tab t_obj_tab,  obj_varray t_obj_varray) 
  nested table obj_tab store as test_tab_obj_store  

create or replace procedure fill_tab(p_rows number := 1000, p_obj_tab_size number := 100) as 
  l_obj_tab       t_obj_tab;
  l_obj_varray    t_obj_varray;
  execute immediate'truncate table test_tab';
  -- If inserting the same l_obj_tab (or same l_obj_varray), Oracle observes the same objects and optimizes (reduce) to one for the same objects.
  --select cast(collect(t_obj(level)) as t_obj_tab) into l_obj_tab    from dual connect by level <= l_obj_tab_size; 
  --select t_obj(level) bulk collect                into l_obj_varray from dual connect by level <= l_obj_tab_size;
  --insert into test_tab select level, l_obj_tab, l_obj_varray from dual connect by level <= l_rows; 
  -- Insert 1000 rows, each row has one l_obj_tab and one l_obj_varray with 100 different numbers (values are 1..100)
  -- The first element is always 1, the others (2-100) are sorted by dbms_random.value.
  -- For each row, insert different l_obj_tab/l_obj_varray by dbms_random.value.
  dbms_random.seed(31);   -- to make test stable
  for i in 1..p_rows loop
    with sq as (select level+1 id from dual connect by level <= (p_obj_tab_size -1) order by trunc(dbms_random.value(1, p_rows)))
    select t_obj(id), t_obj(id) bulk collect into l_obj_tab, l_obj_varray 
      from (select 1 id from dual 
              union all 
            select * from sq); 

    insert into test_tab values (i, l_obj_tab, l_obj_varray);
  end loop;

-- exec fill_tab(1000, 100);

create or replace procedure memberof_test (p_size number := 100, p_sign number := 1, p_tab varchar2 := 'varray') as
  l_obj_tab           t_obj_tab    := t_obj_tab();
  l_obj_varray        t_obj_varray := t_obj_varray();
  l_start_time        number;
  l_elapsed           number;
  l_cnt               number := 0;
  select cast(collect(t_obj(p_sign*level)) as t_obj_tab) into l_obj_tab from dual connect by level <= p_size order by level; 
  recorder.p_cnt := 0;
  l_start_time := dbms_utility.get_time;

  if p_tab = 'varray' then
    for c in (
        select * from test_tab p 
         where exists
                 (select 1 from table (p.obj_varray) t
                   where t_obj(t.p_num) member of cast (l_obj_tab as t_obj_tab))
    ) loop
      l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
    end loop; 
    for c in (
        select * from (select * from test_tab p order by p.id) p
         where exists
                 (select 1 from table (p.obj_tab) t
                   where t_obj(t.p_num) member of cast (l_obj_tab as t_obj_tab))  
                      -- in COMP method, "(c t_obj)" is "t_obj(t.p_num)"; (self t_obj) is from "l_obj_tab"
    ) loop
      l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
    end loop;
  end if;
  l_elapsed := dbms_utility.get_time - l_start_time;
  dbms_output.put_line('Selected Rows  = ' || l_cnt);
  dbms_output.put_line('Elapsed(centi) = ' || l_elapsed);
  dbms_output.put_line('Comparisons    = ' || recorder.p_cnt);
  dbms_output.put_line('obj_tab.size   = ' || cardinality(l_obj_tab));

2. Test Run

At first, we fill test_tab with 1000 rows, each row has one nested table and one varray of 100 different numbers (values are 1..100).
The first element is always 1, the others (2-100) are sorted by dbms_random.value.

exec fill_tab(1000, 100);
Then we run test for varray and nested table by using "MEMBER OF" with 10 or 100 elements, once with all positive numbers, once with all negative numbers.
With positive numbers, "MEMBER OF" returns true for first element.
With negative numbers, "MEMBER OF" returns false after going all elements.

exec memberof_test(10, +1, 'varray');
exec memberof_test(10, -1, 'varray');
exec memberof_test(100, +1, 'varray');
exec memberof_test(100, -1, 'varray');

exec memberof_test(10, +1, 'ntab');
exec memberof_test(10, -1, 'ntab');
exec memberof_test(100, +1, 'ntab');
exec memberof_test(100, -1, 'ntab');

3. Test Outcome

In case of varray, with positive numbers, the number of Comparisons is the same as table rows; with negative numbers, the number of Comparisons is ("table rows" * "varray size" * "number of positive numbers");

In case of nested table, with positive numbers, the number of Comparisons is more than table rows because nested table in each row is physically stored in "test_tab_obj_store" (nested table storage), and its physical sequence is not the same as its logical sequence (one can dump "test_tab_obj_store" data block to check them).

With negative numbers, the number of Comparisons is ("table rows" * "varray size" * "number of positive numbers");

SQL > exec memberof_test(10, +1, 'varray');
  Selected Rows  = 1000
  Elapsed(centi) = 16
  Comparisons    = 1000
  obj_tab.size   = 10
SQL > exec memberof_test(10, -1, 'varray');
  Selected Rows  = 0
  Elapsed(centi) = 325
  Comparisons    = 1000000
  obj_tab.size   = 10
SQL > exec memberof_test(100, +1, 'varray');
  Selected Rows  = 1000
  Elapsed(centi) = 16
  Comparisons    = 1000
  obj_tab.size   = 100
SQL > exec memberof_test(100, -1, 'varray');
  Selected Rows  = 0
  Elapsed(centi) = 3174
  Comparisons    = 10000000
  obj_tab.size   = 100

SQL > exec memberof_test(10, +1, 'ntab');
  Selected Rows  = 1000
  Elapsed(centi) = 16
  Comparisons    = 4491
  obj_tab.size   = 10
SQL > exec memberof_test(10, -1, 'ntab');
  Selected Rows  = 0
  Elapsed(centi) = 328
  Comparisons    = 1000000
  obj_tab.size   = 10
SQL > exec memberof_test(100, +1, 'ntab');
  Selected Rows  = 1000
  Elapsed(centi) = 16
  Comparisons    = 2662
  obj_tab.size   = 100
SQL > exec memberof_test(100, -1, 'ntab');
  Selected Rows  = 0
  Elapsed(centi) = 3174
  Comparisons    = 10000000
  obj_tab.size   = 100